Image of Huricane Ian, which NOAA tracked from start to finish
Daily, evidence of the trump/musk coup continues. Today, it became personal, in an odd way. Our producer, Jon Posey, who works in IT for the DOD, texted that he can no longer produce The Mystical Underground podcast. He has been instructed to return to the office, per trump’s orders. He will be able to record the podcasts we have scheduled through the end of March, and will spend time showing me how to and what to do to edit the zoom recordings.
The other thing is that the firing of several 100 NOAA employees will impact the ability of weather experts to predict and report on hurricanes. This is terrible news for Florida and other east coast and gulf coast states that are so vulnerable to these storms. It’s undoubtedly part of trump’s contention that global warming is a myth. He seems to think his belief is truth so by cancelling NOAA, he will make it true. It’s like our clueless governor,DeSantis, deleting the words climate change from all legislation. Deleting, in his mind, make is true.
Here’s the report from NPR – which, by the way, the musk/trump team intend to defund.
During the time of Hurricane Ian from September 23 -30, 2022, I followed it courtesy of NOAA reports. At one point, it was forecast to hit South Florida’s East coast and grocery store shelves here quickly went empty. Then it did a big jog to the south and west and finally made landfall as a Cat 4 hurricane just west of Fort Myers on Florida’s west coast on September 28, 2022. . It was the third costliest weather disaster on record worldwide and the deadliest hurricane to strike Florida since the 1935 Labor Day hurricane.
Home owner’s insurance rates in this state were already climbing. But after Ian, those rates soared.
What’s ironic is that trump’s mar-a-lago sits on the beach in Palm Beach & needs those NOAA forecasts as much as the rest of us do. But, well, maybe he won’t realize that until his gaudy estate is swept away during the next hurricane season that begins on June 1, 2025.