Manifesting a Car

 Manifestation  is something you hear a lot about these days. You know the mantra – back your desires with powerful emotion, visualize, believe that what you want is on its way to you. But for many of us, the desires manifestation often gets tackled in its opposite – lack! So when we received an email from Trevor Simpson about how he manifested a car… well, let him tell the story.
 I woke up on Monday following the completion of the Olympics with the realization that my vehicle had not yet appeared and now the Olympics was over, perhaps it was time to resort to more traditional methods of buying a car. The idea of the car coming to me rather than me going to the car seemed to have been less than successful. I had decided that what I wanted was a used Suburu Outback. So what if they were hard to find and over-priced, I felt I wanted one and perhaps it was time to do something tangible to acquire it. How long could I continue to affirm, “Let my vehicle appear” and have nothing concrete manifest? That was all well and good while I was in Mexico and even right through the Olympics but now my confidence was beginning to wane. Perhaps I was in a delusionary state about this; my friend Lorne had already tried to show me how easy it could be to locate one through Craig’s List but at the time I was in no mood to listen, preferring to try my own strange and different method of finding my car.

Feeling a little sad about having to give up what I was hoping would be an amazing example of synchronicity and manifestation, I went to check my e-mail and to my astonishment there was a comment on the blog I had written back on February where I had described the process of trying to buy a car through meaningful coincidence. At that time I had been given a tentative offer of a Sebring Convertible but at the time it seemed too nebulous, uncertain and not really what I was looking for. The comment read “Buy the Sebring ! Buy the Sebring ! I have one and I love it ! I too, went from a 20 year old VW Van, I love my baby and still have it, to a used 2002 Sebring Convertible. Feel the love even more!” I sat back feeling a little bemused “Was this the sign I had been waiting for?”

It seemed like an astonishing coincidence to get this e-mail on this particular day. I decided to send the e-mail to my friend who owned the Sebring. The response I got back practically knocked me out of my chair. “I may have a “manifestation compromise” option for you to consider.  I leave for South Africa on March 22 and won’t return until May 11.  My car will sit in the garage for that whole time so you are more than welcome to “try it out” and use while I am away.” What an amazing and generous offer, I had absolutely nothing to lose. Who knows if I will buy the Sebring or not but this evidence of the universe responding to my intention could not be ignored. I decided to accept.

While out on my bike later that day, I found my usual route blocked by road works so I detoured to an alternative street. Then the thought crossed my mind that I should continue with my affirmation “Let my vehicle appear”. For some reason, in that same moment, I glanced to my right and there right beside me was – yes you guessed it – a Sebring Convertible. The universe is a wondrous place to play.

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11 Responses to Manifesting a Car

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – love this story!

  2. Sansego says:

    In 1994, when I was living in Italy and moving back to the U.S., I thought about buying a car for my final year in the Navy. My choice was either a Geo Metro or a Saturn Sl1. By the end of the year, I had become friends with a guy (who's still my best friend today) who was selling his Geo Metro, so I bought it from him for $4,000.

    I had the car for 18 months and paid it off after a year. In May 1996, I was running an errand for a guy who was running for Congress. It was hot and my Metro did not have air condition or a radio/cassette player. I remember thinking that day how nice it would be to have air condition and a cassette deck to blast my music on. While waiting at a stoplight at the bottom of a hill, next to the VA hospital, a Jeep Cherokee came speeding down the hill and rear ending my car. The Metro was totalled and I was devasted.

    In my search for a new car, I decided that I wanted a Ford Escort or a Saturn SL1…that had A/C, a cassette deck, a sunroof, and stick shift. As I passed by a Saturn dealership, I had the strangest urge to turn around and check it out. I didn't think they would have any in my price range (under $8,000), but I asked. The lady took me to the one car they had for that amount…and it was a Saturn SL1 with sunroof, cassette deck, A/C, and stick shift! It was $7,800 and the miles were around 85,000, which was how many miles my Metro accumulated until the accident.

    When I got my check from the insurance company, they paid $200 more than what I paid for the Metro. So, my wish in 1994 for either a Metro or a Saturn SL1 came true with both cars.

    I've been carless since 2002, though, after my Saturn died. I'd love a Scion tC, but I'm not putting any energy into "car manifestation" as I want other things more, that I can't seem to manifest.

