A vision that saved a life

As we’ve mentioned previously, we see precognition as an aspect of synchronicity because a thought or dream is linked with an event in the outer world without any involvement of cause and effect. For example, numerous people reported dreams and premonitions about the devastating attack on the World Trade Center.We’ve cited several such stories in 7 Secrets of Synchronicity.

But it’s rare when someone can save a life with a dream. But here’s one such case from Connie Cannon of St. Augustine, Florida.
 “When we lived in GA and I was progressing through the degrees of magical skills at The House Of Ravenwood, which was my Wiccan coven, my high priestess was named Lady Sintana.  One night I sat bolt upright wide awake in bed, and in the dresser mirror across from the end of our bed, an image began to play out.

“In this wide-awake image, I saw Ravenwood, which was an old two-story  Victorian home with lots of trees and shrubs in the front.  It had a sidewalk leading up to steps that went to the front porch.  In the mirror I saw a short, bulky man with shoulder-length hair wearing a red plaid shirt walking up the sidewalk towards the porch.  He was carrying a pistol that he held down beside his leg, and I “knew” he was planning to kill our High Priestess.  I glanced at the clock.  It was exactly 3:30 am.  Psychically, I knew it was going to occur the next night.  The vision ended.

“Early the next morning I phoned Lady Sintana and described to her every detail in the waking vision.  She called the police. They were no doubt dubious about dreams and premonitions, but just to be on the safe side, they put an officer on the property that night.

“Surely enough, at exactly 3:30 am, a short bulky man with shoulder-length hair wearing a red plaid shirt walked onto the sidewalk approaching the porch to the house.  The officer grabbed him,  The man was a religious fanatic.  He held a .38 in his hand, and he was intending to “kill the witch.”

After that, the Atlanta police occasionally used me on an on-call basis. So I pay attention to my dreams, even though most of the time they are not nearly as precise at that one. In Lady Sintana’s situation, I was in a position to help prevent the event.  In most instances, I just get the visions but can’t do anything, even if I understand the message.
We suspect that Connie’s magical deed saving the life of the priestess moved her up a notch in the Wiccan degree system.

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13 Responses to A vision that saved a life

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    vicki d – having experienced the exact same thing you mention here, i totally understand what you are saying – the same exact thing has happened to me over and over with dreams – and events that ultimately did happen – i would see the building clearly, the person involved, know the circumstances of the event, etc – but not know the exact "where" most of the time so what could i do – and then, when the event does happen, i recognize everything about it that i see in the media! just like a re-run of my dreams!

    anyway, i often wonder the same thing – why am i shown things about which i can do nothing? – and the thought that maybe i am missing a piece that is there, after all –

  2. Vicki D. says:

    In my experience I have helped two people who then seemed to think because I "saw" the event I made it happen.

    As I mentioned in a recent post, I saw the Columbine attack. I didn't know where the school was but when I saw the TV coverage I recognized the school.
    It was hard when that happened because I wondered why I get shown things that I can do nothing about. I walked around for 2 weeks trying to figure out where this would happen and I really had no one to talk to. It helps reading about so many other people having similar experiences.

  3. Vanessa says:

    Awesome story! However seldom it happens, I love that this kind of thing is even possible.

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i remember awakening from two intense separate dreams last night – but didn't remember them later – gee – but then, my experience today with the "quake" – what a day! very intriguing, nancy, about the axis!!!

    let's all focus on earth's calmness!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, Nancy. Your dream is the third report we've gotten today. I think it's time for a post on this.

  6. Nancy says:

    Wow. I really hope my dream last night of the earth going "off axis" doesn't come true! Fascinating story. I have to admit to not understanding Wicca for many years.

    I've had quite a few commenters that have blogs in different languages. I'll have to try this.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    JamaGenie – a murder 30 years before it happened is amazing. Most visions like that don't seem to be able to prevent the event from occurring. But perhaps in instances like this one there's a shift of some kind at a soul level.

    Gypsy – thanks for the tip on the neo-works. So far, the flag counter has worked well!

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    great great story! even greater because the event was stopped – much to my dismay, though, in my own experiences, i have rarely had it happen that the event could be averted for one reason or another – in any event, wonderful to hear of those times when the result is like this one!

    and off-topic, but great about your flag registry – fantastic the number of countries! you know, i've been using the little neo-works one for a while – the sign up for it said it was all free – and then, in the midst of it all, it quit working and wanted a monthly subscription which i wasn't willing to do – so, i've borrowed your idea to give it a try!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We've known Connie for years through e-mails, much of it conversing about her UFO-related experiences, exploration of past lives, psychic experiences, etc. But, until receiving this story, we didn't know that about her background in Wicca.

    She told us that she has kept that part of her life very secretive because of the fears many people still have about the nature religion. But now she doesn't care any more what people think about her.
    Off-topic, but interesting: In the week or so since we put up the flag registry on our site, we've had visitors from 66 countries.

    Very cool. Hi everyone from around the world! 🙂

  10. JamaGenie says:


    Natalie, timing may be the reason some deaths are averted and some are not. A friend and I foresaw the circumstances of his murder in great detail in nearly identical dreams 30 years before it happened. By then, we'd lost contact. Still makes me shudder that it happened in spite of knowing the how and where (but not the identity of the killer).

  11. Natalie says:

    I wonder why some events are averted and some not?

    I mean, i know on the grand scale, but to mediums /psychics it can be a frustrating and lonely place at times.

    Great story.x

  12. Dave King says:

    Intriguing. I found that reallyfascinating.

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