2010 Predictions

On January 5, we put up a post asking for your predictions for 2010. We finally compiled a list from the comments. These aren’t in any particular order and we didn’t include the satirical ones – like how Glenn Beck will be admitted to a psyche ward for observation.

Although the year is young, we’ve already had a number of startling events.  As you can see, no one predicted that a Republican would take Ted Kennedy’s seat, that the Supreme Court would let corporations spend unlimited money on campaign ads, or that young conservative political operatives would be caught by the FBI for attempting to bug the offices of a senator. However, weather and earthquake activity were predicted and Haiti’s disaster certainly fits.

There’s still time. If you’ve had dreams, hunches, or intuitions about upcoming events, we’ll add to the list.

The List
1. Erratic weather patterns and weather-related issues increasing
2. Major natural disasters.
3. Earthquake on west coast
4. Yellowstone volcano erupts
5. Another terrorist event
6. Energy going against those who seek to cover up true intentions
7.Speculation that the Dem’s agenda all along was to feed new clients to insurance  companies and that the public option was never a serious possibility
8. Assassination attempt on Obama
9. Dick Cheney makes major effort to be spokesman for GOP by tapping into  fanatical anti-Obama rhetoric
10. Despite anti-Obama, fanatical rhetoric, Obama ends up on top
11.  More people preparing for disasters – urban survivalists?
12. Sara Palin divorces hubby when he’s found with another woman
13. More Big Brother moves from the government

14. Alaska will secede from the union
15. Palin will lead revolt over people’s right to bear arms
16. About mid-year there will be a new technology for digital media that will  unblock journalism bias and send talking heads running for cover.
17. More information forthcoming on global warming and its “actual or real” cause
18. Something happens to or with the electrical power in this country
19. UFOs appear in broad daylight )playing the theme notes from “close encounters”)
20. The younger generation (20-30’s) are going to actually read and understand these massive political programs instead of accepting summaries from others.
21. A major sports figure will emerge as a leading Republican, possibly aiming for the White House. He’ll have a short name, a likable smile, and seem very down-to-earth.
22.  Obama will face tough scrutiny in the fall from both the right and the left.  His popularity will hit a low point. After the election, he starts to regain  momentum and does something quite surprising.
23. The Dems barely hold onto Congress in the midterm elections
24. The mind/body connection research takes new, unexpected turns

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17 Responses to 2010 Predictions

  1. Generic Viagra says:

    OK in first place I have to say something you put this post just in my birthday, and there's a dream that I had some months ago: "a terrible plague siege mankind, one worst that we have never seen, one eat each to others", was a horrible I passes three days had this dream, the worst part is that everyday was different.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the update, Cole. And glad you're okay!

  3. Cole says:

    FYI – Earthquake felt at 4AM this morning here in Illinois, epicenter near Gilberts, IL. My neighborhood. Wasn't bad, just freaky to wake up to. Hope Jenean isn't too correct with her vision.

  4. Vicki D. says:

    In meditation this morning I saw devastation in China. Explosions, it almost looked like a nuclear explosion but I'm not sure. I saw fires and loss of life, buildings destroyed and flattened, and that this event would affect those of us in the US greatly. I also had the feeling that this or these events would trigger more earthquakes in the ring of fire area. I didn't get when this would happen but it felt to me that it would be relatively soon.
    This vision surprised me because I expected to see something more US involved.

  5. Star says:

    The day will come when there will be gridlock on the roads, computers will stop functioning and women in black with burkhas (black veils) will be seen on the streets of America. We should all start praying.
    Blessings, Star

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I certainly agree on the unfolding potential which makes mass predictions iffy, at best. In terms of personal predictions, though, my experiences suggest there's no time limit. Precognitive dreams about personal events/experiences can lie years in the future- or hours. I think it depends on the individual. I've had precog dreams that came true within days and others that spanned weeks, months, years.

    With mass events, it's all up for grabs because we're dealing with 6 billion plus souls.

  7. Marcus T. says:

    The way I see it (and my understanding is based on years of working with non-ordinary states of consciousness), the future is not set, but is a sea of unfolding potential. I have had numerous precognitions, so have no doubt that the ‘energy’ of events in the future can be sensed in the present. Here are some distinctions I have learned:

    · The larger the scale of event, the easier it is to see/sense (e.g. mass political uprisings, economic shifts, earthquakes, climate change). This is because the forces which shape them occur over long periods of time, and there is often little that can be done to change them. However when it comes to individual lives, they are far less predictable, as free will comes into play.
    · For premonition with individuals, the closer the event to the present, the more likely it is to come true. Most premonitions I’ve had occur within a 24-48 hours of the dream or vision.

