Is There Life After Death?

The question of whether there is life after death has been debated for decades. Now, in a new book, radiation oncologist Jeffrey Long contends that if you look at the scientific evidence, the answer is a resounding yes.

For the past decade, Dr. Long  has been researching near-death experiences, cataloging the stories of 1,600 people who have had such experiences. In an interview with Time, he says  that “medicine cannot account for the consistencies in the accounts reported by people all over the world.”

In the book – and in the Time interview – Long says that a near-death experience (NDE) has two components. The individual has to be near death, that is, “physically compromised so severely that they would not improve,” which often means the person is clinically dead, without a heartbeat and not breathing. The second component is that while the individual is in this state, he has an experience that is “generally lucid and highly organized.”

Dr. Raymond Moody brought this phenomenon to the attention of the general public in 1975, with the publication of his groundbreaking book Life After Life. Ever since, the debate has raged. Long and his wife, Jody, have a website that is the largest NDE website in the world, where they post every NDE story exactly as it’s told to them.  He says that his research has convinced him absolutely that there is life after death and that knowledge helps him to face the devastating disease with more courage. “I can be a better physician for my patients.”

Here is Gypsy’s post about her powerful NDE.

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21 Responses to Is There Life After Death?

  1. JamaGenie says:

    I'm 100% certain a one's present life is not the only life he/she will experience. I know at least a dozen people I've known in previous lives, in many cases in multiple lives. I know exactly how I died in two (run through with a sword and shot by a sniper), and because I can't stand to wear anything tight around my wrists or neck, suspect I was hung in another. I've had vivid flashbacks (some pleasant, some not) to previous lives. I've learned to recognize when a new person in my life is only there temporarily to remind me (or me them) of an unresolved issue.

    I helped one of those temporary friends explore her past lives, the result being she was cured of several medical conditions that had bedeviled her doctors. In fact, many doctors would have to give up their practices if more people would accept reincarnation and resolve the issues they carry from previous lives to this one.

  2. What was done says:

    Here is a kind of life after death you can be sure of…

  3. Vicki D. says:

    With both of my NDE's one thing that really stayed with me was the feeling of not being judged. With my second one I was asked if I wanted to stay and I knew that whatever I decided that it would be ok.
    The feeling of no judgement, no feeling that I would stop being loved was nothing I had ever experienced before. I honestly believe that that experience has made me much more patient and tolerant.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – thank you for sharing your experience. The details are fascinating! Terri – parental openness to these areas really make a difference in a child's entire belief system.

  5. Vicki D. says:

    Great post and GypsyWoman your NDE is beautiful.
    In the 70's I "drowned" and hovered above my body on the beach while life guards tried to revive me.
    I remember the peace I felt, no pain, the temp.was perfect and someone was just behind me to my right talking softly to me. I remember that I felt loved. They asked me what I saw and what I thought. I said "She is in so much pain and so young" (I was 16). I noticed all of the people standing around and how quiet everyone was. They then told me to look closer at the girl and when I realized it was me it was like a whoosh, and my eyes flew open and I was looking up at the lifeguard as he screamed "get the oxygen, she's alive!" and then the crushing pain in my chest as I struggled to breathe.
    I walked around for months wondering what had happened to me since I hadn't heard about NDE's at the time.
    I had another 2 years after the birth of my youngest and I remember saying to my guide "no I promised to stay and raise them this time" and I returned.
    With both, the quiet and peace were amazing and so was the feeling of being loved. I still remember them so vividly.

  6. terripatrick says:

    The Long's website is awesome. Thanks for posting the link. I am glad to know people today who have NDE's can now access such amazing resources to help bring comfort and added insights to their experience.

    My mom had more than one NDE, one later in life that troubled her a bit, so I was raised in an awareness of Life after Life as fact. She didn't give us stories or descriptions, just a very confident assurance that it was grander than we can imagine and her lesson was – the more joy we live and spread in this life, the greater AfterLife will be.

    What delighted me today about the Long's website is the link, "What is the purpose of Soulmates?" The article is fascinating in how it brings AfterLife relationships into "this life" journey.

