Robin Hood exposed

Recently we wrote about Johnny B. Goode, the South Florida man who is mentally disturbed and, at last count, had been arrested 50 times in recent months. His most recent arrested happened an hour after a reporter had interviewed him about all of his arrests.

Now comes Robin Hood — Robin Josua Hood, a thief who was arrested in Denver in January for stealing three baseball caps from a record store. We are left to wonder if the 34-year-old Robin Hood really needed three caps, or…was he planning on giving away a couple of them to hatless, hapless street people? Apparently, Robin Hood was living incognito at the time. Instead of hiding in Sherwood Forest, he was using someone else’s ID when police arrested him. But they soon uncovered the truth, that they had nabbed Robin Hood.

Thanks to Jim Banholzer for alerting us to this news item.

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4 Responses to Robin Hood exposed

  1. JamaGenie says:

    I don't wonder RH was using another's identity! The ridicule he must've endured with his real name! I'd venture a good numerologist could've predicted he would *not* follow in his namesake's footsteps. Baseball caps… Puhlease. (-:

  2. Von says:

    So which Robin Hood of the many is this one?

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok, so i confess that this is NOT where i thought the story was going [from the title] 🙂

    in any event, it does give one pause to wonder of human nature/minds when we hear such tales – in this case, i'm going with robin hood was, in fact, getting extras to hand out to the hatless hapless others in the midst of a frigid january in denver – that's how i like to see robin hood, anyway! and about using someone else's identify, well, now, if word got out that RH was back in business, no telling what kind of mass whatever that would provoke!!!

    neat post, you two!

  4. Gemel says:

    Bless his heart, with the changes quickening to end this world age, many more Robin Hoods are going to appear!

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