Happy Halloween!


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12 Responses to Happy Halloween!

  1. Jojie C says:

    I was just talking to a colleague about this the other day. I asked him why we celebrate Halloween, when it’s not an Australian thing.. (He’s Australian by the way).

    His reply was, last year he told them to f-off. This year he went out because he knew it wasn’t going to work….

    Basically we both agreed, this is an American thing not an Australian thing. As much as we both enjoyed the idea of it. This is for Americans not Australians.

    • R and T says:

      You’re right. It’s a very American thing. But it’s also the day when the veil between the living and the dead is very thin. Ancient traditions have celebrated that facet of it for centuries. Like your website, by the way.

  2. Darren B says:

    The local Byron Bay paper “The Echo”
    did a YouTube video about what Halloween means to Aussie kids.
    Here’s the link for anyone who may be interested;
    Cheers…or Happy Halloween,maybe? / Daz

  3. gypsy says:

    love the jivin’ house! 😉

  4. Your house I presume! Not into Halloween myself I’m afraid. It’s only really caught on over here in the last 10 years and I see it as being purely commercial, the supermarkets and stores have driven it to the forefront for profit. Hope you won’t be offended but I see this as being another example of the Americanisation of Britain. We’ve had November 5th as Guy Fawkes Day for hundreds of years – bonfire and fireworks – but this has now become secondary to Halloween and I find this sort of sad. I like each country to have it’s own traditions.

    But have a fun time!

    • R and T says:

      Naw, not our place! I agree with you that halloween is outrageously commercial. But it’s fun, too, especially when Megan was little. Too bad, though, that it jumped the pond. I like it when countries maintain their own traditions.

      • Darren B says:

        I agree with Mike on the commercial side of things,but I admit that I do like the Halloween night.I think it’s good to express your creative side and to examine your fears,and Halloween provides that atmosphere for the kids.There is something primal to it.
        The trouble with living in Australia is that we have the same calendar as you guys,but our seasons are the opposite to yours.
        So Halloween is one month away from Summer for us.Xmas is smack bang in the middle of summer.Easter is falls in autumn and the equinoxes are the opposite of yours.
        So we are forced overtime to use our imagination down here,when Bing Crosby is singing White Christmas,and it is a stinking hot summer day,or the Northern Hemisphere is celebrating the rites of Spring with Easter,but we’re heading off into winter.
        Actually,I’d like to see Mexico’s ‘Day of the Dead’ being celebrated over in these parts.That’s one holiday that looks like real fun.
        Anyway Happy Halloween…I’m just going to put the fan on and cool off a bit.It’s starting to get a little warm on this side of the planet .-)

        Well is should be getting hot,but it has been pleasantly cool,so I shouldn’t jinx it I suppose.

        • Darren B says:

          I just noticed your post above was posted at 12:34.
          And the last thing I read in Paulo Coelho’s novel
          “The Pilgrimage” was a passage from Luke:12:34
          “Wherever your treasure is,there will be your heart.”
          I don’t see this number coming up a lot on clocks and such,so it was weird that it was the first thing I noticed this morning,so I decided to do a post about it on my blog.
          Cheers / Daz

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