Doors Opening

My friend and fellow Gemini Alexis Brooks wears many hats. She’s an award-winning podcaster  for  Higher Journey s, was a subject matter specialist for the the History channel’s  The Proof is Out There, and also does audio books.  She recently was a presenter at Contact in the Desert, the largest UFO conference in the country.This synchronicity she shared happened in April 2023.

She and her husband, Derek, had flown from South Carolina where they live, to Boston to attend a friend’s dedication ceremony at a college for a dorm built on campus,. They took an Uber from Logan Airport to a restaurant in Boston owned by another friend with whom they would be staying.

As she opened the passenger door of the Uber, it lightly touched the door of the Uber next to them. The driver lashed out at their Uber driver and as Alexis put it, “Really went crazy.” Their driver told the guy, “Hey, nothing happening here.”

So they drive to the restaurant in Sommerville, Mass. Alexis proceeds to get out of the car and at that moment, a guy on a bike – in the biker’s lane -is approaching and her door nearly hits him. “Hey, watch what you’re doing!” he shouted.

That was the second incident, same day.

The next day, Derek was driving their friend’s car to the dedication ceremony on campus. They parked in an underground garage and the space was a little tight. Alexis opened the passenger door to get out, and her door literally touched the door of the car next to them. The driver, a man, was still inside. He gave her a dirty look and then shrugged.

So in about 24 hours, this experience happened to Alexis three times and each time, a man was involved and got angry or annoyed about it even though none of the cars even had a scratch.

Alexis said she knows there’s a message about doors opening, yet isn’t sure about the context. My initial take was that doors in her business are opening for her that make men angry or irritable about it. But after thinking about it for a day or so, I think there’s a deeper meaning to all this. As these new opportunities (doors) open up for her, she should choose carefully. And she should maintain an intuitive awareness that these doors are opening in areas where men typically dominate.

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