The Nature of Consciousness

This documentary is part 1 of a planned 3 part film on the nature of consciousness. This segment is just under 16 minutes long and well worth a look! Enjoy!


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22 Responses to The Nature of Consciousness

  1. gypsy says:

    and as an aside but in terms of spreading the joy – CONGRATULATIONS on being featured in WISDOM MAGAZINE! way to go!

  2. D Page says:

    Dean Radin rocks! His books are awesome, too.

    I can’t see how the human race can be a viable life form in the future, unless humans learn to accept the interdependence of all life. The Earth is an ecosystem: affected by all life, and it affects all life.

  3. Lauren Raine says:

    What an elequent movie – fascinating. Thank you for sharing it! For me, it’s importance especially lies in the message of unity of consciousness – that at a core level, we are truly interconnected in “Spider Woman’s Web”, all participating on the web.

    Thank you also for SYNCHRONICITY AND THE OTHER SIDE, which I received today. I’m so excited to read it – the premise that many sychronicities are also about spirit contact makes great sense to me. Thank you!!!

    • R and T says:

      the spider woman’s web, indra’s net….there are so many names for what they describe in this ovie!
      Glad the book finally got there…it must have gone by stage coach!

  4. Vicki D. says:

    Very interesting but not surprising.

  5. I agree with Nancy. I think we need to organize and move toward a more positive perspective. Spread the collective Joy everyone, it affects us all. I’m thinking bumper stickers!

  6. Enjoyed! Thanks for the link.

    And today is a good day to feel odd, at least in UK and Europe. The date for us is shown as 7/9/11. Only five dates every 100 years have consecutive odd numbers – next is 9/11/13 and after that we have to wait until the year 2105.

  7. Nancy says:

    I’ve been following this subject for many years and finally feel as though it will soon become mainstream. People are now becoming organized and trying to offset all of the negative energy (a shooting just 30 miles from us yesterday at an I-Hop!) If you are interested – here is one site:

  8. Darren B says:

    Correction to my above comment.
    The movie goes for about an hour,not 24 minutes.
    24 minutes is what it said on the link,but I re-watched it because I thought that seemed to short a time to cover all the stuff I saw before.
    But it is still worth the hour you spend to watch it.

  9. Darren B says:

    That is a good clip.
    I watched it last week after Marcus C Anthony put the link up on his blog.
    And for those who liked it,then this is a must see;
    It’s a documentary called “Something Unknown Is Doing We Don’t Know What”.
    It stars Dean Radin and a few others for the above clip as well as a few others studying in the psi field.
    It goes just a little longer than the above clip (24 mins)…but it’s 24 minutes you will be glad you spent,I think.
    You can watch the whole movie by clicking on the above link.

  10. What a fascinating subject. I haven’t been here in awhile because for some reason my blogger dashboard doesn’t notify me of new posts on your blog anymore (since your change of blog platforms?). I don’t know why.

    Anyway, this is completely off-topic, but I thought of you guys early this morning and thought you might find this interesting:

    Last night I was awakened in the middle of the night by a loud thunderstorm, as the remnants of Tropical Storm “Lee” made its way up into New England. Still half asleep, I looked at the clock, but because I was lying in bed at a weird angle, I saw the clock upside-down. It was 3:37 AM. If you look at 3:37 on a digital clock upside-down, it looks just like…”LEE”. I chuckled, and thought of you guys.

  11. gypsy says:

    …..”well worth a look”….. such an understatement! fascinating dialogue among the best of the best – thanks so much for sharing!

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