The Buddy System

Natalie sent us this synchronicity. She called it “a funny little one,” but to me it’s not little at all. It illustrates the vast complexity of the underlying order where synchronicity lives and breathes. And when you think about it,the whole thing involves impressive odds!
“In Australian schools, we have a buddy system for the little kindergarten children starting school for the first time. They are mentored by the six-year-olds.

My daughter, Isabella, is 6, so she’s a big buddy. Her little buddy is Katie. Katie  has a sister named Isabella, whose big buddy is named Katie.”

So we have the sisters Isabella and Katie, and we have their respective buddies with the same names. Now here’s where it gets even stranger.

“My Isabella also has a sister named Caity (my big girl), who have a father named Paul. The little buddies Isabella and Katie (from the other family) also have a father named Paul.

“I wonder if the other big buddy, Katie, also has a father named Paul? It is just a funny little one, don’t you think?”

Synchronicities like this one often feel like maybe the trickster is at work, tapping at the window of consciousness, chuckling and whispering, Hey, pay attention now. I’m going to tickle your mind!

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14 Responses to The Buddy System

  1. Toumai says:

    Maybe the reference is not to Rick the person/class. Etymology shows the meaning of Rick: "brave power", derived from the Germanic elements ric "power, rule" and hard "brave, hardy".

    Maybe the sense is "cut power"… or quit wasting… or "cut rule" as in "question the powers that be". My 2 scents.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    cut ric – jeez, how'd I miss that?

  3. Natalie says:

    Yes Toumai, that is what I felt too. Hmm…..I like the class though. 🙁

  4. Toumai says:

    I don't know, seem's to me "cut ric" implies to 'cut out' Rick's meditation class?

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good one, Nat! Guess you got your answer. Onward to meditation.

  6. Natalie says:

    🙂 It's nice to know that the Angels are watching over the littlies at school.

    Wv cutric.
    Last night, I was wondering whether to go to meditation or not, as i was exhausted. In fact, I was wondering this morning whether to go back at all.

    Wv = cut ric. Ric is the name of the guy who runs the meditation class.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cool story, lakeviewer! Good thing for both of you that harmonica drew you back!

  8. lakeviewer says:

    You are right! We don't pay attention to things that go together, that express similar confluences. We don't notice. When I first met my husband, a young man who moved next door to me, it was his harmonica playing that drew me to him. I felt a calling back to my roots with that sound. Now, nothing about my Ken says Italian. If he hadn't played that harmonica, we would never have met.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    fantastic story!!! how wonderul – and i, as nancy, love toumai's interp of the names – fabulous! love this one!

  10. Nancy says:

    Very interesting. I like Toumai's comment. Four sweet little girls and "small humble house of God for each of the two."

  11. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Nice story, amazing how similar names often crop up as if to say, 'Are you paying attention.'

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That's very cool, Toumai!

  13. Toumai says:

    The etymology of the names is interesting: Paul– "small, humble"; Isabella– "house of God"; Katie– "each of the two"

    So, if you combine them:

    "Small humble house of God for each of the two"

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