UFOs & Synchronicity

Recently, we posted Mike Clelland’s synchronicity related to an idea about UFOs and cats that was remarkable similar to another blogger’s idea on the same topic written two months earlier. Mike swears that he had no knowledge of the writer or his post at the time he wrote his ‘string theory’ tale.

That post got us to thinking about the idea of UFOs and synchronicity, especially when we remembered that Carl Jung had written a book on the subject, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies, published in German in 1958 and translated in English in 1959. Never one to fear treading on thin ice and plunging into controversy, the enigmatic Jung boldly wrote a 176-page thesis on his ideas.

Jung saw the UFO phenomenon as an expression of archetypes deeply ingrained in the human psyche. He also thought that some UFO sightings were synchronistic, which suggests that they might relate to psychic phenomenon. As Eric Ouellet notes on his cerebral parasociology blog, Jung’s thesis has been misconstrued to identify UFOs as a product of popular rumors leading to individual misperceptions. In other words, a popular trend with no basis in reality. In fact, Amazon.com describes the book in a similar fashion: “In this wonderful and enlightening book Jung sees UFO’s as ‘visionary rumours’, the centre of a quasi-religious cult and carriers of our technological and salvationist fantasies.”

That description ignores the link that Jung saw between UFOs and synchronicity, which seemed to validate some sightings as an aspect of psi phenomena, if not nuts and bolts objects.

 Okay, with that in mind here’s a real life UFO synchronicity that I wrote about in THE FOG: A Never Before Published Theory of the Bermuda Triangle Phenomenon. My co-author Bruce Gernon and I included a chapter on the UFO connection to the famed B.T. and recorded Gernon’s own experiences. The story begins with a sighting witnessed by several people.
On December 30, 1974, he and his wife, Lynn, and other passengers on a commercial jet flight watched a large amber-colored UFO for several minutes. “We were descending toward Palm Beach International and were about 50 miles north over the city of Stuart. We were at about 6,000 feet and about three miles inland when we first saw the UFO,” he recalled. “I was looking east toward the ocean at 7:25 p.m. when a huge disk-shaped object appeared at an altitude of 3,000 feet. It was just offshore and flying south. It looked like the UFO that I’d almost collided with four years earlier. It was the same color and it seemed to glow from within, creating a metallic appearance. On the upper portion I noticed a bulge, like a cap, similar to a cockpit.”

Gernon snapped several photos of the craft. At first, it was moving slower than the plane, which actually passed it. Before it disappeared from sight, he took several photos of the moving object. Although the object appears distant and somewhat hazy against the dark sky, it looks like an oval-shaped craft and the bulge at the top is visible.

He noted that there were no thunderstorms in the area and the visibility was about ten miles with patches of cumulus clouds between two thousand and four thousand feet. “It would disappear from sight when it passed through the clouds, but we could still see an amber glow from within the cloud.”

The next night, feeling that another UFO would make an appearance, he and Lynn went to the beach and brought along binoculars with zoom lenses. This time, they saw a series of UFOs at Delray Beach. The weather was clear with no clouds and visibility was over ten miles when he spotted a UFO.

They watched it for about ten seconds until it vanished from sight. Just as it disappeared to the south another appeared to the north, identical to the first one. Again, the UFO traveled at an incredible speed from north to south. Then, a third UFO appeared as if they were moving along the same flight path. It was followed by a fourth and then a fifth disk-shaped object. Zooming in with the binoculars, he could see that they were identical in shape and color to the one he’d seen the previous night.

The last one flew closer to shore. It appeared to be about ten miles off the coast and traveled at the same high speed as the others. “When it was almost adjacent to us, it made a remarkable maneuver, a high-speed ninety degree turn with no curvature in its flight path. It headed due west at an altitude of approximately 2,000 feet and within a few seconds it passed within half a mile of us. When it reached the mainland, it flashed a blue light several times, then vanished.”
So Jung probably would’ve seen a synchronicity in this story in that Gernon felt that if he went to the beach he would see a UFO. He and Lynn did so and witnessed several. It appears as if the last one might’ve even given a parting salute to Gernon, the only known survivor of an encounter with the heart of the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon.

This story has some similarities to one we posted by Marcus Anthony in that both stories involved predicted sightings.

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18 Responses to UFOs & Synchronicity

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You bring that mothership on down here to Florida, Jenean. I want to take photos!

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, darn! and i thought i'd find you on the mothership with me! well, we'll swoop by later!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Not abducted yet, Jenean!

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just checking on you two over here –

  5. Lily Robinson says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I see now why my question caught your attention. It was an eerie coincidence…

  6. Shadow says:

    this was a most interesting read. ufo's though… i'd like to believe…

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm like you, Gypsy. I refer to books over and over, too. Or I'll glance at one and it conjures memories of when I first read that book.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    know what you mean nancy – isn't it the best!!!

    on the books, i've thought about setting up a kind of book trading post – thing is, i always like keeping my books to refer to over and over! but books are kind of like air to me – gotta have them!


