An upside down synchro


This synchro appeared as a comment by Jeff D’Antonio,   under a post about the nature of consciousness.   In case anyone missed it, we’re bringing it forward. It’s simple and to the point and may have an element of the trickster.


Last night I was awakened in the middle of the night by a loud thunderstorm, as the remnants of Tropical Storm “Lee” made its way up into New England. Still half asleep, I looked at the clock, but because I was lying in bed at a weird angle, I saw the clock upside-down.

It was 3:37 AM. If you look at 3:37 on a digital clock upside-down, it looks just like…”LEE”. I chuckled, and thought of you guys.



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11 Responses to An upside down synchro

  1. Darren B says:

    Talking about “Lee”,I watched the movie “The Crow” for the very first time the other day.I have never really wanted to watch it before,because to me the idea of a person being resurrected from the dead to avenge the murder (and rape) of his girlfriend,plus the murder of himself seemed a bit too dark and stupid to me.
    But because it was Brandon Lee’s last movie,and I love the bio-flick “Dragon”
    about him and his dad Bruce,and especially about the premonition Bruce had about his death,I decided to finally watch it.And I’m glad I did.
    For one thing this quote from the movie said by Brandon Lee’s character Eric Draven,
    “Little things,used to mean so much to Shelly.I used to think they were kind of trivial…believe me,nothing is trivial” struck me so much that I put the quote on the sidebar of my blog.
    I was also struck personally by the date of Eric Draven’s death and resurrection (October 30th),as it was the date of my father-in-laws death last year.I would have bet all money in a film such as this October 31st would have been the date,not October 30th.
    To quote Eric Draven again,
    ” …believe me,nothing is trivial”.

    • R and T says:

      We’ll have to watch the movie again. I remember it being dark, but filled with goodies like that last line.

      • Darren B says:

        Another synchro for me with the film was that I was born on the director Alex Proyas (born 23 September 1963) birthday,exactly one year later.
        He’s also made “Dark City”, “I, Robot” and “Knowing”,and is currently working on”Paradise Lost”
        an action-heavy take on the epic poem centered on the war in heaven between archangels Michael and Lucifer.
        The budget is $88,000,000 (almost infinite you might say.-) and stars Bradley Cooper (star of “Limitless) as Lucifer.
        Oddly enough,Cooper was going to play Brandon Lee’s role in the remake of “The Crow”,but had to pull out because of scheduling difficulties.

        • R and T says:

          I can see thel imitless guy as lucifer!
          Nice string of synchros, Daz.

        • Darren B says:

          The Crow was the idea of James O’Barr

          In 1978, O’Barr’s fiancée, Beverly, was killed by a drunk driver, and he joined the Marines in an effort to cope with the loss. He was stationed in Germany and illustrated combat manuals for the military. While living in Berlin in 1981, O’Barr began work on The Crow as a means of dealing with his personal tragedy.O’Barr was further inspired by a Detroit newspaper account of the murder of a young couple over a $20 engagement ring. After his discharge from the Marines, O’Barr continued his painting and illustration as well as doing lots of odd jobs, including working for a Detroit body shop. The Crow sat on a shelf for seven years until it was finally published.
          O’Barr’s own hope that his project would result in a personal catharsis went unfulfilled, he told an interviewer in 1994, saying, “As I drew each page, it made me more self-destructive, if anything….There is pure anger on each page”.
          The book was adapted into a successful film of the same name in 1994, but it resulted in further tragedy. Brandon Lee, who played the main character, was accidentally shot and killed during filming.

  2. I remember this comment – smiled again!

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