Premonitions of Disaster?

Last week, we wrote a post called Planetary Empaths about people who apparently have the ability to detect changes in the earth, such as earthquakes, in advance of such events. Usually, the sensations are felt hours or days before such an event. In the past 24 hours from Thursday evening to Friday afternoon, we received four  e-mails from readers here, who have experienced through one means or another, foreboding sensations related to a potential disaster.

Jane Clifford of Wales told us that before the earthquake in Hiati, she stopped in the middle of the living room and said “All I can feel is a great upheaval of the earth, chaos and despair.” She added: “My whole body feels broken and I feel crushed under heavy stones, also anxious and gloomy.” Before the earthquake in Chile she  felt the same doom.

Thursday,  she wrote and said: “I had the broken all over feeling again last night. I also had a high pitched clear ringing  outside of my right ear. So I was most interested to know that others experience earthquake premonitions.”
Here’s from Connie Cannon, received Friday afternoon.

“I’ve been unable to focus on anything today; am more or less walking the floor and crying, but don’t feel depressed….just angry at myself because I have no clue why I’m crying and agitated.  And, my service dog, Sunshine, who always perceives events no matter where on the planet they will be happening (I think she is an angel in canine disguise who has input from all dimensions, and I don’t say that in jest), is behaving the way she behaves when something big is on the horizon.

“I’m experiencing a sense of devastating sadness, but it doesn’t feel it’s relative to ME.  And I don’t know where this overwhelming sadness is originating.  As I said, I’m not depressed.  I feel the way I used to feel when one of my patients at hospice was end-terminal and approaching imminent transition.  It was sad for me, yet I had work to do and couldn’t give into the sadness. Then when my job was done and the patient was no longer suffering, I’d come home and  weep.  For both loss and joy.  That’s how I  feel.  No other explanation.  Sunshine is hugging my feet since yesterday morning.  She feels it, too, whatever it is.”
Here’s from Nancy, writing Friday afternoon.

“I really hope my dream last night of the earth going “off axis” doesn’t come true!”

We asked for more details and she wrote: “Just fire and chaos.” She sensed in the dream that the fire was from broken gas lines.

Here’s from Jenean (Gypsywoman), received Friday afternoon.

“…Sitting at my computer desk right by a double for the last hour or so – at 12:58 just now, a large shudder of the house/earth with all the double storm windows rattling and stuff on my desk bouncing – within a second of the first, another, smaller one happened, again with windows rattling, house “shuddering” – I looked outdoors but nothing seemed amiss with neighbors – anyway, I quickly googled the site:  “earthquake today did you feel it” and filled out a little questionnaire – just wondering if you all have had any other messages about something happening.”

Later, she wrote: “Police said no one else noticed anything – no one! but I PHYSICALLY FELT something! I mean, my phones jumped around on my desk and i thought the windows were going to break –
There it is. Hopefully, nothing serious will happen. But we decided to post this series of seemingly related comments, a possibly forewarning. Here’s Nancy’s post on it.

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17 Responses to Premonitions of Disaster?

  1. Vicki D. says:

    Trish, Before 9/11 I had headaches but more a feeling of nervousness. If you recall I told you about all of the shark sightings that there had been on the east coast. I was a nervous wreck right up until that morning.
    On the morning of 9/11 I felt great. It was beautiful here, I went out for my morning walk and returned to my phone ringing off the hook from friends.

    Once the event happens I feel better. Even with Columbine that morning I felt really good and it was finally not the dominant thought until I heard it on the radio and got home to see it on the news.
    It is not always fun being psychic.

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, point taken about the dreams of disaster/dreams of paradise –

    in this instance, however, which happened? the earthquake or paradise?

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the link, d. We'll check it out. Hadn't heard about the volcano.

  4. d page says:

    So far today there has been a 6.2 quake in Papua New Guinea, a 5.6 @ Guantanamo and 3 other milder ones, and now a volcano that hasn't erupted in 189 years is starting to blow in Iceland:

  5. Natalie says:

    Praying for calm……..

    wv = surepin. 🙂

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    d – can't wait to see what this image is! Give us the heads up when you post on it.

    Vicki – did you get migraines as 9-11 approached?

  7. Vicki D. says:

    Very interesting. My daughter and I have had really bad headaches starting Wed. afternoon into last night, and last night mine was really bad with vertigo.

    It will be interesting to see what is going on.

  8. d page says:

    I haven't gotten the "psychic" all clear yet. The turmoil has been pretty consistent since the Haiti quake. I'll be glad when things calm down. I am researching an intriguing dream image that came to me before both axis shifts ( 2004 Sumatra quake, and the recent Chili 8.8 quake). Turns out the image is very ancient, pre-solar cult, pre-lunar cult. It harks back to the stellar cult days from the area around what is now Siberia. A female goddess image representing the polar axis!I won't say more. I want to write it about it. It was really exciting to discover the image represented the axis of the earth.

  9. Vanessa says:

    I love coming to this page and seeing all of the comments from such interesting, intuitive people. Makes me feel connected and calm (despite the things you're seeing now). Good feeling.

    I know I'm reading this a day late, but I had a weird day yesterday (the 19th) where things just felt "off" and a weird night as well. I usually sleep like a rock, but I woke at 1:30a and couldn't go back to sleep until about 5:30. However, I don't get the sense of impending disaster like some of you do. Just natural planetary changes.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good point, Josephine. It was just very odd to get three similar instances in less than 24 hours.

  11. Josephine says:

    I often read your blog and there are indeed synchronicities I can't explain other than… well… synchronicities, but in this case I'm sceptical. There are so many people on our planet, it's seems only natural that some of us dream the same kind of dreams around the same time. But at the very moment three people are dreaming about disaster, three others could be dreaming of paradise. 🙂

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jama – just sent you an email.

  13. JamaGenie says:

    The more I come here, the more I learn. I've experienced temporary instances of extreme sadness that couldn't be explained by anything in my life or my children's at the time. Never occurred until now that they could've been connected to a natural disaster…

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Boogymic? How funny.
    Planetary calm. Yeah, I like that. A lot.

  15. Gail says:

    I am beginning to dream again. I shall see if I can remember them.

    WV was boogymic!

  16. Nancy says:

    Yes! Plenetary calm, please!

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    as i later noted to trish, i found out that ironically at 1:10pm [a 5.3] and 1:57pm [a 4.7] my time, two other quakes hit off the coast of chile – my first note to trish about my feeling a "quake" was at 1:12 pm –

    all of which is one thing – but one thing coupled with several others is a whole different picture –

    i'm focusing on planetary calmness!

    thanks for the post, macgregors –

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