Goodluck arrives today!

Here’s a timely post, thanks to Augustine, our friend in Nigeria and author of a book on synchronicities involving world leaders. Augustine informs us that the acting president of Nigeria will be visiting the White House and President Obama today. The name of the visiting dignitary: Goodluck Jonathan–a name with a built in synchronicity.

So here in typical Augustine form are the synchronicities he has found. Yes, some are a stretch, but nevertheless interesting to consider.

Barack Obama and Nigerian President MusaYaradua were born in August 4, 1961  and August 16, 1951 respectively. So both are Leos.

Obama’s father and Yaradua’s father were both Muslims.

Obama and Yaradua are both smokers and both of their vice presidents,  Joe Biden and Goodluck Jonathan, were born on November 20.  Biden in1942 and Jonathan in 1957.

The most significant event  for the Obama presidency so far has been health care reform. For Yaradua, it is his personal health. Because of his illness, he was unable to make the trip to Washington and turned over the presidency in February to his vice-president.

For a very long time American presidents were sworn in on March 4. The Nigerian Presidential Advisory Committee, headed by Lt. Gen Theophilus Danjuma, was sworn in on March 4.

John Quincy Adams was president from March 4,1825 to March 4 1829. The letters that make up Theophilus Danjuma’s name can also spell “John Adams sixth American President.”

Vice President Goodluck Jonathan became acting president on February 9, 2010; the anniversary of the election (February 9 1825) of John Adams by the U.S. House of Representatives due to the inconclusive elections of November 3, 1824. Like Adams, Jonathan became president under unusual circumstances, a constitutional crisis that led to the national assembly electing him as acting president.
Outside of Augustine’s comparisons, there is also the synchronicity of a child being named Goodluck, who then becomes president of his country.
So bring on Goodluck!


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5 Responses to Goodluck arrives today!

  1. MarZel says:

    Wow… almost unreal!! What a fabulous post. Now it will be very interesting to see what develops between them!

  2. Shadow says:

    quite weird indeed…

  3. Nancy says:

    I hope he brings good luck with him. For both countries.

  4. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Interesting what can be found, if you look for them.

  5. DJan says:

    Yes, even though some of these are a stretch, enough of them are close to make one wonder, especially the closeness of the birthdays of the men themselves and their vice presidents!

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