Another Car Manifestation


On March 22, we posted a story about manifestation. There were some cool comments from people who also had manifested  One of the best stories came  from Sansego. He has posted numerous comments on this blog. This story is such a terrific example of “be careful what you wish for” that we decided to make it a post.

In 1994, when I was living in Italy and moving back to the U.S., I thought about buying a car for my final year in the Navy. My choice was either a Geo Metro or a Saturn Sl1. By the end of the year, I had become friends with a guy (who’s still my best friend today) who was selling his Geo Metro, so I bought it from him for $4,000.

I had the car for 18 months and paid it off after a year. In May 1996, I was running an errand for a guy who was running for Congress. It was hot and my Metro did not have air condition or a radio/cassette player. I remember thinking that day how nice it would be to have air condition and a cassette deck to blast my music on. While waiting at a stoplight at the bottom of a hill, next to the VA hospital, a Jeep Cherokee came speeding down the hill and rear ending my car. The Metro was totaled and I was devastated.

In my search for a new car, I decided that I wanted a Ford Escort or a Saturn SL1…that had A/C, a cassette deck, a sunroof, and stick shift. As I passed by a Saturn dealership, I had the strangest urge to turn around and check it out. I didn’t think they would have any in my price range (under $8,000), but I asked. The lady took me to the one car they had for that amount…and it was a Saturn SL1 with sunroof, cassette deck, A/C, and stick shift! It was $7,800 and the miles were around 85,000, which was how many miles my Metro accumulated until the accident.

When I got my check from the insurance company, they paid $200 more than what I paid for the Metro. So, my wish in 1994 for either a Metro or a Saturn SL1 came true with both cars.

I’ve been carless since 2002, though, after my Saturn died. I’d love a Scion tC, but I’m not putting any energy into “car manifestation” as I want other things more, that I can’t seem to manifest.

It is probably my first clear example of getting exactly what I desired…twice!

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12 Responses to Another Car Manifestation

  1. d page says:

    What Natalie says is true. It's excruciating at times. I am always rescuing lizards, snails, moths, ants, spiders… I even rescued a scorpion from a cat… And hummingbirds, of course. I don't participate in Home Owner's Board decisions to kill anything.

  2. Natalie says:

    We all can have anything we want.

    I want what Butternut wants. 🙂


  3. "simple s." says:

    yeah could tell about the little Hitler that help me change my occupation back a 1/4 of century ago,, but ya already wrote of the year Rob….

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego, I hated my job too. My editor at the newspaper was a little dictator, and not a benevolent one. But I made use of his nastiness. If I had a pleasant situation, I might've stayed on.

    Instead, I was willing to take a big chanceto set out on my own as a freelance writer. Trish did the same thing. We both quit our jobs. Our savings lasted four or five months. We were selling magazine articles, but not getting paid enough to live on.

    We both took part-time jobs, Trish teaching English as a second language at night, me working for a weekly newspaper.

    After a year of that, Trish sold her first novel and we got a non-fiction book project the next month. So we quit our jobs again. That was 1985, and we've never looked back.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's a great story, Sansego. I think what we all need is more info on the technique and process of manifestation.

  6. Sansego says:

    Thanks for the spotlight. It has to be one of the weirder episodes of manifesting something I wanted.

    However, I've been trying to manifest a new job now for three years. How can I improve my success? I really need to get out of my place of employment! I'd appreciate any advice people can give. Thanks.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thank you butternut!
    I'd think the dream portends a successful outcome for this manifestation!

  8. Butternut Squash says:

    I've decided to manifest myself as thinner, healthier and with wavy hair and better clothes. I had a very vivid dream of myself this way. I felt good and looked good. (Premonition?) Could be a while before I have results for you. *I have put a link to your book on my blog. Peace.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    V- do share your technique! Was there something you did consciously? Emotionally?

  10. vcourtney says:

    Wow. I've always found I have no luck car shopping until my current auto dies. Then just what I've been looking for seems to find me and be just the right price. I recently after reading one of the other posts wrote down some things I was hoping to manifest in my own life, one being a new relationshp. Four days later I was introduced by a friend to someone who seems to have all the qualities I listed as "must haves". Wow, that was easy!

    I also just finished reading an article in the food section of the paper about a dessert I hadn't made for ten + years until yesterday evening. All of a sudden it was on my mind and apparently this writer's too.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, DJan. That's impressive!

  12. DJan says:

    I have had small manifestations happen throughout my life, but I do remember once long ago being on a hike in the hills behind the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder and thinking how much I would like to work there. And a few weeks later I was sent on a temporary assignment there and ended up working there for thirty years!

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