Forecast for Hurricane Season 2010

Every spring, two men at Colorado State University make their forecast for the hurricane season, which begins June 1 and ends November 30. This year, William Gray and Philip Klotzbach are calling for 15 named storms of at least tropical storm strength – winds between 39 and 73 miles per hour. Of these, they’re forecasting that eight become hurricanes – winds of 74 miles per hour or higher – and four becoming Category 3 storms or higher, with sustained winds of 111-130 miles per hour. They’re forecasting a 69 percent chance that a major hurricane will make landfall somewhere on the U.S. coast.The historical average is 52 percent. They gave a 45 percent chance that a major hurricane will make landfall on the U.S. East coast, including the Florida peninsula. The historical average is 31 percent.
 So how did their predictions for the 2009 season pan out? Not so good. They called for 14 named storms – there were 9. They said that at least 7 would become hurricanes – there were 3. They said  3 would become major hurricanes, and there were 2.

So what are your predictions?  Can planetary empaths predict hurricanes with more accuracy?
Yesterday’s post  on numbers triggered a lot of questions. Since Connie doesn’t have a blog yet, here’s her email address for anyone who would like more insight on repetitive numbers they’re experiencing.

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26 Responses to Forecast for Hurricane Season 2010

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Are we coming up to another planetary event, Vicki?

  2. Vicki D. says:

    Fascinating posts.
    I too have had a weird week, not sleeping well, feeling tense, headaches and stomach issues.
    My daughter has also had really bad headaches and bad sleep.

    I have also noticed some of the local wildlife acting strangely. There is a large fault that lies under the NYC area, I hope we don't have another quake.

    I will try to manifest clear skies but that is not what I'm feeling.
    In fact where I live we have already had two storms, one this past weekend with winds over 40 miles an hour, trees down everywhere.

    Also, in your prediction post several months back I felt that something big would happen in China and there have been two things, the earthquake and the recent murders of schoolchildren.
    I don't think this is the end of weird things in China.

  3. Shadow says:

    all i can say to this is that i am extremely glad i don't live in a hurricane/tropical storms area… may the winds be gentle on you!

  4. Sansego says:

    The blame game is typical. I saw it most recently with the local Boy Scout council and the Mormon church in the recent trial. Each blamed the other for what happened to the boy 25 years ago. No one took responsibility. The strategy is that by blaming the other, it will confuse the jury and result in an acquittal because they don't know whose story to believe.

    Sorry…but BP should've known the risks for off-shore drilling. That's what they get paid billions for. Avoiding responsibility is the wrong approach.

    I was thinking lately about how this new century has truly been an "apocalypse" as every single authoritarian structure has crumbled before our eyes: government, military, churches, corporations, finance industry, real estate, disaster relief organizations, youth organizations. We are in a new era where the hidden becomes known to the masses. But people might be too bored to really make the changes necessary.

    Its interesting that movies forecast what happens later one. I remember "Wag the Dog" coming out just a month before the Monica Lewinsky scandal hit, and in the film was a girl in a beret who had an affair with the president. The other film I remember was "The Siege" which came out in 1999 and predicted what would happen in our country post 9/11. Eerie. There are other films that predicted a future event, but I can't remember which ones at the moment. It makes me think that someone in Hollywood must be picking up something in the ethers.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, trish, on the clear summer and beyond! which is why i've tried to shut out the media and other reports etc so that i can better focus on that dove and the bright new day –
    oh, and trish – then there was that whole thing with cage in shreveport and my "almost" catching up with him – before i got into the movie knowing – just had him on the brain and knew he was there and i really "needed" to see him – weird connection to all this – now more of the dots connect –

    and cc, you're right – watching with care the film – the good embraced by the masses – and the dove! the dove was there!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Musing – thanks for the link. Off to check it out!

  7. musingegret says:

    Have the BP execs seen this video?

    wv: essessur (essence? SS sure?)

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jeanette – got it! Thanks!

