Lights Out

from Soul Cards

For the last five weeks, Rob has been teaching a meditation class at a local yoga studio. The atmosphere is much more conducive to meditation than the back room at the gym where he has taught several classes.  Each class  usually ends with a chant and we’ve noticed that the people who attend at the studio are much more likely to chant.

Tonight was the final sixth class. Right before class started, I got up to dim the overhead lights, tasteful Japanese lantern type lights, maybe  dozen of them of various sizes – that hang from the ceiling. The switch that controls them is a dimmer switch – slide it up, the lights grow brighter, slide it down, the lights get dimmer – but don’t go out. To extinguish them, you have to flip like a regular light switch.

This final class is my personal favorite – a shamanic meditation that employs drums and rattles, very primal sounds. The meditation with the drums leads you into the “middle world,” the hidden reality behind daily life. The second of these meditations leads into the “higher world” and while Rob conducts the journey into this higher world, there’s the background of constant rattling. Once you’re high above the Earth – out among the stars – Rob stops talking and the sound of the rattles is the only sound.

By this second meditation, I was so far out there that it might have been difficult to return except for the hardness of the floor – and that I was hungry. We were already running over the hour and as we sat up, I thought, Oh no. We’ve got  at least another 15 minutes in here and by then, I’m going to be gnawing at my knuckles. I felt almost dismayed when Rob said we were going to do a chant that originated with Hawaiian shamans, and we were going to do it 108 times – the number of beads on mala beads, a kind of prayer necklace.

We’ve touched on this chant before. During the Gulf oil crisis, Masaru Emoto suggested that people say this particular to heal the gulf: I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you. It’s a lot of words to chant 108 times. My stomach was starting to rumble at this point.

So we’re on, like, I don’t know, somewhere in the 80s for this chant, and I’m into it and thinking what powerful words these are. But in the back of my mind, I’m thinking about what I’m going to snack on when we get home. We’re having refrigerator issues and today the fridge guy recommended turning the fridge off for 24 so whatever is frozen up inside it can defrost. We had to jam all our food into a small freezer and into an even smaller fridge in the garage. All of this is running around in my head as  I’m chanting.

And then suddenly, the lights go out. My eyes snap open and I’m certain I’ll see someone walking away from the light switch, back to his or her mat. But no one is up there at the lights. No one is moving. Everyone is chanting. I start playing very close attention to what’s going on.

At the end of the class one of the students asked me if I’d turned out the lights. I told her I hadn’t, and turned them enough so we could see our way out of the studio. There were some murmurs about lights out – spirits, aliens, manifestation?  – and some nervous laughter.

Once everyone left the yoga studio and had migrated to another room, where the front desk is, I went back into the studio to turn off the lights. I slid the dimmer switch all the way down, but the lights didn’t go out. They dimmed as far as they would dim. So Rob went back into the studio, and the lights went out. As he hurried out, he said, “You have to flip a regular switch for the lights to go out.”

In other words, he believed that something unusual had happened. And when he believes it, I know it’s true. Rob is a triple earth sign – Taurus sun and rising, Virgo moon. There have been a number of mystics who were triple earth signs – Jane Roberts comes immediately to mind.  They tend to demand proof before they change their opinions or beliefs about anything.  I’m an easier sell.

So the question is: what caused the lights to go out? It wasn’t a power outage. The dozen bulbs didn’t all go burn out simultaneously. Was it the power of this particular prayer, a dozen people chanting it who had just gone out into the universe on a shamanic journey to a higher realm? Was it that collective energy that resulted in a strange manifestation f telekinesis?

I think this incident underscores what is possible when we engage the universe directly.  It might be  an individual healing – as happened with my tooth during one of the classes – or a telekinetic event that results from a group focused on the same thing. We tap into the tree of life, whose roots are thrust down deeply within the soil of the planet, where there is residual power for the miraculous.



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15 Responses to Lights Out

  1. Darren B says:

    Bit of a synchro here.I was just listening to Barry Eaton’s new show for this week on his Radio Out There program,where he was interviewing Jade Sky in the segment about
    ‘Unlocking Your Sixth Sense’,
    which starts around the 40 min. mark,after the Christine Tulk interview about
    Rosewell . At the 59th min. mark she says in a room full of 200 people she might ask for a sign and the lights will go out,or the microphone will go off,or at a funeral the song might get jammed and will play 3 times.

  2. DJan says:

    It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a state like you describe here, but I have been there, and I believe the cosmic power of such a shared state with everyone in the room could have caused the lights to go out. The question I have is why? And wondering what it all means. You have reminded me of some very deep meditations that still resonate within me. Thanks for the reminder, even the memory is healing and peaceful.

