New Moon in Gemini

On June 6, at 8:38 a.m. EDT, there’s a new moon at 16 degrees Gemini. You can see it in house 11 in the chart. This new moon is keeping company with Venus at the same 16 degrees. Both Mercury and Jupiter are also in Gemini, within 4 degrees of each other. So, new moons usually bring new opportunities according to house and sign. For the sign, this one brings new communication opportunities, a deepening curiosity about everything, and a quick mind.

That conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter expands all communication and proves to be quite fortunate.

In house 9, Saturn is in Pisces at 18 degrees.  It squares  this moon. Squares are troublemakers and since it involves Saturn, you have to play by the rules.  Now look at house 7, where Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius is the loner planet. Jupiter up there in house 11 is at 2 degrees Gemini, so these two planets form a trine to each other – an angle of 120 degrees..

Pluto is all about transformation and Jupiter is about expansion, synchronicity and luck.  Generally, even though we have to play by the rules with whatever opportunities surface, this trine whispers, Hey, here come some synchros that will help.

You can find out in the written horoscope here what your sign can expect on this new moon day.

For me, there’s something of a synchronicity in this new moon. The moon  at 16 degrees is the same degrees as my Gemini sun.  The 6th also marks a year since my sister, Mary, died suddenly and unexpectedly.Our communication has occurred in odd ways, through events that I feel she may have coordinated. I don’t recall any dreams where we communicated. But there have been hummingbirds, which became the family archetype for her. Since this new moon occurs in my 8th house, which governs among other things, life after death and the paranormal,  I’m hoping there’s more chatter now from the other side.

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