Parent Radar

Not to be confused with parent controls on televisions, parent radar is the psychic detection of dangers related to their children. A few examples follow. Maybe some of you have had similar experiences with your children.

Jane Clifford of Wales says that she has picked up on car crashes involving all three of her grown children in separate incidents. With one daughter, she detected an accident three months before it happened, and also at the time of the crash. “I knew she would be deeply shocked, but I also knew she would not be injured. With her other daughter, she felt an accident coming about six weeks in advance. With her son, she was aware of an upcoming accident two weeks in advance, and more insistently on the day of the accident.

Her strongest psychic link is with her son, Harry, 22. “A couple of years back he was in Bali with friends when one night I strongly felt his distress and frustration and deducted that he was separated from the others, needed to find them but couldn’t contact them.”

Finding them, she felt was absolutely crucial to him. “He’s a pretty steady guy, so to pick up distress really concerned me. When he returned he said I was exactly right! They were all to meet in a restaurant before flying in the early hours of the morning. But he couldn’t remember which restaurant or find it by repeatedly going up and down a long street. The others had the flight details and flight cards.

“Eventually, he had to head for the airport (on the back of a moped, because he was out of money). Then, at the airport, he wasn’t allowed inside without the flight card. So he sat outside the airport until early in the morning when he finally spotted his mates.

“Last week Harry was in the French Alps doing a barn conversion. He had been there a month when late one night I picked up despair and frustration. So I texted him. He had a fabulous time all month, but the night I contacted him he had a disagreement & he was feeling what I picked up. I never fail to pick up his stuff!

I just wonder how many out there have direct “transmission” from their kids. I know of two mothers who lost sons in car accidents and both “knew” something bad was coming. In fact, one of them was up and dressed waiting for the police to contact her at 3 am!”

The other case was even more peculiar. “The woman had suddenly became upset about a tree in her garden that had been there for years. Unaccountably, she wanted it cut down. Later that day, it transpired that her son broke his neck when he hit a tree on his way home.”
Such ‘genetic’ psychic links, or ‘parent radar,’ is probably more common than most of us realize. Here’s one such case, from our own experiences that we wrote about here. Have others here had such experiences?

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10 Responses to Parent Radar

  1. Shadow says:

    oh, this i know and feel all too often. one thing though, the bean gets upset 'cause i tend to catch him doing 'wrong' things too, and he can't understand why or how that happens….

  2. Vicki D. says:

    What made each time our daughters told us they knew us before they were born so profound, was that they just said these things to us without any prompting from us.
    Also,at the time I hadn't read very much on life between lives but after my oldest daughter's statement I did and found it fascinating.
    I did some trance work where once I went to right before I was born and it was quite interesting.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Interesting stories, Vicki. It reminds me of a Spielberg piece years go – about a little boy who is going to be born and is checking out various families as possibilities.

  4. Vicki D. says:

    I definitely am in tune with both of my girls.
    My oldest daughter came to me when I was in college and then later one night when I was with my now husband I saw her, clutching a teddy bear and wearing a pink bunny rabbit nightgown. Many years later she came running into our family room and she was carrying a teddy bear and wearing that same pink nightgown!

    My youngest told me when she was 3
    "I saw you mom…before I was born"
    and my oldest daughter told us that also when she was 2 1/2 "I saw you and Daddy and knew finally everything would be ok and I could be born"…we were dumbfounded because at the time we were just getting her ready for bed.

    When my daughters were little and in elementary school I had two instances where I showed up at the school because I knew something was wrong and sure enough there was the nurse telling me she was just about to call me.
    The nurse was a little freaked but luckily we were friends and I just smiled and said "mother's intuition!" .

    I also have this connection with my cats when we are away.

    I actually can have this with anyone who is particularly close to me. If I begin to mention them a lot my entire family knows we need to call that person. Often it is just something stressful or they just want to talk to me but sometimes it is more than that.

    I have had some really interesting experiences and it is so nice to read about others who have these too!

  5. lakeviewer says:

    We don't pay attention to our instincts, those senses that tell us how things feel. My mother used to talk about her dreams as premonitions.

  6. Nancy says:

    Yes, I knew both of mine. I remember waking in the middle of the night with my youngest in the crook of my arm and she was staring at me. It was eerie, but I thought – she remembers me…

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I felt the same thing when our daughter was born, Mike. It's not DNA, it's not blood relations. It's psychic, deep.

  8. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I guess most of us feel we have special – psychic links if you like – with our children. Perhaps it's because we've been close to them previously.

    I remember looking at my son when he was a baby and thinking, "I know you." Okay, I ought to as he was my son but it was something more than this, something much deeper. I feel we have a special link.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Aleksandar – I know just what you mean!

  10. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    I know some examples when a mother "cares" and is "concerned" about her child's health (Don't do this because that will happen.), especially if a mother is uneducated. For some reason the symptoms can manifest in all their stupidity.

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