  3. Vicki D. says:

    I’ve had similar things happen I remember walking along the board walk in Ocean City MD and as my husband and I walked under lights they would go out and then after we passed they’d turn back on. It went on for so long that my daughters, who were walking behind us began counting them and we all noticed that strangers were also noticing it. This actually happens to me a lot.
    I also have had small group meditations at my house and on occasion have had lights dim, shut off and also set off my doorbell.
    I have been trying to meditate every day and so unfortunately birds have been flying into our windows again.
    I think there is energy all around US that we just don’t see or feel but other living things do and we affect other energy sources.
    I had to give up on answering machines and go with an answering service that you can get through the phone co. A lot of psychics have these same issues.

    Lastly, Your meditation with the drumming sounds wonderful.

  4. Nicole says:

    I too believe it was the energy of the group. Just this past Friday I went for a walk with my brother who lives about 5 minutes away from me. It was around 9pm at night, a cold, clear evening so I felt that a walk would help me de-stress from a long demanding day. My husband stayed home with the sleeping children.

    My brother’s home is along a wooded area with fields and ponds so it is peaceful and quiet, just the thing to help me unwind. I love to stare up into the sky and star gaze, but it is also a walk I wouldn’t want to walk alone. After a few minutes of walking I opened up and started telling him about some of my stresses and then he talked to me about his. The 3 and 1/2 mile walk flew by and as we made our way down a jogging path which lead back up towards his house I stopped him and told him that we were nearly home again and that we should just walk quietly. That maybe we should allow ourselves to take in all that was around us in attempts to now just be still of mind.

    Of course my brother isn’t quite into all my jibber jabber so I didn’t say it quite like that, but we were quite nonetheless for the next 5 minutes or so. As we crossed a street and we stopped under a bright street light, his home was just about a block away, I told him, let’s let all the the stress just go and let any negative energy fly off us as to not take it back with us.

    With that I wiped my hands in a brushing motion past the front of his shoulders and out and then motioned the same way all the way down his body to the sidewalk. Then I did the same for myself but I wiped each arm as if you were brushing dust off of you. I had been holding each arm out over my head toward the sky as I made the brushing off motion. Suddenly there was a pop and the street light right above us went out. We both jumped as it was totally unexpected and it spooked us! Then I looked at him and slyly smiled, as I blew out my finger.

    Why did the light go out on us at that exact moment? Who knows! But it did and it made an impression on both of us. We laughed the rest of the way back to his house.

    I think it was the energy for sure in both cases!

    Hope you guys are doing well. Take care 🙂

  5. gypsy says:

    great story – love that it was the lights in particular – because of the symbolism – besides, you were out among the stars – no need for artificial lighting!

  6. Rob MACGREGOR says:

    Connie, yes dimmer, no timer.

  7. 3322mathaddict says:

    Will defnitely keep you posted on the gathering. Ours is a small town, so this is a really big deal here and all over the news. Tremendous support from the locals as well as the law enforcement agencies. This is a good omen. No dimmer on those lights? Uhhh, then how did they go dim or bright when you moved the dimmer up or down? Sounds as if the person isn’t aware that there is a dimmer as well as an on-off awitch on her lights, maybe? This post reminds me of my ancient Sunday School days in the Baptist Church, when Jesus said to His disciples, speaking of His miracles, “All of these you can do, and more”. And He also taught that if we faith no larger than a grain of mustard seed, (tiny), we can move mountains. My parents gave me a very small crystal ball on a pendent, and inside the crystal was suspended a tiny mustard seed. Don’t know why I’m recalling that today. Seems relevant.

  8. Jen says:

    I definitely get the feeling that this is some kind of telekinetic happening of sorts!

  9. Nancy says:

    I think it was the power of the group. I’ve had this type of thing happen in my life when there was high emotion. One time it was a bottle cap that flew across the room.

  10. 3322mathaddict says:

    We know that Thoughts Are Things, existing of matter that resonates at frequencies beyond our five senses of perception. So many explanations for the lights going out…perhaps Someone desiring to let the Group recognize a highly-elevated, disembodied Presence. Shamans and priests and priestesses all over the globe continue to have the powers needed to accomplish seemingly impossible and/or miraculous feats. Why not a group of focused individuals who are chanting a very profound combination of words? Wonderful experience, whatever its cause. Since visiting the Georgia Guidestones, I’m experiencing on-going incidents of inexplicable weirdness that have no logical or reasonable explanation. I embrace these incidents but haven’t a clue as to their origin. And, my physical body and my emotional body are altered in infinitesimal yet very noticeable ways. BTW, this weekend our city is having the 99% gathering in our town square. I will try to attend.

  11. They sound great classes. Who knows what powers can be generated when two people or more join in harmony. Miraculous things can happen – even lights dimmed!

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