A Spirit’s Ultimatum?

This story initially appeared as a comment by Debra Page under another post. It’s such an unusual story that we brought it forward.


Two summers ago, I was resting in the afternoon. Suddenly a man appeared in my room dressed in late 18th century clothes. He had shoulder length dark brown hair. He was very tanned. He said to me “Do something about the boys playing with the trees. Or I will.”

I was a bit shocked at being issued an ultimatum from a “spirit”. I said, “I will, but you have no right to harm them in anyway.” He disappeared. He was talking about the two teenaged boys who were living in our complex. They had been tearing off branches of 200 year old trees, climbing on fragile willows, and generally ripping up the landscape. The next day , our biggest, oldest willow  collapsed, split in two. We never saw the two boys again.

Historical research revealed that two men founded the area where our condos are built. They  named it “The Garden of Eden”. They loved the land here.  I don’t know if it was one of the two men who spoke to me, or a “spirit of the plants”. My husband and I refer to him as “The Caretaker.” He takes the proper care of the plants on the grounds here very seriously.

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24 Responses to A Spirit’s Ultimatum?

  1. Darren B says:

    I just finished reading “Soul Survivor”
    (finally…I’ll have to learn to read just one book at a time.-)
    the story of James Leininger and his memories of a past life as a WWII fighter pilot,and I went to the author’s web site
    to see if there were any further developments to the story and I saw this endorsement;
    “James Leininger’s story is the most compelling evidence so far for reincarnation.”
    –T.J. MacGregor,
    Edgar-winning author, Running Time
    And I’m working on a post for my blog at the moment about Fred Scepsi
    the Australian director of “Six Degrees of Separation” and his new film
    “The Eye of the Storm” and his experiences with synchronicity or “serendipity” as he likes to call it.
    I picked “Soul Survivor” of the shelf on March 27th
    (a date mentioned on page 216 of the book BTW,when Pete Hazzard died)
    this year on a trip to my favourite bookshop on gut instinct alone,not knowing you had endorsed the book.
    It’s truly a small world,isn’t it ?

    • R and T says:

      I’m beginning to think six degrees is shrinking quickly to, oh, about 3 degrees. Can’t wait to see your post!

      • Darren B says:

        I think you’re right Trish.
        I was just looking through Fred’s website and found a list of films he is planning to make.
        One is called “Hitches”…and get this
        (I have not ever heard of this future movie before,by the way,until just reading about it on his website)
        it’s about;

        “Two young brothers hitch-hiking to BYRON BAY so they can save the money on their bus tickets and have more to spend on the beautiful girls they’re sure they’re going to meet. They have an optimistic view of what their futures will be, but every ride they get, the people have a different view of life and they’re going to set these boys straight, even if it kills them.”

        Maybe 3 degrees of separation
        would be more accurate a term ?

        • R and T says:

          How quirky! I suddenly had this flashback to Another Earth, an Indie film I saw a few weeks ago, that was not at all what I expected. That’s what this film sounds like – you go thinking it will be one
          thing, but it turns out to be something else entirely.

        • Darren B says:

          Oh…and I forgot to mention in the above comment…but those who have read my blog would know…that the bookshop I picked up “Soul Survivor” was this bookshop
          in the heart of Byron Bay.
          And I meant to write “off the shelf”,not “of the shelf”.
          Stupid keyboard!
          (as Homer,of “The Simpsons” fame would say.-)

  2. Natalie says:

    I just hope that they learned their lesson well.

  3. D Page says:

    Wow. I was surprised when arrived here with my coffee this AM.

    The whole family moved out, without saying goodbye. They were renters and not owners.
    I secretly thought that the “Caretaker” scared them.
    I kept my word and made sure the HOA board addressed the wounded trees and sent letter out to everyone explaining why the trees are important to our tiny ecosystem (home to 150 human families).

    I agree with Nancy … spirits visiting politicians might be helpful…. make them all live through a “Jacob Marley” event from Dickens ‘A Christmas Carol’.

  4. Very fascinating story! I love that direct ultimatum. That ghost doesn’t mince words.

    As for ghosts visiting politicians and making ultimatums…well, unfortunately, I think most of the leaders in business and government are not spiritual people at all. They may “play” at being religious, but I don’t believe deep in their hearts that they truly are. Cheney is the perfect example. I know too many Christians who think Cheney is a great Christian man, but everything he has done for the past decade and a half is about as far from the values of Jesus as one can get. There is no light of Christ emanating from that reptile of a man. These people would dismiss any ghostly visitation as an illusion brought about by stress or drink.

  5. Nancy says:

    Great story – I, too, wonder what happened to the boys. (Maybe their parents interceded. That would be nice, wouldn’t it? Parents parenting destructive boys?) Or maybe they also got a visit from an angry ghost. Now if only our politicians could get a visit from some angry, ghostly, statesmen who actually cared about America instead of themselves and their lobbyist/gods.

  6. There must be a solution to vandalism somewhere in this story. Perhaps a few more spirits should come to the fore and protect the things that they initially created. It must be hard to see things you love(d) destroyed or damaged.

  7. gypsy says:

    yes – i wondered the same thing when i read her original comment about the caretaker – whatever “it” was would make a great story, i just know!

  8. shadow says:

    …as well he should. i wonder what he did to the boys to scare them off 😉

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