Category Archives: parallels

The Source Code

Parallel universes seem to be the rage these days. One of the best and most recent books on the topic is Brain Greeneā€™s The Hidden Reality, which we wrote about in an earlier post, or in just about anything written … Continue reading

Posted in parallels, Uncategorized | 5 Comments

The Buddy System

Natalie sent us this synchronicity. She called it “a funny little one,” but to me it’s not little at all. It illustrates the vast complexity of the underlying order where synchronicity lives and breathes. And when you think about it,the … Continue reading

Posted in names, parallels | 14 Comments

A Nuclear Family?

Earlier, we pointed out synchronicities between the lives of Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama. Now, Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth sends us the curious parallels between two men, who one the surface seem quite different. Italian-American Nuclear Physicist Enrico Fermi is credited as … Continue reading

Posted in enrico fermi, obama, parallels | 10 Comments

Sad Celebrity Synchronicity

Here’s one of those historical synchronicities that we happened to come upon. This one parallels the Christopher Reeves synchronicity, even those though it doesn’t directly involve either well known actor. *** In 1973 British actress Julie Christie starred in the … Continue reading

Posted in celebrity, creativity, death, movies, parallels | 11 Comments

The King and His Double

This story from 1900 reminds me of some of the synchronistic parallels involving identical twins. Even though the two men – King Umberto I of Italy and the owner of a small restaurant in Monza – weren’t related, they looked … Continue reading

Posted in death, historical, parallels, twins | 7 Comments