Three Only Things Revisited

Synchronicity sometimes leads us to the right people at the right time, the right place, even the right book. This story comes from Karen Anne.

My story starts at your blog Synchronicity. I was reading your recent blog about the book The Three Only Things, and loved what you wrote. I said to myself when I saw this on your blog that I must get that book. Money being tight…I put it off. Today my daughter called to tell me that while I would be sitting for my granddaughter that I should bring a book since they have no TV, and the baby would be napping during my stay.

So I picked up a book I already had started, but decided to look in my bookcase for another. Something kept me looking and looking….and there right before my eyes was the book The Three Only Things! I had purchased this book a while back, forgot about it and just didn’t read it. I find that sometimes I will purchase a book that might not have relevance at the time, and then find out later it was just the book that I needed in my life later.

This book had been on my mind, and then there it appeared to me. It found me! Thanks for reminding me about it…as my life has had some hurdles lately that have caused me to forget about being consciously watching for coincidence…and paying attention.

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One Response to Three Only Things Revisited

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    very neat story – and one that sounds so familiar to me! now, off to amazon to grab this one that i forgot to before –

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