Is it just me or is there more spam floating around on the Internet these days?

It seems that the bulk of my spam is from cash app, alerting me to some fantastic deposits I’ve received and all I have to do to collect is click on it. Given the outrageous amounts some of these spams mention, I could be a millionaire in about a week.

Nearly as numerous are emails from UPS and Fedex and other carriers that my delivery had to be returned. All I have to do to redirect these deliveries is click on the link. Uh-huh.

Perhaps an interesting synchro here. In college, Spam was inexpensive and I used to snack on it. My former college roommate, Linda Griffin, still kids me about it. Now when I see that can in the grocery store or even here on this page, I feel nauseated. Back then, of course, there was no internet and I never suspected that SPAM would become the buzz word for unwanted and sometimes dangerous email. But what a perfect name for this stuff.

Now and then, I receive spam form a guy who believes  he owns Lucas Films. These emails are also addressed to people like Kathleen Kennedy and George Lucas and threaten legal action if anyone but him is cast as the next Indiana Jones. Sometimes, he mentions the Indiana Jones books that Rob wrote – all prequels to the original movie.He’s convinced that Rob and I were in Greece with him, Lucas and Kathleen at some point . HIs latest bunch of emails – several months back – were about how I should call 911 in the UK where Kathleen Kennedy and a bunch of other Lucas people needed medical assistance.

I made the mistake of replying to him once, making it clear I’d never been to Greece, had never met him or Lucas. This only precipitated more emails and accusations about how we had his address book. Now I just empty my spam folder.

And I’ve never had a cash app or used it.

Go figure.


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