Void of Course Moon


In the Jungian scheme of things, divination systems – I Ching, tarot, astrology to name the most common – fall under the giant umbrella of synchronicity. When you toss coins, lay out cards, study transits you’re actively engaging synchronicity. So with this in mind, here are a couple of synchronicities involving the void of course moon.

The moon changes signs every two and a half days.  It’s said to be void of course when it has left one sign and isn’t quite in the next sign yet. It can last for minutes or hours. Supposedly, when the moon is void of course, confusion rules. Things don’t come to fruition. It’s wise not to start new projects or relationships. The problem with this advice is that the moon is void of course often. However, if you’re scheduling something ahead of time, a look at the void of course tables on an astrology website might be helpful.

Phyllis Vega, my friend and co-author on Power Tarot, called me the other day to tell me a void of course moon story. Her daughter, Sharon, and granddaughter, Jessie, were supposed to go skydiving in the keys on December 28. The weather wasn’t great, so the takeoff was delayed until 1:00. Then it was delayed again. Then it was cancelled altogether. Phyllis, who is also an astrologer,  knew that Mercury went retrograde on 12/26, which might account for events, but also checked to see if the moon was void of course.  “I never paid much attention to the void of course moon, but sure enough, it went void of course at 12:54 PM, six minutes before they were supposed to take off for the jump.”

 A void of course moon and a Mercury retrograde also played havoc with the election on November 7, 2000. Mercury, the planet of communication and travel, had been retrograde for several days when the polls opened on the morning of November 7. The moon was in late Pisces.Around 8 PM that night, the major networks called Florida for Gore. At 9:05 PM, the moon went void of course as it left Pisces and hadn’t yet entered Aries. And at 9:24 PM, Mercury turned direct after several weeks in retrograde motion. Around 10 PM, the networks said that Florida couldn’t be called yet.So we had a communication snafu, with the networks announcing Florida too early, and we had a void of course moon, which means the election didn’t reach fruition.

Fortunately, on Nov. 2, election day this year, Mercury will be direct.

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11 Responses to Void of Course Moon

  1. therese says:

    Having access to astrologers in 2000, this post was a good reminder of the predictions from the potentials of that time. I clearly remember one concerned that if Bush won, there was potential for war.

  2. Shadow says:

    i've learnt something new today, this i didn't know. thanks!

  3. Gemel says:

    I love it when I learn something new, thank you..

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    neat info on void of course moon with which i confess to being unfamiliar but now will read about some more – very interesting – and i did get to glimpse for just a moment last night's moon which here in delaware was just gorgeous in all its glory – and the whole fiasco of the 2000 election!!! can't even go there except to say ditto and ditto again to all the macgregor comments!

  5. Nancy says:

    We sure do not need another 2000 election.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The same advice goes for signing contracts during Mercury retrograde.

  7. d page says:

    I was taught by Uranian astrologer Charles Emerson— never sign a contract during a void of course moon. They will be legally void and have to be redone.

    Thanks for posting this!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It might've been good for Bush, but it was bad for the country. By the time he left office eight years later, the country had gotten into two endless wars, tens of thousands died, and the country went from a budget surplus to a $3.2 trillion deficit. Now after a year, we've forgotten about that and we're ready to put the bozos back in office.

  9. gibbs says:

    What was bad for Gore was good for Bush. One mans' void is another man's plentiful. There is virtually no way to get around the fact that for a synchronicity to be a synchronicity the experiencer always add something of himself to the experience by attributing some conscious or unconscious meaning(s) into the co – incidence.

  10. Vanessa says:

    An interesting coincidence (or synchronicity?): The full moon last night was at perigee (closest to Earth), so it was quite a sight, especially with Mars being so visible right now. It was cloudy here, but I hope you guys got to see it. 🙂

  11. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Thanks for that, I didn't know about the void of course moon. Food for thought. Interesting.

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