  9. jeannette says:

    To add, in case you're not sure: yes, you may use, and link and post the story…

  10. jeannette says:

    Hi Trish,
    Commented on another blog post of yours, but you visited my blog and asked if you could use it -Yes, you may link it -it's titled Mirrored Lives (Nov.23, 2009). I am the family Jet.
    Thanks for posting it!:)

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ok, now I'm going to see knowing again. Marguerite – I'm with you. I'm visualizing a clear summer. Gypsy and Connie, you two seem to be hooked into the same energies.
    Sansego – I agree completely. Let the BP CEOs rot in prison. Did you see that while testifying before congress, everyone blamed everyone else? BP blamed Halliburton, who blamed someone else.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Gypsy, let us know when you have viewed the movie KNOWING. I rented it last year because of course the entire theme of the movie was based on predictions that were on a page of seemingly meaningless numbers…which weren't meaningless at all. I ordered the book this week as a "keeper" because it turns out that there is a scene in which Cage is watching TV news, and the news anchor is reporting an oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico; that they didn't know the cause of the explosion, and that 11people had been killed. In the video clip Cage glances at the clock a couple of times as he's watching that news report, and those clock numbers struck me as being highly relevant. So I must have the entire movie to connect the dots. That oil rig report in the movie was precisely what has manifested long after that movie was filmed. Life imitating art? Or art acting as the predictor of things to come? In any event, I will watch it closely, paying special attention this time not only to the events but to the numbers. I heard somewhere along the way that TPTB have a Law requiring them to warn the masses what is coming, and often they apparently choose the entertainment media as their means of doing exactly that. If we watch the movie with care, we may know what's next on the agenda, and knowing may help folks like you amd me and other empaths to prepare for the events and find ways to deal with our symptoms, or even assist in perhaps preventing something dire. Good is more powerful than evil, especially when Good is embraced by the masses. There's always the Dove hovering closeby.

  13. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Just find the comments for this post so interesting…

  14. Marguerite says:

    While the national media has slacked off on it's coverage of the oil spill, of course, our local and area Louisiana news media has not. It stands to reason, since we are the ones who have the most to loose, in the short term. The truth is, is that they are clueless as to how to stop this leak and the locals are working very hard to find a solution. But we must be careful not to be too fearful, as I believe that will draw it closer to us. As for the hurricane forecast, hopefully, they will be wrong, again this year, but with the current planetary positions, nothing would surprise me.

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    dear friend – you are literally taking the words out of my mouth – literally, on being overwhelmed – the sleep patterns – some days i've gone to bed while it was still day light! the dreams – cannot – cannot focus on whatever so i keep trying to fill my mind with mundane things just to prevent leakage from the real thing whatever the real thing is – i try not to even track the earth quakes because i don't want to know [actual confirmation] because i already do, you know? i could go on – but – no need with you, i know – thank you SO much for your words here – i've so not been myself of late – as a leo, withdrawn and disconnected is not my favorite place to be!! thanks again, lady!!!

    oh, and i just got back from ordering knowing at amazon for 2day delivery – can't wait! thanks for reminder of a movie i'd meant to get ages ago and just never got around to it!

    thanks again!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Gypsy….I'm with you all the way. Mentioned to Trish and Rob via email that I've been sleeping too much, uncharacteristically so. Am feeling too overwhelmed (by something I can't bring into focus yet) to do anything much except sit and stare, or let myself sleep. My sleeping dreams are a mess and I refuse to give them energy. What is most disturbing is that the mass of humanity is disregarding the events that are on-going and increasing, and refuse to consider the ultimate impact of the collective events. I felt the Indonesian quake day before yesterday but was so inundated by whatever this is that is imminent, that I pushed it away. Am in the same space you are, my friend.

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok, i came over early this morning before anyone had commented and just couldn't comment at all – overwhelming feeling – and it wasn't until your comment just now, trish, that i realized that the past few days in describing to a friend about a few abstract paintings of his in response to his question of what I saw or felt in them, my first/gut responses were frightening and i would not write them down exactly as i really saw them because i did not want to make my thoughts a reality – does that make sense?

    my usual first response of such paintings would have to do more on a physical human level of fire and passion and life etc – but the past week, all initial responses have had to do more globally/universally with fire and blood – burning charred remains of earth – a burned cross in one – fire/blood dripping from the sky over the waters – the interesting thing, however, in them, is that in each one I have also seen a bird – a dove – in the skies over the brimstone and charred earth – and the light of a new day with new life – everything I saw and felt in these pieces reminded me of the book of revelations [thought i would fall out when i read connie's remark!] – and so, with deliberate regard for my gut reaction, i wrote more generally about what i saw and focused on the dove that i found in at least two of them –

    very bizarre the past few days – feeling very disconnected from everything –

    again, i had not totally connected these gut reactions of mine with the present global issue until coming here this morning – i just knew that i did not like what i saw and felt overwhelmed by those things –

  18. Anonymous says:

    P.S. How interesting that RED RAIN is sung by Peter Gabriel!
    (Simon Peter of Jesus fame, and Gabriel the archangel of Death, who comes to gather souls.) How totally whacked is that!

