Crack between Worlds

Last night I dreamed of a long crack in the wall of a room just below the ceiling. It kept getting larger and larger and I became concerned about it, figuring I needed to patch it up quickly. When I woke up, I puzzled over the dream and others that I remembered. I actually recalled four dreams, which is pretty good for me.

Then it occurred that it was Halloween, the day when the veil between worlds is thinnest. I realized the crack-in-the-wall dream might’ve symbolic of the crack between worlds and I was concerned that it was getting too large.

I was thinking about that dream later in the morning when we received an e-mail from Marie Jones, who will interview us Friday for Unknown Country about Synchronicity and the Other Side. Marie is a writer and producer and I noticed that she had added a link to the bottom of the e-mail. So I hit it. Try it and see the eerie synchro….


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6 Responses to Crack between Worlds

  1. Not sure how I missed this post. Oddly enough on the same night I had a dream that there was a big crack in our roof. I was up in the loft trying to do something about it but the roof kept getting higher and higher so I couldn’t reach the crack even with a long ladder … between two worlds … interesting.

  2. 3322mathaddict says:

    This is kinda freaky. My granddaughter’s Homecoming dance was Saturday night, and our middle son, the photographer, took several pics of Cassie and her boyfriend before they left, when they were all dressed up. In one of the pics, and only in one, which was one of several taken outside in broad late afternoon daylight, a really weird orb….or something….appears on his black shirt. It isn’t like anything I’ve seen in the past. It’s s few shades of “descending” green, and has an odd shape, not round. It’s not any type of reflection. I’ll see if we can download it onto my computer and I’ll email it to you. Hope everyone had a happy Halloween. ‘Twas my holiday….

  3. Natalie says:

    OOOH! Scary!
    I have been onto that this week as well. I have increased my protection, cleansed my house etc after some pretty weird dreams. You were in one last night, but I can’t remember it now…..other than you were a good guy. xx

  4. Darren B says:

    That is a good one :-0

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