Empaths Among Us


On March 11, we posted Planetary Empaths, about individuals who feel physical and emotional symptoms before an earthquake occurs. These symptoms are unpleasant, painful, and flat out disturbing. But they seem to indicate that these empaths are intimately connected to the planet’s internal rumblings. One of the challenges for these individuals is figuring out where the quake – or other natural disaster – will occur.

Not surprisingly, a day after the 7.2 quake in Mexicali, we heard from several people who don’t know each other but know us, describing their symptoms in uncannily similar ways.  A rather unnerving synchronicity!
Connie Cannon and d page were both in our March 11 post.  Jenacide commented on the Mexicali post, describing her experience. Tonight, we got an email from healing mudras, who is in Laos rather than Bangkok, where she lives. She described her symptoms before the quake.

We’ve put together a list of physical and emotional symptoms that seem to be most common based on the experiences of these individuals and of others who have experienced similar symptoms.

– a ringing in the ears. It seems to be long and sustained, sometimes high pitched, and may be specific to one ear
– disorientation. A feeling of being disconnected from your body
-nausea, a sense that the earth is rolling and undulating beneath you
– pronounced imbalance
– great fatigue
-dizziness, headaches
– disturbed sleep
-plugged ears
-crying for no apparent reason, feelings of deep sadness, despair, chaos
– sense of malaise
-inability to function normally
– waking from a sound sleep, alert, rapid heartbeat, “feeling it in my body.”
This last symptom came from a young man, Jon, who is a friend of d’s. In an email, he wrote: “How about this, I know when earthquakes are going to happen too. If I’m asleep, I’ll wake up and be completely alert. No waking up half asleep, instead, I’m completely awake and alert. I then feel it in my body and my heart beats a bit faster and then a few minutes later, earthquake. That’s how I felt yesterday when I was playing video games with my cousin before it happened. At first I thought it was the game, which was very funny to me.”

Vivid dreams and nightmares occur days or weeks before the quake or disaster and often contain powerful symbols. For Connie Cannon, for example, songs and lyrics as well as numbers are extremely important. Before the Baja quake, she dreamed the songs, “South of the Border” and “Down by the Riverside.” The south of the border reference is now obvious. She believes the riverside reference is Riverside, California, where the quake was felt. Connie is also a numerologist, so numbers are powerful dream symbols for her as well. Several days before the quake, she dreamed of the numbers 33 and 44 repeatedly. As she pointed out in a subsequent email, earthquake resonates to 44 and Mexico resonates to 33, so it was all given to her, even the place, but she didn’t connect the dots.

D’s symbols are best expressed here, where she describes a dream image that required research.
Rob and I were speculating that perhaps this sensitivity to what the planet is about to do is an evolutionary step for humans. I mentioned this to D, too, and she wrote: “I was wondering if  what is described in Jerome Bernstein’s Living in the Borderland is what we are witnessing. Similar to your idea, he states that what he calls  “borderland consciousness” is “an evolutionary dynamic that is moving the western psyche to reconnect our overspecialized ego to it’s natural psychic roots. It is my view that we are all in the grip of this unfolding. Indeed,it is possible that our very survival as species Homo Sapiens may depend on the shift that is taking place.” (page 9)

Food for thought.

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21 Responses to Empaths Among Us

  1. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    Should have proof read that. That should be "The other thing to remember about reports concerning how so-and-so is such a big tosser (do you know what that means?) is that often petty human envy lies behind the comment."

  2. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    "Taking the piss" means having a joke, pretending to be serious when you are not. But Deepak wouldn't be the first "guru" to let his ego get the better of him (if it's true). The other thing to remember about reports concerning how so-and-so is such a big tosser (do you know what that means?) are often petty human envy.

    I'd be careful with twitter. James Arthur Ray (of The Secret fame) twittered that the spiritual warrior "has to die before he is reborn", the night before three of his workshop participants died in that native American sweat lodge in Arizona.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Chopra's remark is somewhat arrogant. It reminds me of a remark Pat Robertson made years ago – that he had "turned away" a hurricane from the east coast through his prayers.

    What does that saying "taking a piss" mean?

  4. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    I think Deepak is getting a little carried away with himself. I'm sure lots of other people in California were meditating at that time too. I hope he was "taking the piss", as we like to crudely say in Australia.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    From Mind Power News.


    Not sure what to make of this.

