A New Paradigm?

(Picasso seems to fit this post!)

Years ago, an editor remarked that the opening and closing paragraphs of a book told him everything he needed to know about the content between those two points.  So here are those two points in a book I’m currently reading – while trying to wrestle it back from Rob, who keeps taking it into his office to read:

The opening: “I was researching my book Fingerprints of the Gods in the early 1990s when I first became aware of the so-called Mayan prophecy that the world will come to an end on December 21, 2012. It’s since become obvious – thanks goodness- that there is more than one way to read the “prophecy.”

The closing: “By moving through the self-hatred and fear to reach that hard-earned place of acceptance and forgiveness – of both self and others –  we heal the world:

I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”

That ending sounds familiar, doesn’t it? It’s a prayer that Masaru Emoto used during the Gulf oil crisis. We used it in a post on that crisis. Its genesis may be Hawaiian, but when you Google those words, so many links come up that it’s difficult to determine exactly where it originated. Regardless, it’s a powerful mantra and sums up what David Wilcock puts forward in his book, The Source Field Investigations: the Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations behind the 2012 Prophecies.

I didn’t buy this book based on the opening and closing paragraphs. I bought it after reading the title – and the table of contents. It’s one of those books that either speaks to you – or doesn’t. It’s likely that if you’re interested in the nature of consciousness and what reality actually is, then you’re familiar with a lot of the material in this book. But Wilcock brings such a positive and ultimately uplifting spin to the material that every paragraph becomes an adventure, every story leaves you rather breathless about the interconnected of life. All life. Here’s one story:

In 1966, a man named Cleve Backster experienced a “paradigm shift” in his own awareness about the nature of consciousness. At this point, he had been studying the nature of consciousness for 18 years, through research on hypnosis and polygraphs. His secretary had bought a rubber plant and a dracena cane plant that were in the lab where he was working on the night of February 2, 1966. After working through the night, Brackster decided to connect the new dracaena plant to the polygraph to see what happened.

“Much to his surprise,  the plant did not have a smooth, flat pattern of electrical activity – it was surprisingly jagged and alive, changing moment to moment.”  After a minute or so, the plant’s electrical activity on a graph resembled that of a person who was starting to tell a lie. He tried various types of threats toward the plant, just as he might do when confronting a human subject. Typically, such a confrontation with a human might be, “Did you fire that shot that killed John Doe?” With a plant, it amounted to dipping the leaf in hot coffee, tapping a leaf with his pen. No reaction.,Then he had a thought: “As the ultimate plant threat, I would get a match and burn the plant’s electroded leaf.”

And what occurred shocked him. “The very moment the imagery of burning that leaf entered my mind, the polygraph recording pen moved rapidly to the top of the chart! No words were spoken, no touch the plant, no light of matches, just my clear intention to burn the leaf. The plant recording showed dramatic excitation.”

In other words, the plant panicked, based on nothing more than an image in Brackster’s mind.  Backster was so deeply affected by this that he never again conducted any experiment that involved burning or threatening plants.

Wilcock then goes on to describe an experiment he conducted in 2006, during the filming of a documentary in which he hoped to dramatize this event.   What’s intriguing about his experiment is that nothing happened until everyone stopped acting. “The plant knew it wasn’t in any real danger – so as a result, its graph stayed nice and smooth. I knew I had to do something- and fast. The next time we did the scene, I sent the plant the blackest, darkest thoughts I could possibly conjure up…I absolutely hated that plant. I wanted to tear it to pieces.” In other words, he backed this image with powerful emotion.

And right then, the polygraph needle went berserk.  “I saved the shoot and proved, for myself, that the Backster effect really works.”  He then apologized to the plant and sent it “genuine feelings of love.”

This story struck me to the core. It resonates with much of what I have read over the years on consciousness.  We can visualize and affirm until our collective faces turn blue. But apparently nothing in our lives will change unless we can back what we want with emotion. It seems that emotion is not only a barometer of where we are in our lives, but that it can alter everything, instantly.  Think back on your own life. I’m sure you can remember an instance where your emotions were so strong, so all encompassing, that something in your life shifted in a big way.

I remember turning to the index and looking for an entry on synchronicity. Nope. But he mentions a couple of books with synchronicity in the title. Yet, some of the stories describe synchronicity perfectly. You’ll recognize them.

The last chapter is on disclosure and here’s an excerpt of the opening paragraph: “I do believe a formal, open disclosure of the ET/UFO phenomenon is an essential aspect of our movement into a Golden Age….No discussion of the Source Field is complete without an examination of UFOs and their influence on technology, ancient peoples, and the 2012 prophecies.”

With that, I picked up the book and walked to the register and plunked down my thirty bucks, minus the discount. I have not regretted it. Neither will you.





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12 Responses to A New Paradigm?

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    Gyps, I have an old ragged copy of THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS alongside my book about the psychic power of plants, and my other books about caring for plants, etc. You’re going to love your new sun room! What fun!! I expect you’ll be spending much time in there, reading or simply sitting and absorbing the beautiful energies! Sunshine and plants: a healing combination!! Cayce reincarnated? Hhhmmmmm.
    Will have to check that out. It would take some pretty heavy-duty evidential support for me to accept that one, but I’m certainly not saying it isn’t possible or true until I read the book! If he is reincarnated, he didn’t remain in Spirit very long between lifetimes. Wonder if his beloved wife and twin-soul is also reincarnated with him. Gotta go order that book!

