A Disturbing Doppelganger

This image comes from a Stephen King book/movie. I love King’s work, but this book – It – freaked me out and I couldn’t finish it. Maybe it’s the clown weirdness. Maybe it’s something else.

At any rate, I was clicking around in blogland and ran across Dan Mitchell’s fascinating blog. This seems to be a multilayered synchro – a  doppelganger, a kid, a possible alien abduction. At any rate, I didn’t sleep well after reading this and that’s usually a good indication that synchronicity and other sorts of weirdness is prevalent. But let Dan tell it; he tells it well, powerfully.
Back in 1982 I had a situation erupt in my childhood that was the first time I felt as though I had been lured into something either ominous or simply unexplainable. At the time it was so confusing that when I told my parents about it, they did what they usually did, laugh it off.  When I was six there were only two things on my mind really, my family and going outside to play.  I wasn’t raised in the best of neighborhoods, but for some reason, my parents felt that it was ok for a 5 or 6 year old kid to simply walk around the neighborhood and be free. Admittedly those were different times, but to this day I find it troubling.  I don’t like my kids being out of my sight, and there isn’t a chance I would simply let them “run free” as if my neighborhood were a hippie commune.

Admittedly there was some fun to it. I was able to explore on my big-wheel and get into all sorts of boyhood adventures.  There were railroad tracks a short distance from my house, often times I would simply lay down and go to sleep in the field that those tracks ran through when I got tired.  One day my oldest brother found me and had convinced me that I slept there the whole night.  The sun was setting and he told me it was morning. “Oh man, Danny, you’re in deep. Mom and Dad have been looking for you all night! The cops were looking, too!” I was terrified.  My brother walked me home and when I went into the house practically in tears, he let me in on the joke.  I never slept outside in that field again, even though it felt strangely natural for me to do that.

One day I was hanging outside on the porch with my brother Christopher, when a huge blue buick pulled up to the house with my Mom in the passenger side.  She kept waving strangely to me, almost like she was waving too forcefully. She kept repeating herself, “Hi Danny. Hi Danny. Hi Danny. This is mom, I love you.”  I waved back. My brother was also puzzled by this.  I didn’t know who the driver was, in fact his face is still something of a blur to me.  I didn’t feel right because I was certain that my Mom had just made me lunch, and I didn’t know she left the house.  I began to feel uneasy.  I felt as though a thought was being beamed into my head that my Mom was leaving forever and she wanted me to get into the car with her.  I turned around and went into the house to ask my Dad why she was leaving only to have the shock of my life. My Mom was standing in the kitchen.  “Mommy, I thought you were outside?”  She looked at me puzzled and said, “No, honey, I’ve been in here all day.”  I told her that I saw her outside and she just kind of laughed. My brother Christopher ran in and repeated what I had said.  At the time my mind made it seem as though the driver was one of my uncles, but clearly it wasn’t.  He didn’t even drive a buick at that time.

Whoever had been in the car that afternoon was not my Mom. It had, however, pulled off a rather awesome disguise in an attempt to possibly lure me into the car.  It failed for numerous reasons. Firstly, I could smell bullshit and guile even at that young age.  I don’t mean that figuratively, I mean it literally as well.  I have the odd ability to smell when things don’t seem right.  In the past, I have smelled even the scents of people and have learned who I can and cannot trust.  And though I know that sounds incredibly odd, I assure you that this ability is very real. That afternoon, I smelled something very nasty.  Secondly it failed because I sensed I was being tricked, I could immediately tell by the movements and mannerisms that this was not my mom. That is why I didn’t blindly run up to the car.

I do have serious concerns about this phenomenon.  My concerns are not so much for myself, but moreso for my own children.  I firmly believe there is an aspect to this that is very dangerous.  While I can’t be certain exactly what that is, I do know that it is foolish to believe in the new age interpretation of this issue that these are all beneficial entities giving man a push toward evolution and development.  If this were the case, individuals like Mark and others wouldn’t have their self-identity splintered into a million pieces and end up living off the grid in a state of constant fear.  I’m not saying that fear is always a bad thing, or that it doesn’t lead to growth, I’m saying that it is unwise to jump into an explanation without first closely examining every aspect of it.  Furthermore, I firmly believe that NOT all of it is dangerous, in fact I believe some of it has the potential to be beneficial depending upon its reception by the individual or society.