  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I ove your site for the same reasons, Nancy!
    And Gemel, do tell about your UFO experiences.

  10. Nancy says:

    I love your site. Since visiting here this morning, I have bookmarked three sites and ordered two books.

  11. Marlene says:

    I wonder if seeing UFO's is liken to seeing spirits?? some people have the capabilities other just do not seem to have it …the one's that are not able to tap into that reality…I always wonder if it out of fear..they would be able to if they wanted to see it?

  12. Toumai says:

    my 2 scents ;-)(-;

    With it being a given– that forms of life with far greater intelligence exist other than us, then it seems to me that these 'others' would communicate with that part of us that is of higher intelligence.

    So, in comes the unconscious (self)… and the collective unconscious (group…world).

    When we more readily tap into our hidden psyche (without fear and trepidation)we come to the seat of greater knowledge and understanding. When we do that, we will excell beyond the stars.

    The question is, Butt will we do that– claim this dance floor with abandon… or are we so conditioned that we never move beyond the sidelines?

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, the possibilities are, indeed, endless – my own experiences with ufos have been intensely progressive, leaving me wondering of what's next –

  14. Mike Clelland! says:

    First, anytime I see the year 1974 in reference to UFO's, i take notice. THat was a HOT year for sightings.

    And – here's the link to the previous UFO / Synchro-Groovy story.


    Don't get me started on UFO's and Synchronicities, that subject is an ongoing fascination for me (or bottomless pit).

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I agree there is no single explanation for the UFO phenomena. Inter-dimensional travel- beyond our normal reality of time and space – seems a likely possibility. That could mean the UFOs are from right here, from an alternate Earth, from the future, or from far away.

    The possibilities are endless. But the synchroncities are eerie and might offer an important clue. It seems to place some of them inside our consciousness. – R

  16. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Fascinating! My only experience regarding a UFO was one night when leaving a friend's house. It was extremely dark and the sky was clear. I saw the 'UFO' high in the sky above our car and pointed it out to my wife, friend and his wife. The odd thing, from my point of view, is that only two of us could see it, the other two thought I was pointing at various stars.


  17. Marcus T. says:

    I certainly don’t consider myself to be a UFO expert, but I’ll throw my five cents in here. I suspect there is indeed a synchronistic aspect to some UFO experiences. If you recall my UFO experience, related some time ago here and on my own blog (www.mindfutures.com/blogcomments.php?blgid=1) , the first UFO “appeared” the second I opened my door, suggesting there was some connection with my appearance at that time and moment. I have always thought that that event was a case of the universe helping me out a bit, as it occurred right at a time when I was challenging a previously skeptical worldview.

    That event caused me to discard my previous way of seeing things. So, the link between my mind and the perception of the UFO does not necessarily mean it was a pure psychological projection (as the original blog post mentions).

    I think it’s reasonable to assume that not all UFO sightings are the same thing. Of those that have some kind of synchronistic, paranormal or otherworldly flavour, there are probably many different kinds. Some do indeed seem to defy the laws of physics, moving from one point to another in a flash. Others seem to travel relatively normally.

    They also differ in appearance and shape. Some are round, many are rectangular, some metallic, some etheric.

    In the end we have to admit how little we really know about the universe. There are 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone, and countless hundreds of billions of galaxies in the known universe (in 1900, the universe was exactly one galaxy big, according to the science of the day). Only the most stubborn skeptic would deny that the odds are overwhelming that there are many, many more intelligent species in the universe than ours. What form and shape they take is anyone’s guess.

    Another point is that my own exploration of spiritual realms has shown me that there are non-physical dimensions which support intelligences different from our own. Even we humans don’t exist completely within this physical dimension – our minds merge with some of these other realms. I suspect some UFOs may “come” from them. Interestingly these realms do not seem to operate with the same laws of physics as ours, and the ideas of space and time seem hazy or even non-existent. This completely throws out the lame arguments of skeptics who argue that even if alien life does exist, it could never make it here as it is too far to travel. I recall reading about one unfortunate physicist at the turn of the 20th century arguing that it would be impossible to travel to the other side of the world in less than 24 hours, because ships could not physically travel that fast through the water. He didn’t live to see the Concorde do it in a couple of hours.

    All rational argumentation is embedded within presupposition, founded on premises. What’s worse, we don’t even know what most of those presuppositions are most of the time, till something happens to make us realise our arrogance.


  18. Gemel says:

    Wow, what can one say…My encounters with UFOs have been somewhat tame compared to this..

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