  19. Anonymous says:

    Red Rain. I remember in the movie THE TEN COMMANDMENTS years ago, the "plague" that came through Isral was depicted as a swirling yukky-greenish fog, and the rivers and oceans were turning red. Don't have a clue how much of the Bible is accurate, but even if it is allegorical, is history repeating itself? We have that expanding gray-green volcanic ash cloud continuing to evolve, and the red lava spewing and spilling all over the place. Another 7.8 quake in Indonesia day before yesterday. Deadly floods and tornadoes here in our own country this week. Too many incidents of "Biblical proportions" going on for any rational person to consider these events as "normal". I don't want to insult any Christians, but perhaps the Bible is, in its entirety, a book of prophesy, similar to the Mayan calendar and other such prophetic tomes and the prophesies are unfolding. I'm going to be haunting my mailbox waiting for the movie KNOWING to arrive, then will sit with pen and paper and REALLY watch it this time, especially that page of numbers that is the central theme of the movie.

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, interesting, Connie. We were just at the gym and I haven't been able to get a song out of my head that played there. Then I read your comment.

    What song? Red Rain, by Peter Gabriel. "Red rain coming down."

  21. Anonymous says:

    I'm not a Bible person except for research in the Book of Numbers. However, the Book of Revelation, (and Edgar Cayce) speak of the oceans turning "red". The oil slick is red. That's pretty significant. Yesterday the winds were carrying the slick west. I can't imagine a tropical system in the Gulf area, because the authorities state that it will take months if not years to clean it up, which means a tropical storm or hurricane there would be something unprecedented in our known history. Unthinkable. Less than three weeks til hurricane season begins. UH!

  22. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Tiger Woods and his infidelities got more days of coverage than the oil spill. Now his bulging disk is in the news.

    Can you imagine a hurricane raining oil?

  23. Sansego says:

    I agree that the news interest in the oil spill seems to have dropped off quicker than the Katrina disaster. I would love to see BP go out of business because of this. There is no reason for the company to exist after wrecking the environment in such a careless manner. The CEOs belong in prison.

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Rachel Maddow covered the spill last night on her show. But otherwise, it seems to have fallen off the news radar or is relegated to the back burner, just as you say, sigeweald. Rachel basically said that BP is winging it. Maybe it does become the ocean scenario. One more punctuation point brought to us courtesy of the previous administration. Put two oil guys in the white house and regulations go out the window.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Hi Guys, CC here. Thanks for posting my email address, available for anyone who has questions about the numbers. I'll be delighted to share anything I know with you! Regarding the oil spill, Sigeweald, yesterday I discovered that a movie released in 2009, KNOWING, starring Nic Cage, actually contains minute details about this oil spill. Uncanny and highly suspicious. I ordered the movie from Amazon and will watch it when it arrives for every aspect relevant to the oil rig explosion and other events that have happened since the movie was filmed. Concerning hurricanes….absolutely can feel them prior to their manifestation. We live on an island right on the beach and that seems to intensify the symptoms pre-emptive to them, occasionally even before they've been birthed off the coast of Africa. As a much-too-powerful planetary empath, I also very often have precognitive dreams that portend the storms before the physical symptoms kick in. Hope to heck the forecasters are wrong! But, if the erratic weather these last few months all over the globe are any indication of worse to come, we may be in for it!

  26. sigeweald says:

    It would be good to know the factors upon which they base their predictions – is it all a matter of calculating odds based on past years or do they look at El Nino, sandstorms in Africa, etc? I'm wondering if the BP oil spill will affect the weather? Hurricanes in the Gulf will certainly affect the oil spill. And you know, folks, that is strikes me as very odd how the enormity of this disaster is being downplayed. I believe we're looking at the greatest man-made ecological disaster in history. Someone even opined that this could kill the world's oceans. As far as I know, it's still gushing as I sit here – and what is anyone doing to stop it? The containment box didn't work – so what now? Ignore it and hope it goes away? While the talking heads drone on about basketball scores and Hollywood personalities, the world is witnessing destruction of environment as never before seen. It is peculiar that a whale stranded in an inlet somewhere can garner so much media attention while coverage of this story has been relegated to the backburner by the corporate media. I can see a group of nations filing a class action suit against BP and the U.S. in World Court in the aftermath of this – an aftermath of such far flung and unforeseen consequences we cannot begin to imagine. I haven't checked yet, but I would wager the random number generator projects are seeing some heavy-duty spikes about now.

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