Synchros as Confirmations

Old Town in Esperanza, Ecuador

This post is about the synchronicity of dates – as confirmation.


In Esperanza, there’s a character named Wayra – Quechua for wind – who’s a shape shifter, the last of his kind. We meet him first as a black lab.  He has a long and convoluted history with Dominica, the ghost whose tribe terrorizes Esperanza.

In Ghost Key, the sequel, he’s pursuing Dominica, who has seized a young woman and the niece of the protagonist in the first book, and has fled Ecuador. In this book, Wayra learns he isn’t the last of his kind,  that there were seven tribes of shifters that originated in the “land of the twin suns.”  A man and a teenager are badly injured in the story and the only way Wayra can save them is to turn them into shifters so that the properties of shifter blood will heal them. He then turns the teenager’s mother so that the boy will never be alone, as Wayra was for so many centuries.

In the third book, The Twin Suns, the story opens with Wayra training his three new shifters in the particular skills and talents that shifters have – the healing properties of shifter blood, the shifter longevity, the skill to track anything, anywhere, and the ability to move through time. Everything he knows about being a shifter he had to learn on his own because the man who turned him took off and Wayra never saw him again.

Of these skills, time travel is the most problematic – and the most difficult to master. It took Wayra centuries.  He hopes his protégés can master it in decades. So he’s explaining how the time travel thing works and the teenager, Rocky, says he’s chosen a spot in time – Woodstock. He wants to see Jimi Hendrix performing at Woodstock.  Wayra asked Rocky for the date.

At that point, I had to Google it to make sure about the dates. I was writing this scene late  on the night of August 18. So I end up at Wikipedia and discover that Hendrix was scheduled to perform at Woodstock on August 18, 1969.  Wow, I thought, 42 years ago today. Synchro! I figured it meant I was on track with this story. Then I read on and discovered that due to weather and technical difficulties, Hendrix actually played on the morning of August 19.  I felt sort of deflated until I glanced at the time on my computer: 1:22, August 19. It turned out to be a synchronicity, after all.



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12 Responses to Synchros as Confirmations

  1. scaby says:

    I’m moonlighting for my boss. Ssh! Don’t let him know. He’ll squash me like a bug.

    So synchronicity is in the dates. That’s so totally surprising. The thing about dates and synchronicity is, at least to a little bug like me, they seem to suggest that synchronicity is at the Heart of things Yet we tend to think of it as this sort of one off cool thing.

    Maybe everything is “one off”.

    Trish, why no follow up email re what confused you?

    • R and T says:

      Hey Scaby! I apologize for not getting back to you. Being a somewhat disorganized person, I couldn’t find my original email and haven’t had a chance to go back to the book and see what tripped me up. If memory serves (and it may not!), I couldn’t figure out how to get the formulate to work for any of the examples I tried. In the book, there seemed to be something missing at one point (in the chapter that explains it). I’ll put this in a new email.

  2. Natalie says:

    Loooove number synchros too. Sounds like a timely sign LOL

  3. You were up late! – funny how synchros often seem to tell the truth, even if we first don’t realise this, as with your timing.

  4. Darren B says:

    Wow! That’s a very cool synchro.
    I have Woodstock on DVD and love Hendrix’s stint in it.
    I’ll have to get around to reading Esperanza real soon,too.

  5. gypsy says:

    fabulous!!! love love love the number synchros – and there’s that “22” popping up its little head! since jimi was the last to perform, am just wondering if rocky gets to see janis and creedence and the who and………….! and does rocky hear jimi do “gypsy woman”??? that could very well be a major story plot, right there, trish! 😉

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