    I personally will agree that the human condition is a dream state, illusion, and temporal from our real energetic and eternal life. However, I chose this human life from-birth-to-death from the grander awareness in my AfterLife! So this human life – 2 feet firmly planted on Mother Earth – must be pretty damn important for my spiritual journey. So I will always treat it as such.

    That's why I adore the statement by Jody Long I read today: a preliminary definition of Soulmates, which is “a loving relationship manifesting spiritual growth.”

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I understand your doubts, Gemel. Pick up a copy of Seth Speaks or any of Jane Roberts books. See if they resonate for you. There's a chapter called The Death Expertience which is probably one of the best descriptions I've ever read about life after death. It feels right to me.

  8. Gemel says:

    I believe there is life after death, as I have had too many experiences that I have remembered from past lives. But I also ponder this, what if we are but a walking dream, that maybe all this we think of as LIFE, is just a memeory from another time, a dream or only a part of the reality of the totality of who we really are????

  9. Marlene says:

    I re read Jenean's story again..such powerful confirmation of life after death…I have had several members in my family that have recalled stories they had heard from other people and also several have had the experience themsevles..I have no doubt of there is a continuation of our life.

  10. Natalie says:

    Makes it a no-brainer doesn't it? I have been VERY drawn to this subject lately, after receiving some 'communication' from beyond. I am wondering if they (spirit) move closer to us, when they know that someone you know is sick or dying.

    I have a cousin and a friend who are unwell, nothing major it seems from the outside, but i have a nagging feeling that all is not well, at all! Two separate communications were received in regard to these people. What if they are not meant to 'go' yet?

    Are spirit able to circumvent this? i.e through impressing us, or directly speaking in ones ear, such as they did with me in regard to my friends? Hmmmm……..

  11. Natalie says:

    Smoochies, thanks. 🙂

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – Natalie, I thought we had posted Gypsy's NDE, but I can't seem to find it. I do know we used it in the book. She gave a link to her travel blog: travel journal blog july 13, 2009 post. Here's the URL:

  13. Natalie says:

    I would love to read yours, Jenean!

    I have been reading a few books lately about the afterlife,and I hover between completely believing, and then doubting. I still do not understand why I doubt really, seeing as I can hear dead people?????

    wv = wings. 🙂

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    thanks, trish – you know, it's like my "dreams" – they stay – become a part of me – if only everyone could "go" and "know" –

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – your NDE remains one of the best I've ever read. The detail is astonishing.

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    in the mid 60's, ten years before Moody came out in the mid 70's with his research, when i had my own NDE/OBE [travel journal blog july 13, 2009 post] there were no forums at all for discussion or sharing of such experiences – as a matter of fact, to even suggest or mention such an experience would have brought about a serious inquiry into the degree of one's mental health – so it was, that for many many years, with one exception, i did not tell another soul of my own experience outside my two surgeons – in the 80's i communicated for several months with kenneth ring, who was then doing his own research in this area, including experiences of sightless persons – and today, this subject is widely discussed, has been researched extensively and debate continues – but, for me, any debate ended before it began – because, i know –

  17. Gwendolyn H. Barry says:

    Really?! Well, it's truly a small world! LOL I've been following your blog for a while now. Good stuff! I post on a team and the new global myth, but I have a couple of other metaphysical blogs too.

    I actually took a seminar with Ray Moody / D. Brinkley in the early 80's. I passed on what I was learning and found people were comforted with the common sense approach and 'validation' of a clinical point of view. Useful stuff. 🙂 A beautiful day … enjoy!

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Gwen, I see we are in neighboring communities. We're in Wellie World with the horsey people.

  19. Vanessa says:

    Energy is an interesting thing, and we are composed mostly of energy.

  20. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I find this a fascinating subject as so many NDE have such similarities.

  21. Gwendolyn H. Barry says:

    Good post… I was going to recount Moody before I even finished reading…LOL
    I remember what a difference Life After Life and the further work of Moody meant to those of us studying parapsychology (called in those days) now called psi-science. He cataloged a great many NDE's … I believe he coined the term. His one big star was Danion Brinkley. I've listened to D. speak and been in the room as his 'gifts' reached into my direction. Very life changing experience. It's vital work, and information. Great post.

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