Manifesting the Brunette

Stories about manifesting what you desire are always fascinating. They illustrate the law of attraction in a way that anyone can understand. They sometimes have a trickster element to them, but can also be so pure and literal that you end up scratching your head and murmuring, “Wow.”

This story happened to Sansego, who included it in a comment on the blog. Before you read it, click the link, so you can read about what led to this interesting manifestation.
 Something interesting happened to me last night. You read my post about the snobby pretty girl I tried to have a conversation with last week and she stone cold rejected me after a few “unbearable” minutes.

After that painful rejection, I decided to test my “manifestation” skills, so I asked the universe to send me a French lady who wears a scarf around her neck, has dark hair, and someone I find attractive. Last night, a lady came to a discussion group I participate in. She had dark hair and cool glasses, and was wearing a scarf around her neck. She’s not French, but she’s fluent in French and has been living in Paris and Senegal for the past few years! We had a great conversation and she’s planning to move back to Portland and be more involved with this group. Not sure if it will amount to much more than this meeting, but I had a good laugh about it afterward.

Be careful what you ask for…you may just get it, even when you’re joking!

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15 Responses to Manifesting the Brunette

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    very true about the energy level thing and the complications from that in terms of manifestation – which, again, to me, makes all the more sense to remove mySELF from the negativity as soon as possible – for me, the negativity of not having a pay check for a while was WAY LESS traumatizing than the job itself had become – with leaving, i had the added sense of accomplishment – of taking charge of my life – which lessened the negativity of the temporary state of unemployment – even at the present, when i lost my job due to layoffs last year [and this was the job i loved in all ways – i loved the work and my co-workers], i was determined to take charge of my own fate and USE FOR MY OWN MEANS this situation in which i was placed – how many of us wish every day to be able to do the things that are really important to us??? like spend more time with our children and their children, read more, travel more, create art more, take classes we never had time for before, you know, all those things – well, thank you very much, LAYOFF, because now i'm able to do all those things – of course, i don't have the same amount of money at all – nor will i have in the foreseeable future – but i have that other commodity that's way more meaningful to me right now – time –

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The job from hell, the boss from hell. You're right, Marlene. It's a lot tougher to manifest anything when your energy is low!

  3. Marlene says:

    I guess we all have experienced the job from hell…My previous job was nice but the manager was not..I was miserable..everyday leaving home frustrated and beaten down by the low morale within our group..I tried saying that "I " needed to change the way I felt..not change him..but that did not work..I was soo miserable and my energy was so low dealing with this daily issue of surviving at this job .. that even if I had TRIED my best to manifest a new job or change in this man..I would not have succeeded ..because I was consumed by the emotions of that event ..which in turn just wiped my energy level down… I have always have been able to manifest to me things I need.. YET I have noticed that when I feel depleted and worn never works..I have to have that "feeling" when I concentrate on something with intention..its like a releasing or a freedom type feeling that I get..and then I know..ok.. this is going to come my way…I hope this makes sense..If we could only detach ourselves from a bad situation and maintain our energy level intact.. than I think we could really make things change for the better…then again, I also believe that sometimes bad situations "need" to happen for a lesson learned..and later you look back and say..I learned alot during that time and it has made me stronger and wiser…

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy, Terri – great points.

    Maybe we need a manifestation blog – your community, Nancy. Supposed a bunch of people focused their intentions just on that? Maybe it comes back to the power of prayer, to focused intentions, to seeing what we want to clearly that that universe just can't mistake it for anything else.

  5. terripatrick says:

    Great story. I also agree with what's already been stated. If it's something fun, there can be almost an instantaneous manifestation. But when it's a big thing, like a job, marriage, or health issue, there is so much attention on what is that it's a continuing attraction we can trap ourselves within.

    Something I'm trying at present, is a silent self assurance. For me this is so I can release the dream while still focusing on tasks that promote the new career, without allowing the opportunity for people to burst my bubble.

  6. Nancy says:

    I always tell my single friends to concentrate on the qualities, in detail, of the person they want in their lives. Don't put a face or body to it, but then concentrate on how they will feel when they are with them. It works.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nicely put, Gypsy. When a situation becomes so intolerable, we have to make difficult choices. Sansego – save your $ and get out.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    my experience has also been that of mike's comment – and after that "release", for me, anyway, there is this feeling of "openness" that i have – a sense of "freedom" even – it's almost tangible – as if i can "go on" to the next thing – forgotten once put into the "box" –
    and about jobs – i've had jobs i could not bear too – well, at least the people associated with those jobs and the resulting negative environment created by them – and at some point, i just said, you know, i don't have to be here – there are other jobs – and that's what this is – a job – not my life – so i made choices – stay in a negative environment that was detrimental to me or get out – and i was not financially independent – i had to have a paycheck to survive just like most people – what i'm trying to say is that sometimes, we just have to decide what it is we most want/need – i remember one job a few years back where i really did like the job itself – the money was great – a boutique firm in the nation's capitol – the big package thing – but almost immediately upon coming in, i began to see what the firm was really like – at least, the people with whom i worked most closely in management – and one day, just about 3 months after i was hired, i went home in tears from the day there – and i remember driving my car and saying – ok, you know what, it's no longer "them", it's "me" if i stay in an environment i know i cannot change and that will not change – well, next morning, i get to my office at 8:30 – within a short period of time, "it" had already begun again – and it was on me – the responsibility for my unhappiness there was mine, not "theirs" – at 10:05 am [i'll never forget that time], i had typed my letter of resignation, forwarded it to the managing partners and to HR, had my bag on my arm and was in the HR office turning in my keys – i smiled all the way home and never looked back –

    for me, i have learned that i have the responsibility for my own happiness – no one else has that power over me unless and until i allow it –

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think Mike's right. Maybe it also goes back to the law of attraction. The more we dislike something, the more of it we get. Kind of hard, though, to pretend when you're in situation like you are right now. But the manifestation of the brunette does strike me as promising, perhaps hint from the universe that manifesting a better job is certainly possible!

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Sansego: I think it's possible to try too hard – as with something like a new job.

    With something light hearted it works easier because it's not so important.

    I've found that it's a matter of dwelling on what it is that you want and then releasing this completely from the mind.

    It's a bit like posting a letter in the mail. The letter is put into the mail box and then forgotten – and usually it is delivered successfully.

    It's similar with successful visualisation.

  11. Sansego says:

    I wish it were so easy. I've been searching for a better job for 40 months now. I was "tricked" into my current job because of strange coincidences surrounding it that I thought it would lead somewhere. I was also promised a different job if I would accept the job they were offering for a few months until they rearranged staff assignments. When that did not happen, and I saw how bad the morale was, it became a complete nightmare. In fact, out of the dozen places I've worked since I was 14, this place is the absolute worst environment I've ever worked.

    I would love to manifest a dream job to get me out of my current nightmare!

    The writeup you feature, though, will always get me to scratch my head. How was that able to happen so quickly?

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego DOES make it sound easy. Maybe he'll give the rest of us lessons! And I like Mike's attitude about abundance.

    Gypsy – love the wv!

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    neat results – and mike is right – it is amazing what can happen – and maggie, you go, girl!

    oh and the wv on this one is neat, too – "wherat" = where at?

  14. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    It's amazing what can happen. There is plenty of everything for everyone. It's just a matter of distribution.

  15. maggie's garden says:

    Gosh…Sansego makes this sound so easy! I'm definitely going to have to start finding pictures of gray haired gentlemen for my vision board! This was a fun and interesting read.
    Happy Monday!

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