Sensing the Future

Precognition is the least understood of psychic experiences, but also occurs the most frequently. The greatest misconceptions about precognition  are that it isn’t really possible or it’s an ability that’s accessible only to talent psychics. Yet we all experience it – perhaps as a sense of foreboding, a premonition, an impulse or an urge to do something that seems unreasonable or maybe even irrational. But we often dismiss such feelings as random and meaningless. As a result, we fail to benefit from an insight or miss an opportunity.

Have you sensed the future? If so, we’d love to hear about it!

Conventional wisdom claims tha we can’t tell the future. In this exciting and empowering book, Trish and Rob MacGregor take the conventional  wisdom and put it where it belongs – right in the trash!

– Whitley Strieber, author of Communion and The Afterlife Revolution

Available at Amazon.

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