Mercury retrograde alert, a lunar eclipse, & Neptune


It’s that time of year again. Mercury turns retrograde in Aries  on March 14 at 11:46 PM PT and on March 15 at 2:46 AM EDT. Also on the 14th, there’s a lunar eclipse at 23 degrees Virgo at 2:55 am EDT.

The drill for Mercury retro consists of a list of things to avoid:

Don’t schedule surgery, a move, or sign a contract. Don’t start anything new or take anything for granted. Follow the rule of the three Rs: revise, review, reconsider. It turns direct in Pisces on April 7.

Lunar eclipses tend to signal that something in your life is ending – a job, a project, a source of income, a relationship. This will be followed in two weeks – on March 29 – by a solar eclipse in Aries. Then on the 30th, Neptune enters Aries, signaling the beginning of a new era.

Neptune takes 14 years to transit a sign, so this one is a big deal. Neptune governs spirituality, the paranormal, heightened creativity, your visionary self and your illusions, the hidden, the unconscious, mystical tendencies. It can result in deception, fantasies, a mixed up sense of reality. It will be in Aries until 2039. What can we expect? Well, the last time Neptune was in Aries was between 1861 and 1875. The American Civil War was between 1861-1965. With trumpies in charge, cozying up to Russia and Putin, we may find ourselves in another war. It will oppose Libra and square other cardinal signs – Cancer, Capricorn. With Neptune involved in different aspects, fantasies and deception may be part of the mix.

If you know your time of birth, you can get a copy of your natal chart here to see how all this impacts you.


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