  2. Natalie says:

    I have just bought another Wilcock book ~ The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.
    I haven’t had time to read anything at all lately, but my co worker has raved for months about it.
    I always knew as a little girl that plants felt stuff. Awesome post.

  3. gypsy says:

    i don’t know that i’ve ever had a book more worn and read than the bible of all such books by tompkins and bird back in the early 70s – the secret life of plants – i was beside myself when i came across it – could not say how many times i’ve read and re-read it – and since i’m no longer in possession of my own original 40 yr old copy, have just put another into my amazon basket along with source field investigations – and by the way, while i do have to await the shipping [much to my chagrin as i’m such an instant gratification addie], the amazon price beat out the bookstore cost enough so that i actually got “plants” for free! oh, yeah! 😉

    and so interesting your post today because yesterday and today, i’ve been working on a sun room plants design for my new little sun room i’ll soon have in the new house – it’s 10’x20′ feet w/jalousie windows – a northern exposure – but a wonderful room – anyway, all week have done nothing but browse for plants for it!

    oh, and remember mctaggart mentions all these magnificent studies in her intention experiment – another fab fab book for easy reading –

  4. D Page says:

    Even as a youngster running through the fields and woods of upstate NY, I knew all living beings were alive, including plants. Now, my husband and I have served on our Home Owners Association (going on 4 years), and are partially responsible for the grounds that our condo village sit on. The plants around our unit are larger, and bloom more than most others in the ‘hood, and neighbors stop by to ask what we do to make than grow.
    It isn’t what we “do”, it’s what we “know”. They are alive and they communicate.

    Most people on this forum already know that I am struggling with severe auto immune issues (ME/CFS, Sjorgen’s -Venus William has this, etc.) I have to rest allot.
    2 summers ago I was resting in the afternoon. Suddenly a man appeared in my room dressed in late 18th century clothes. He had shoulder length dark brown hair. He was very tanned. He said to me “Do something about the boys playing with the trees. Or I will.” I was a bit shocked at being issued an ultimatum from a “spirit”. I said, “I will, but you have no right to harm them in anyway.” He disappeared. He was talking about the 2 teenaged boys who were living here, and they had been tearing off branches of 200 year old trees, climbing on fragile willows, and generally ripping up the landscape. The next day , our biggest, oldest willow had collapsed, split in two. We never saw the two boys again.
    Historical research revealed that 2 men founded the area that our condos were built on, and they named it “The Garden of Eden”. They loved the land here.
    I don’t know if it was one of the two men who spoke to me, or a “spirit of the plants”. My husband and I refer to him as “The Caretaker.” He takes the proper care of the plants on the grounds here very seriously.

    I have been reading The Sourcefield Investigations. If all of us could act in accord with the ideas in this book, we would be embodying compassion- and like Mike,and R & T point out, the world would be a better place.

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    Years ago I purchased a book entitled “The Psychic Power Of Plants”. I still own it. There are so many expamples in my own life where my plants have reacted with undeniable behavior to various stimuli. My Egyptian Sanctuary is filled with plants. It has windows on two sides, and a very large indoor fountain that covers an entire interior wall. The water in the fountain runs all the time, tumbling down through several rock falls into its large pool. So the room always has the soothing sound of water, much as we hear a brook or stream running over rocks in a forest. My plants turn towards the fountain, which has a wall-sized mirror behind it reflecting sunlight from the windows. My plants also will turn towards classical music and spiritually-oriented, which I play in there. Here’s the most weird thing. That room never gets dusty or dirty. It never has cobwebs in corners. There’s no logical explanation for this, considering that we live in a sandy salty environment, and that room opens to the back yard. When Sunshine doesn’t feel well, she goes in there and lays down by the plants, in front of my altar. I talk to my plants a lot, stroke their leaves occasionally, and when they must be groomed, I apologize to them and explain that I am simply making them healthier. They respond by lifting their stems and leaves and getting even greener and bushier. Now, lots of folks would call me crazy. But in our LR, where the big screen TV is, where hubby watches loud programs and often violent ones, the plants are not happy in there. They invariably wilt and drop yellow or brown leaves, so I no longer put living plants in our LR. As a Wiccan, I firmly believe The Little Folk help take care of my plants in the Sanctuary, and evidently they also do a lot of house-cleaning in there!! Even the plant leaves never get dusty.
    Plants are alive, according to all evidence, and they have thoughts and feelings and are reactive to their surroundings.

    • gypsy says:

      i’ve always played music to my plants, too – and to my pets actually – i once had a little orange cheeked finch [named tangerine] who LOVED opera – loved it!!!

  6. I’ve read similar things plant-wise previously. It shows how the opposite is also true: if we treat plants kindly, talk to them with loving thoughts, they thrive. Emotions are powerful tools. Strange how some advise that we should control our emotions – but I guess there are degrees of emotions good and bad as per most things.

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