    It is probably my first clear example of getting exactly what I desired…twice!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vanessa – what a great story. And you're right about being careful what you wish for!

  4. Vanessa says:

    This reminds me of my car manifestation story. As a resolution/wish for 2000, I wrote that I wanted a great car, even though I already had a great car (a Honda Del Sol). But back then, I was always wanting more. Anyway, I thought no more about it until several months later when I had a nightmare that I was in a car accident. The only good part about the dream was that my new car (after the accident) was a beautiful red Corvette. The next day, the car accident happened exactly like I had dreamed it (which wasn't a surprise to me), and a few days later, the insurance agent told me my little Honda was a "total loss," meaning I had to buy a new car. I went straight to the Chevy dealership and bought a used red Corvette looking exactly like the one in my dream (again, no surprise it just happened to be there).

    So yes, manifestation is very real, but always be careful what you wish for. I'm more careful now about what I ask for, and how I ask for it.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I would like a hybrid that gets, oh, 300 miles to the gallon!

  6. Nancy says:

    I need a car…

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    this was a really great post! had not really thought about things from a manifestation perspective – just always referred to such things in my life as "making up my mind" –

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Fantastic story, Gypsy! You obviously have got manifestation down pat.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hmmmm…back in the very early 90's i was driving a car i had just bought that was economical to drive and a "good" car, etc, but i was making changes in my life – had just bought my little house and was renovating it – but i was longing for my real "me" car – the convertible – the one i'd never bought because it was too expensive, i had children at home, needed a car with more room, etc – now, i had no clue how i was going to go about getting the one of my dreams because there was still the economic factor, plus the car i already owned, plus the house and renovations costs – anyway, i hadn't mentioned it to anyone at all – but i was determined to have my way – i mean, i had not imagined i could buy my house until one day i just decided i was going to own it, wrote a letter to the owner who lived out of town and told him i needed his house and what kind of deal could he make and this was what i could do, so what did he think? – and then within a month i owned the house – anyway, i envisioned myself driving it all the time, top down, hair blowing in the wind, music blaring – i mean, i literally could see myself in it, breezing around town – then one day at work, a new clerical person was hired to work for me – a really nice young woman who was the stepdaughter of a doctor that i had used on my malpractice cases for some time – her first day at work i noticed she was still there as i was leaving late [as far as i knew she and i were the only ones left in the office as there were no cars in the parking lot] so i asked her if there was a problem and she said she was just waiting on mike to pick her up as her car had been wrecked/totaled and she was without one right now – and i lamented that i had been wanting a new car, a convertible, etc and wished she could buy my car but that i really could not buy one at that point given all my other financial stuff with the house purchase and the horrendous costs of renovations, etc – anyway, about that time, mike comes up for her and i'm putting the key in the door when a voice from in the back of the office calls my name and says to wait – well, i was startled because i had thought stacey and i were alone – but it turns out that the senior partner was still there [even though his car was not outside] – as it turned out, his own car was in the shop for maintenance and he had been just waiting on the pick-up car himself – he came up and said that he couldn't help but hear bits of what i had been saying to stacey and that he had just thought of something – his wife had just bought a new car – a convertible – but she hated the color [black cherry] after she got it and had been fussing to get another one in white – now, nothing else had really been discussed but, he said if i wanted to buy glenda's car, then i could sell my own car to stacey and if i were worried about the money, well, he had been thinking i deserved a raise anyway so my raise would take care of the car note and what did i think? bottom line – within 48 hours i was the new owner of my dream convertible and mike bought my car for stacey and the deal was done – i drove that beautiful little thing for more than 250K miles with never a problem and then gave it to my son who drove it another 100K miles – and yes, roof down winter and summer, music blaring, hair blowing!

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, that's a good one! I would say that definitely counts.

  11. Shadow says:

    mmmm, i wrote a dream list in my early 20's and on it was a 2-seater red sports car. i pretty much forgot about it until we saw the 350z in a showroom. hearing about it, my brother-in-law said he'd see if his dad could get us a demo model from the factory since he had 'contacts' there. i decided on taking the 350z here for a test drive, and when i mentioned this to the salesman, and said i'd prefer the red roadster (this was a silver coupe we were driving) he said they had one too… of course, price… anyway, he came back with an offer. he offered it to me with 75k discount, exactly the price we could get a demo model for. does this count?

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