  6. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    Almost never here in Hong Kong, where the earth is far more settled.


  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sorry the comment vanished, Marcus! It may have something to do with how your browser is set – that's what happened to me at your site!

    So perhaps there are degrees of empathetic connection with the planet. You felt the energy, but not the crippling symptoms. Does it still happen to you?

  8. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    I wrote something here a few hours back, then poof, gone! One last try.

    Although I haven't really had any obvious experiences that would fit the criteria mentioned, the concept would seem to be credible, according to my own understanding on connections between people and planet, and the human collective consciousness.

    When I first went to live in Taiwan some years ago, I was puzzled that whenever I went to sleep, I would feel a strange wave of energy passing through me (I become very sensitive to all kinds of physical, electrical and psychic energy when I relax deeply). Three weeks after I arrived there was 6.5 earthquake with its epicenter right under the town where I lived. I soon realised that I was sensing the many small earthquakes that occur almost on a daily basis there!

    I was also interested in Conny's (if I recall the name right) hearing songs as premonitions. This has happened to me on many occasions.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy – I just bought it for our Kindle.

    How much longer will your daughter be in Thailand?

  10. Nancy says:

    Ghaaa – I have a child visiting Thailand!

    It looks like it didn't trigger a big tsunami, at least.

    This is a very interesting phenomenon. I ordered "Living in the Borderland" today.

  11. d page says:

    I agree with Connie.

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    D and Connie, within seconds of each other,sent emails about the 7.8 quake in Sumatra late this afternoon (eastern time). D sent a "log" of what she'd been feeling today and Connie says she still feels "quivering and shaky and sick," although she isn't sick. She feels something "bigger and worse" is coming.

  13. d page says:

    Nancy, it doesn't sound crazy.
    Natalie, I also can't be out in crowds much anymore, due to "sensitivities". I also have the griefy, heartachy feeling before tragic events.

  14. Natalie says:

    I am more like Jon. I wake up fully adrenalised, heart racing, ears 'thudding', with a knowing that something is 'off'. Also, like Nancy, I sometimes feel profound grief for no apparent reason.It usually only lasts twenty fours hours and then I am fine again. However, I now have an excruciating sensitvity to EVERYTHING, and stay home a lot. Going to the shopping centre, is fast becoming an experience I dread.Might do a post on this….hmmmm.

  15. Nancy says:

    I seem to have the most discomfort after the event – especially if there is mass hysteria, anger, fear, etc. I often know when something has happened somewhere in the world because I feel very sad, depressed, low – all of a sudden, and for no apparent reason. Since I am not that way normally, I eventually tied it to the mass negative energy generated from very bad events. It sounds crazy, I know…

  16. d page says:

    My diet is similar to the one Maggie talks about, but it's because I have a severe illness (ME/CFS). My psychic abilities have been with me since birth. However, the earthquake sensitivities became acute and pronounced after doing a particular Tibetan Vajrayana retreat in 2004. I have heard that certain diets enhance psychic sensitives, while other diets can dull those same abilities. Ayurveda covers this in their system.

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Maggie – good stuff here! It makes sense to me. Hopefully, one of these empaths will comment about her/his diet!

  18. maggie's garden says:

    Food for thought…your last sentence in this post reminded me of something. Back when I first started going to a rather quirky homeopathic doctor…he had me cut sugar, white flour, corn, and dairy from my diet. He claimed that our minds were muddled when eating these things and left us desensitized from the earth and the energy around us waiting to communicate to us. I had a heightened sense unlike anything I'd ever known just by cutting out these foods. It was like my brain and every cell in my body woke up from a deep sleep. Kind of like what was written about in the Celestine Prophecy. Over the years I have reintroduced these foods back into my diet (unfortunately) and seem to have less of the ability to feel. I wonder if those feeling the effects of the soon to hit quake having a stronger sense has anything to do with diet along with psychic ability? Just a thought.

  19. Jeninacide says:

    Wow! There are definitely a lot of symptoms you mentioned in this post that I have or have had. Plugged ears, disturbed sleep/dreams/headaches (oh the headaches!)/waking with a rapid heart beat. I often wake and literally feel my bed shaking. At one point I finally asked my husband if we lived on a fault line- he said no but I am still skeptical. I have also felt the bed shake in our new apartment, so maybe it IS me.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Great information here. Thanks for posting!

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