A Simple Remedy for the Oil Spill?

Thanks to Musing Egret for alerting us to this youtube video.  She got it from here. As she said, have the BP execs seen this?

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17 Responses to A Simple Remedy for the Oil Spill?

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    musing – thanks for the correction. I'll fix it.

  2. musingegret says:

    We need a folk song sweeping around:

    Is there a way, to burn oil-soaked hay

    And power our insatiable need for energy?

    We've gotta get the bales off the barges,

    Or burn them out in the bay.

    That'll leave big black smoke and change all the birds and butterfly's migration patterns.

    Is there a way we can help Mother Earth for this pollution (undersea and overwater) that we've created?

    Do execs care about Nature?
    Does anyone know anyone that is a "person of interest" (i.e. in a decision-making role) to affect the cleanup-making-decisions-or-legislation?

    Curiously asking. BTW—the video came from my reading cajunboyinthecity.com.

    Please, credit where credit is due.

    wv: cittua (situation? city UA?)

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I missed it! Watched countdown, but missed that. & now it's gone? Weird. I'll check out the links, thanks, musing!

  4. musingegret says:

    I saw it on Countdown last night and after googling it today, it just now disappeared!

    Here's HuffPo with 19 solutions ranging from #4 (the hay) and several others including: peat moss, (check out the russians) and one not considered but described at Bayou Woman:



    Many thanks to all to sent the link to the news networks.

    We shall see.

    wv: solasto

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I was hoping countdown would mention this remedy last night. So far, haven't seen it mentioned on news channels.

  6. Nancy says:

    I sent this to everyone I know! (Thanks Gypsy for emailing me with this.)

  7. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Amazing! It's got to be worth a trial at the very least.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, and sent similar note to abc good morning america news –

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hey gang – i just sent note to BP Gulf of Mexico Incident:
    "There is a very interesting YouTube video "CWRoberts Presentation 2.wmv" demonstrating the use of hay as a "collector" for the massive oil spill by your company which remains in the gulf waters. The video demonstrates the use of hay as an absorber of oil in salt water. The procedure is time and energy efficient, with incredible results of clean water. This proposal is comprehensively outlined in the video by the presenters. It would certainly behoove your quality control/treatment team to check out this remarkable presentation which has been, I understand, already been forwarded to the media. Thank you very much."

    forwarded it to those of you that i have in my gmail addresses – and i put video on my facebook – but media is best place – were you able to get to cnn, trish? anyone else?

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Terri – I just sent the youtube ink to countdown. Think I'll try cnn next. Hey, what can it hurt, right?

  11. terripatrick says:

    So – I'm going to spread the word on this! We are all only 6 degrees of separation. The more we spread the word – someone in charge is going to see it. What will it hurt if they try it and it doesn't work?

    A few tons of hay – a few of those boats for blowing it a round, scoop it up and TA DA! Some enterprising groups scoop it up and sell it for fuel. Straw and oil, probably burns pretty good.

  12. Marlene says:

    Is it possible that they actually do not know how to do this???
    you would think they have the very best working to solve this issue..?

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Exactly. & you scoop it up. Oil gone, clean water. Or, at any rate, that's what the video suggests. And it works in salt water.

  14. Butternut Squash says:

    It makes sense to me. It's natural and couldn't be more harmful than the chemicaldispersants they are already using.

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    But if it works… wow.

  16. Von says:

    Too easy probably!

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok, is it just me, or is this incredible? so simple – so easy – and it works – we should all contact the BP execs and the media with this!!!

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