Feast or Famine

                                 Painting by Megan MacGregor

Mike Perry  came up with a great term for those times when synchronicity is simply absent from our lives: coincidence droughts. But then there are times when synchronicities are frequent and profuse. What causes one or the other?

F. David Peat, in his wonderful book Synchronicity: The Bridge Between Mind and Matter, theorizes that synchronicities occur frequently when our lives are in transition – a move, a birth, death, divorce, change in career, illness.These archetypal situations can foster synchronicities that startle us so deeply we are forced to recognize them as something more than random coincidences.

 So perhaps these droughts occur when our lives are humming along at a steady pace, without dramatic events or transitions.   But it’s also possible that awareness of meaningful coincidences, and the belief that they actually mean something, play a vital part in their occurrence. In fact, belief is probably the strongest component in this picture.

After all, if you believe in a universe where nothing magical happens, then it’s likely you experience that sort of universe. The reverse would also be true. Yet, because synchronicity seems to be the archetypal language of the unconscious, it sometimes thrusts its way into the lives of skeptics like Gabe Carlson. His  Magical Teapots story was one of our early posts on synchronicity and is still one of the most powerful synchronicities I’ve ever run across.

What are your thoughts on this? Are there periods in your life when you experience more – or fewer – synchronicities ?

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15 Responses to Feast or Famine

  1. terripatrick says:

    Let my explain my three synchro's…

    When I have a specific issue, project or objective, and then have some type of synchronicity that feels like an insightful message that give me a thrill – I thank whatever energy provided that thrill. But I also know about the trickster and that there are a variety of energies at play in my life.

    So my next step is to make a sacred space within and get peaceful. This isn't necessarily a meditation but a personal grounding – 2 feet on this earth.

    Then I form a very deliberate and clear ANSWER in my mind. (This is not a question because that's what I had when I got the synchronicity that gave me a thrill.) My request to the higher energies is to receive 3 synchronicities to show that my answer is on track.

    After getting those 3 affirmations (If they come, they are always from different venues) I then acknowledge the importance of the ANSWER and make a point to put my attention on how to manifest the answer. This can be a lot of work. 🙂 It's also really fun!

    When I make the shift from acknowledging the ANSWER to manifesting the answer, is when I have to really concentrate on the inner voice. Unfortunately, for me, this means, house cleaning and exercise. I have to get physically busy with mindless and productive tasks while considering how to manifest the message.

    We are all so unique! But my house gets really cleaned a few times a year! LOL!

    word verif: tocksy
    I see TOC (Tools of Change)

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Terri – that's right! The finger of Jupiter. I forgot about that. Interestingly, since she has Pisces rising, Jupiter rules her chart!
    And fascinating that the synchros for you come in threes…

  3. terripatrick says:

    Love Megan's painting! It looks like a pocket watch hanging from the branches – makes me think an attention on time weighs us down. 🙂
    The shape of the fingers, using the Jupiter finger as the source of the tree…. I know artists and palmists would see so much in this! Alas, I am neither but do love this picture! It's mysterious and colorful, the more I look at it, the more I see and the more I wonder. Which I believe is what art is all about.

    Oh yeah, the post… Synchronicity happens daily for me but what varies is the potency of the message and strength of the feeling. It's fun to walk around my life knowing I am connected to a greater energy. I also make a point not to trip.

    I am one who, when aware of a strong feeling or synchronicity, I make a point to pause and get clear, then request verification of what I think the message may be. These will always come in 3.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Von, just as your comment came in I was reading the galleys to 7 Secrets and had reached the following paragraph, which seems to tie in synchronistically with your comment:

    Synchronicities, when you’re aware of them, are like whispered cues, signposts along life’s road. Take this turn, go straight here. Take a risk. Slow down, speed up. In the transformation Age, if you’re a part of it, synchronicities happen every day. Yet, they aren’t everyday experiences.

  5. Von says:

    Experience it all the time, there is not drought time.I believe it comes from living in a 'can-do' society where people share beliefs and are not sceptical.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I love Megan's painting, too. She did it for an independent project n art.

    Good point about synchros, Ray. In fact, everyone here has made great points. Travel, creativity, being in the flow, getting caught up in "reality." Aleksander, will check out the URL. Interesting music synchros!

  7. Ray says:

    I have never thought about the feast or famine in synchronicity. It either happens or it doesn't. Most of the time I just consider that after a certain age it becomes like King Soloman said, "There is nothing new under the sun."

    I love the painting.


  8. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I think you have mentioned previously how coincidences happen when you travel – and I think that's right.

    When we embrace life and get involved, meet new people, have new experiences stuff happens. Routine loads us down and dulls the mind.

    I also believe in cycles. As with London buses experiences come together and then you sometimes have to wait a while for the next one to come along.

  9. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Well, you obviously won't find me at Mspace. The link should be to Myspace. I must fix that "y" on my keyboard.

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    fabulous fabulous painting by megan!!! very well done! love the colors AND the style! great work, ms macgregor!

    ok – you'll love this wv=thydra=thy draw! 🙂

  11. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Perhaps it's some kind of a stretch of your question, but I think there is something similar to synchronicity happening when someone's life is in transition: time behaving as an illusion. To give you an example: the first Red Hot Chili Peppers' drummer Jack Irons was a good friend of Eddie Vedder. When the members of future Pearl Jam were looking for a singer, they asked him if he could suggest someone. Eddie Vedder was his suggestion. He had started as a singer and became their main songwriter. They have invited him to sing, not to make music. This one and similar examples (e.g. Bill Gates and Paul Allen) look to me like proofs (if we are willing to accept them) that time can move in both directions. By the way, Stone Gossard (Pearl Jam's previous main songwriter) has described that event as synchronicity in an interview.

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    for me, the one most definable thing is a "feeling" that i will have – a feeling of, i think like "openness" – to possibilities – it's a "feeling" – while i can see at times a correlation to transitional phases in my life, and perhaps it's that these "feelings" are just more refined, more dominant, during these transitional phases and that is why i notice the "feelings" more, always, it is the "feeling" first for me – now, i have no clue if what i just said makes sense and if i go back to clarify, well, that would be changing what first came out so i hope it makes sense to others –

    in any event – this feeling is palpable – it has a light – it's a bright yellow-white light – and i "know" its there and that "things" will be happening –

    however, like shadow suggested, during time of life distractions, it isn't that the feeling isn't there, it's just that i'm not as in touch with it – energy-wise – like recently, i've had A LOT of familial distractions that have zapped a large pocket of energy – physical and otherwise –

    but, just thursday, after several days of lower creativity levels, my "feeling" started returning, i could feel the juices running again – and i did a post ["the print of your heart" about love's fingerprints on a heart] at my words unspoken blog late in the afternoon – about an hour later, my 4 year old grandson came running in to tell me he and mommie had been to the library – and he held up his new book for me to see "FINGERPRINT DRAWING BOOK" –

    also, in times past i have found a correlation with lunar phases – full and new moons most – need to track that out –

    so glad you included the teapot story – i went back and re-read it and it was just as tantalizing as the first time – reminded me of when my contractors found the yellow dress i had seen the spirit girl with the long hair wearing –

    great point you make about the delusional seeing everything as synchronicity –

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Then there are people who are preoccupied with their delusions, see everything as synchronicity, and create a distorted, ego-centric 'reality' that eventually brings them down, and sometimes others who cross their paths.

    Thursday, one such man opened fire on guards at the Pentagon.

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Could be, Shadow.

  15. Shadow says:

    absolutely. but i haven't actually wondered why. although could it be cause we're too preoccupied with 'reality' that we then miss these synchronicities?

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