4:44 Synchro from Victoria


Many people who experience synchronicities usually have stories to tell about time and number synchors. But Victoria Rudolph seems to have had more than her share.

She came across one of our books on Whitley Strieber’s site and emailed me about how she experiences  a lot of synchros. So I asked her to share some of them. And wow, did she ever!

This one is about 4:44. I was looking on the internet for free stock images and couldn’t find one. Then I glanced at my phone, saw it was 4:43. I  waited a minute and snapped this photo.

Here’s what she sent:

I was thinking about you the other day as I had promised to tell you my synchronicity stories.

What I have discovered over the years is that just about when I am to have a synchronistic event, I will look up at the clock and see a double digit time.  When this happens I get almost a little energetic nudge like a tingling  in my body. It is almost like my metabolism has suddenly sped up.

A few years ago I was heading into a hotel in Glacier National Park when I got a weird feeling that I was going to run into my oldest best childhood friend.  I mentioned this to my husband. I had not spoken to this friend for quite some time so I wasn’t sure why he popped into my head.

I got that tingling sensation and I checked my watch 4:44 pm. Sure enough I was waiting in a line for the afternoon tea and my husband tapped me on the shoulder and said Vicki “How do you do this? Look behind you there is Gary.”

This happened a second time a year later when we went to Mexico and there was Gary’s wife as we walked into the entrance of the hotel. Again Gary and I hadn’t spoken for months since the last time we ran into him so we laughed all together about it. Now we tell each other in advance where we are traveling so we can make plans to meet up.

I’ll be posting more of hers in the next few days.

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