The Elenin Synchros

If you Google the word Elenin, you will get 4,700,000 hits. So this makes it 4,700,001. We weren’t going to join the hype about Comet Elenin, but events have dragged us into it.

First, if you haven’t heard, Elenin is a comet that was discovered last December by an amateur Russian astronomer. It will pass close by the Earth (if you consider 22 million miles close!) later this month.  Much of the talk on the Internet has been fear-based, suggesting that the comet is actually Planet X or Nibiru and will destroy Earth.

It wasn’t until this summer that I tuned into the Earth-throttling comet attack scenario. I first heard about it third-hand from a Homeland Security agent who was moving to a remote mountain location and buying an ATV to reach his hideout. Megan told me this story shortly after a friend sold that ATV to the agent.

We had been talking about it in an airport in the Northlands and were standing in line at a Caribou Coffee stand when Megan pointed to a chalkboard. “Dad, look at that!” It was the question of the day, written on a chalkboard: “Ten percent off if you can spell the name of the comet approaching Earth this fall.” Megan said: “I know how to spell it.”

After that I started hearing more and more about Elenin and even receiving videos through e-mail. (Thank you, Jane C.) One such video featured a dry professorial type who claimed that Elenin could be as large as Jupiter and will pass between Earth and Venus. That would be quite a sight! However, astronomers say that in all likelihood, the comet will be barely visible without a telescope.

What I found interesting about that video is that the narrator seemed to favor the idea that Elenin is the Blue Star Kachina of Hopi prophecies. (That starts about minute 7 on the video.) In that prophecy, a Blue Star Kachina will dance in the plaza of Oraibi when a blue star appears in the heavens, a star that will signal the end of the Fourth World – the world as we know it – and bring in the Fifth World in the aftermath of massive chaos and turmoil, and who knows what.

The Hopi confluence, for me, was a synchro of a personal order. Elenin supposedly will pass by Earth in late September, and a few days later, Oct. 1, my novel TIME CATCHER, will be published. The cover above shows the blue star of the prophecy, which plays a major role in the story….Well timed, if Elenin is the blue star.

But then Richard Hoagland has another take.  Hoagland is a former museum space science curator, former NASA consultant and one-time science advisor to CBS News. The introduction to a length interview with him on Red Ice Radio says, “Hoagland weaves together an intense eye-opener which connects Comet Elenin with September 11, the original masonic message, the bombing in Norway and the secret space program.”

Hoagland believes that Elenin no ordinary comet, but an intelligently-guided, artificially-constructed object sent our way to raise our consciousness. In other words, rather than a destroyer, Elenin is a good guy. He goes on at length about the ‘fear porn’ coming out about the comet and explorers the reasons for the disinformation.

Early in the interview he notes a synchronicity: Leonid Elenin discovered the comet, given his namesake, by searching the skies around the constellation Leo. In other words, Leo discovered Elenin in Leo. Hoagland finds that meaningful.

Could it be that the underlying message of Elenin and the related hype is that disclosure is near? What will it mean that we are not alone in the Universe, that THEY are already here among us?Possibly a shift of consciousness as Hoagland sees coming in the Elenin ‘mothership.’

Then again, as many previous comets, it might pass by with little notice and no great revelations.

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16 Responses to The Elenin Synchros

  1. Natalie says:

    Hmmm…….lots of stuff colliding in my mind re : this Elenin. Will come back if appropriate.

  2. gypsy says:

    great to see your post as i have been following elenin for some time and had wondered of your thoughts on it all – thanks a lot!

  3. Darren B says:

    That is a bit eerily freaky…but from my own point of view I was surprised when I looked at the flag counter after reading this comment and saw the total page views were 42488.Because the post I’m putting together on my own blog is about my father’s old taxi cab number 424 and the numbers 888 which was the number on my old peddle car that I had as a child,(but I didn’t realize that until the other day when I saw an old photo of me riding the car) ,infinity (8 sideways) ,and a Paul Kelly video
    (who I met at the Byron Bay Writer’s festival a couple of weeks ago…and who’s book I have nearly finished)
    ,where he is driving a cab with the phone number on the cab door reading 332 (3+3+2=8) -8888 which makes it’s appearance at 1.11 into the YouTube clip.
    Also the cab in the clip has the number 5060
    (5+6= 11).Which are all very relevant numbers to me in a syncronistic way.
    Sorry to ramble on,but I just felt like sharing the weirdness that the universe throws out to me.
    Let’s hope the weekend passes without incident…but I have to say that I feel very uneasy about it. Although I really look forward to being proven wrong come September 12th .

  4. Nancy says:

    I read something the other day that has Elinen with some companions:

  5. This blog is on the first position if you Google synchronicity wolf tiger (Fred Alan Wolf was on the right side of the previous version of this blog – my comments here At the moment Google has a “doodle” with Freddie Mercury riding a tiger, This post has a picture of a wolf and it starts with “If you Google…”.

  6. Lauren Raine says:

    An interesting synchronicity. I seem to remember that there were two brilliant comets in the 1990’s, Hale Bopp and Hyakutake. Hyakutake was a blueish tint (I remember seeing that directly), and many felt that this was the “blue kachina”. Seems to me people love to create fear, but what good does it do? I like the idea you pose that the blue kachina may just be a visit to come from beings from other planets……….

  7. D Page says:

    Interesting synchro with the Time Catcher book cover and the Hopi blue star/kachina!
    I have been observing the stories about Elenin, but I don’t have an opinion. Just watching.. waiting.

  8. Hadn’t heard Hoagland’s theory previously – interesting, certainly better than all of the fear stories associated with Elenin. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

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