For me I view this overall in one way-whatever is occuring is happening because it is a part of the creative process, or as the Tao Te Ching calls it, the great going forth.  From that perspective, I see this as something of a final crystallization of events leading to something far bigger, mainly the dissolution of the present order of things. I am not hopping on the 2012 bandwagon, I am simply saying that something has been implanted into the collective consciousness of modern humanity.  I say this based upon my own personal experiences, my personal communications with things that defy rational explanation, and more importantly my own growth during my pursuit of truth.  While I am sure that not all people would agree with what I say here, and that’s ok, I just ask for people to hear me out, at least for the sake of a fresh opinion on the matter.  Nobody is obligated to believe what I write or the ideas I put forth, I simply offer them up for your consideration on the matter.

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18 Responses to A Disturbing Doppelganger

  1. Nancy says:

    Whoa. Scary stuff.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jen, Vicki – it really does ring true. All of his blog posts do.

  3. Vicki D. says:

    Something about this really bothers me and for some reason sounds familiar.
    I have had some similar experiences where someone would be just smiling at me.
    Maybe it bothers me because a couple tried to kidnap me when I was in first grade. They were very real.
    Such a scary story.

  4. Jeninacide says:

    Wow. This is really scary and has that ring of truth to it. After reading the Mothman prophesies I do not doubt that this was a real experience- I'm glad he had the sense (and scent!) to stay away from that car. {{shudder}}

  5. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Now there's a tale to ponder – have no conclusions as yet. It's always interesting though to listen to childrens' stories. Many may be flights of fancy but others can be steps into another dimension.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I wonder how many of us have had these kinds of experiences,but were too frightened to think about them beyond the event itself.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Stephen Hawking says we should avoid alien contact at all costs.


  8. The Clever Pup says:

    Very frightening. It does sound like an opportunity to lure. The fact that they knew Dan's name.

    As a teenager I was sunbathing in the back yard. An older man in overalls got out of a car, crossed the yard towards the back door. I'm yelling "Hello, Can I help you? Who are you looking for. HELLO" He never once turned his head to acknowledge me. He knocked on the door. I'm trying to get his attention, (but not too much because I'm in my bathing suit) he crosses the yard again and gets in his car and drives away. If he hadn't been driving I would have said he was a ghost.

  9. terripatrick says:

    Dan's blog is fascinating. I've read quite a few of his posts now and I've subscribed to continue reading future posts.

    I was hooked with his post about the Rh factor, especially since my mom, sisters, myself and all my daughters are O neg – universal donors.

  10. Dan Mitchell says:

    Trish and Rob, Thank you for posting this part of my story. Like a lot of these manifestations of high strangeness, there is always that "freaky"factor involved that really makes you think. To me it is still disturbing all these years later because deception was used as the lure. I can't say for certain what was behind this, but I am confident there was nothing benevolent at work, and that is why I did my best not to draw any conclusions on the event.

  11. Cole says:

    Unsettling for sure. What had happened to him and who was that woman? Don't really want to know either, but I do feel for him having that lingering fear and question in his own mind to this day. Don't know what else to say. Interesting post.

  12. lakeviewer says:

    Some of us are cautious and diffident. Some, more naive and trusting. We have enough innate intelligence to keep us save most of the time.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Dan's blog is fascinating and terrifying. His stories are written with such genuine feeling that there's no doubt at all that his experiences are real. I'm always left to question the nature of reality when I read about experiences like his.

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    a king-like story for sure – i came over earlier and read it several times – thought i would go away for a while to think and contemplate and attempt to decipher and come back – am back now but no closer to the deciphering – have to agree about the mystery being left, too, but, too, is the whole thing of "what if?" – sigh –

    great post!

  15. d page says:

    Dan's stories are very real. I think he is very brave in sharing these stories with us. I have also had encounters with the darker side, and they are very hard to articulate. Dan is very eloquent in describing these things.

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Couldn't agree more about some things being left a mystery. But with all mysteries, you wonder what if…

  17. Vanessa says:

    This story does sound like the beginning of a Stephen King story, and a good one at that.

    I get the sense this is so nasty, we're best not knowing what it is/was. Some things are better left a mystery.

  18. Natalie says:

    Don't like it one little bit. URRRGH!!! Scary.

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