    Because the future is inherently dynamic, I don’t like to get into prediction. Most psychics that try to get it wrong most of the time. Stuart Wilde, for instance , likes to make predictions as if he is certain they will come true. But I suspect even he knows there is no such thing as an inevitable future.

    Here’s s few things I’ve seen in visions and dreams which might be premonitions.

    · The assassination of the Dalai Lama.
    · China in economic turmoil.
    · The acceleration of climate change.


  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the link, deborah. Off to check it out!

  9. Deborah says:

    The Chinese New Year begins on Feb. 14th. Thus begins the Year of the Yang Metal Tiger. There are many predictions for the year from Feng Shui masters. If you would like a little bit of this info, I have posted one part on my blog. Please visit- http://www.fengshuigreen. blogspot.com.
    So enjoy your blog!

  10. Sansego says:

    My point is not whether or not WE like him…but the primary voters in the Republican party. There's been much talk about how that party is searching for a leader to represent the new face of the party that will lead to possible victory in 2012 or 2016. When the party is split on Sarah Palin (the teabaggers love her, the moneyed elite don't) and unexcited about Romney, Crist, Jindal, Huckabee, and Jeb Bush…they are looking for a leader. On a very superficial level, Scott Brown has everything they are looking for: telegenic family, compelling personal narrative, elective office experience, doesn't quit, able to inspire people (charisma)…Brown is better than the other names out there.

    I agree that he could have something in his background far more embarrassing than the nude Cosmo photo. He could end up like John Edwards or Jack Ryan (the GOP nominee for the 2004 Senate in Illinois), which wouldn't surprise me. Democrats need to start digging for skeletons now!

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – gypsy – scott brown is an annoying blip in the scheme of things. He looks presidential. Then again, so did John Edwards. Hmm.

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    great to see them all "in a row" so to speak –

    on scott brown – i'm not sure he's the neat little boy scout everyone thinks he is – too squeaky clean to be real – and then, there's the thing with him and his daughters!!!

    about cole's comment – trish, remember when i said i had "seen" a news ALERT broadcast about a big quake expected to hit the central states? – well, the "screen" i saw had a large area of the country in RED where the impending quake was to hit – after having searched and searched the internet and finding no mention of it whatsoever, i think you may have been right about its origin – anyway, cole's comment about the "red" reminded me of what i saw – i think i'm going to find a map and duplicate the red area i saw in the "alert" – i remember missouri definitely –

    great post – great to see it all outlined!

    uh, wv = censtra [central]????

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cole, thanks for the tip on that, hmm, baaadddd typo! I hope your vision or whatever it was about california is wrong! I especially hope it's wrong for the dates between jan 28-feb2 when I'll be there!

  14. Sansego says:

    Whoever made the prediction for #21 wasn't too far off. The leading Republican possibly aiming for the White House definitely has a short name, likable smile and seems very down to earth! His name? Scott Brown, the newly elected Senator of Massachusetts. My prediction for him is that he will run for president in 2016. Don't know if he played sports in college, though, but he's definitely not a major sports figure.

  15. Cole says:

    Interesting I love to hear about stuff like this and then see if anything plays out. Ok I am NOT claiming to be psychic, but I am definitely sensitive to change and have been dead on numerous times with knowing things about my immediate family members and those that I am close too. I have been so my whole life.

    The only thing as of late that has struck me in the form of a strong waking vision, which I have had happen only a handful of times, was last week when the news happened to mention how California was being hit by heavy rains and the weather man displayed the map, I glanced over and suddenly felt like I was watching an emergency report on how an extremely strong earthquake had hit California's coast line.

    It had effected a major portion up and down along the coast. There were red markings of the effected cities and towns being displayed. Again, it probably is just in my mind due to Haiti's situation, but it sure felt real. Hope not. Still trying to learn when it is my own fear or imagination being played out in my mind versus distinguishing an intuitive glimpse. Still found it interesting the West Coast is also mentioned in your list.

    FYI (insert immature giggle here) you might check typo in # 7.

    Take Care.

  16. Nancy says:

    Interesting. We'll see.

  17. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    An interesting idea.

    The only possible dream I've had in that direction is about something important happening to do with a train in West Africa. A bit vague I'm afraid!


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