Year of the Tiger

Today, Feb.14, was not only Valentine’s Day, but the Chinese New Year. It’s the Year of the Metal Tiger, also known as the White Tiger. Great for wealth, but there’s also the potential for destruction and social unrest and change.

Astrologer Lynn Hayes notes: “It’s an interesting synchronicity that Uranus (revolution and change) will enter the sign of Aries (war and agression) this year, bringing about a similar tendency towards chaotic social disorder and change that Chinese astrologers are predicting with the Year of the Tiger.”

Another astrologer Marvin Artley has this to say:

 “Tigers work best ‘in the trenches’ and in motivating others to get things done. It will be a great year to start an enterprise, work at self-improvement, prevail upon the boss for that raise you so richly deserve, do something daring and completely out-of-character, push your own and others’ boundaries, get over that fear of public speaking or just generally make a bold statement about your life. In all, find whatever stirs your passion this year and the Tiger in you is sure to come out!”

He goes on to say:
“The year of 2010, starting from Valentines’ Day, will be marked by revolutionary tendencies, advances and accidents in transport, attempts at imposing draconian legislation, advances in media and a resurgence of the working classes. Metal (White) Tiger years typically see antitrust legislation and insurrections in the political arena….The so-called War on Terror will take a decisive turn in 2010, with expected military action against recalcitrant regimes. Iran and North Korea come to mind. The Korean War started in the White Tiger year of 1950.

“On the social front the explorer’s instinct and entrepreneurial spirit will be to the fore. New products come out in White Tiger years that tend to become ‘old standards’ later, such as peanut butter, Pepsi Cola, the sewing machine, corrugated boxes, hamburgers and beloved comic strips (‘Peanuts’ and Beetle Bailey’), so put on your thinking caps and see what you can come up with. The Tiger in Chinese astrology represents majesty, dignity and sternness, daring, power and passion and anyone who has those qualities in their nature will fare well in 2010.”
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10 Responses to Year of the Tiger

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, the tiger's certainly on point with today's political and social and spiritual climate – and on the entrepreneurial front, gee, if anyone comes up with anything better than peanut butter and hamburgers!

    great post! thanks for sharing new year info – can't believe i missed it yesterday!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Aleks – what year?

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Peek: you get the most right on word verifications, Toumai.
    We'll do a predictions update later in the year, lakeviewer and therese, and see where things stand! But shadow's right, things are 'exciting' enough right now.
    I agree with you, Nancy. Entrepreneurs see a gap in the market and fill it.
    Welcome, Anne!

  4. Toumai says:

    Feels like I've had a 10 year preview

    wv: peektn… hmm, peek ten

  5. Shadow says:

    wow, sounds like exciting times to come. as if they're not 'exciting' enough already…

  6. Anne Lyken-Garner says:

    What a wonderful idea for a blog! You have a very interesting site here. Thanks for the visit.

  7. Nancy says:

    I've been feeling that entrepreneurial ideas are going to be big. When there is nothing to lose, people put on their thinking caps. I think we are about to see some incredible innovations.

  8. lakeviewer says:

    We'll return to this one to check the prediction. Lots of forces here.

  9. therese says:

    Interesting. This is a post to save with the prediction posts and review every few months. Happy New Year!

  10. ALeks says:

    Ahummmm….I was born as a White tiger (18.Januari at night),what does this tell me and the other " white " cats,:O)?!
    Great post,thank you!
    Happy Valentines Day and Happy New Year!!

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