The Black Chaser

 Posts on certain phenomenon seem to trigger memories in readers about their experiences with the same kind of phenomenon. When we posted A Disturbing Doppelganger, a story from  Dan Mitchell,  our friend Connie Cannon sent us the following.

Dan has since deleted his blog and email.

When I read Dan Mitchell’s post this morning, it reminded me of an inexplicably eerie experience my son had in 2005.  I won’t embellish this story.  It is creepy enough without embellishment.

Our oldest son Chris is 6’3″ tall and weighs 185.  He is a Tom Selleck clone, when Selleck was in his prime.  Chris can bench-press 300 pounds and doesn’t have a wimp bone in his body.  He was raised in a family where woo-woo things are always going BUMP! in the night, including disembodied entities and genuine ET encounters, and I’ve never known him to really be afraid of anything.  He can pretty much hold his own in any situation.

In the early summer of 2005, he drove a big white Tahoe.  One sunny afternoon he called me from his cell phone and told me something very weird was happening and it was making him nervous.  He said that he had left the beach restaurant where he’d eaten lunch alone and was driving out through the country to the river, to look for a good place to put the boat in for some fishing later in the week.  He glanced in his rear view mirror and noticed a shiny black vehicle not far behind him…..a two-door automobile.  There were no other vehicles on the road.  The car caught his eye, he said, because it was unusual and beautiful.  He couldn’t see any kinds of markings on the car; no chrome, no insignia, nothing, and he said it was the shiniest black he’d ever seen with illegal black windows through which no driver was visible.  I told him to keep me posted, that it was probably nothing to worry about.

As he drove farther out into the country, (which is marshland that becomes farmland), he noticed that the black vehicle was tailing him and taking every turn he took, but had dropped back a distance, perhaps a mile or so.  Chris started driving much faster and made some quick turns that the black car could not have conceivably seen him make, yet every time he checked, it was behind him again.  By the time Chris reached the river road, he was seriously shaken and he pulled the Tahoe into a roadside park where some county workers were lounging around.  He told them that a strange black automobile had chased him all the way from the beach, and he was going to stay there with them for a few minutes.  Momentarily, the black car passed them and drove on, so Chris, feeling silly but relieved, got back into his SUV and started on towards his destination.

In a matter of seconds, the black car appeared again behind him seemingly out of nowhere, and it spooked Chris so badly that he pulled his truck into a fish camp park, (there were no other people or vehicles), locked his doors and windows, and….believe it or not….called his Dad!  Chris had pulled his truck parallel to the river, and lo and behold, the black chaser vehicle pulled in facing the Tahoe, a few yards away, and simply sat there with its engine idling.  Chris told his Dad on the phone that he was not moving because his fuel was getting low and there were no gas stations nearby; would Dad please drive out to the river and pick him up because he was terrified.

I have failed thus far to mention that Chris is extremely intuitive.

The black vehicle never moved, and there did not appear to be a driver inside.  Even within a car with totally dark glass, shadows will still visibly move.  Not in the black chaser car.

My 64 year-old skinny husband left his work to go rescue this 38-year-old superman….our son!….and when Dad got to the park, the black chaser was still there, engine still rumbling.  Dad reported it indeed had no tag, no markings on it whatsoever of any kind.  No identifiable anything, and no apparent driver.  At least, not to the naked eye.

Dad pulled parallel with the Tahoe, Chris jumped out and into Dad’s truck, and they uneventfully came home.  Chris then asked me if we could drive back out to the river, (thirty miles one way), in my Durango to retrieve his vehicle, that surely the black car would be gone by the time we got there.  Off we went, with me foolishly thinking this was some kind of harmless, easily explainable adventure.  When we reached the fish camp park where Chris’s truck was sitting, the black car was still there, still facing Chris’s vehicle.

I got a very good look at that car and my inner alarms blasted off like air-raid sirens.  It looked much too much like black helicopters, with which I have become intimately familiar in my life.  I became uneasy, even queasy, because I’d never heard of an automobile connected to ET encounters, yet everything about this felt like the acutely tangible black helicopters that were a part of my experiences…..but never a part of my oldest son’s experiences.

I had a sense of some kind of extreme threat.

I pulled up even with the Tahoe and Chris jumped back into it, cranked it and took off, with me in close pursuit at a law-breaking speed through the countryside, praying Chris would not run out of gas.  Again, within moments, the black vehicle appeared in my rearview mirror, maintaining distance behind us, perhaps by a half-mile to a mile.  Chris and I took sudden sharp turns that the chaser car could not possibly have seen, yet it stayed behind us.

We finally reached the on-ramp to I-95, which we went under, and then we immediately drove into a huge truck stop crowded with many people, parked our vehicles facing the road. We we saw the black chaser car sitting, engine idling, just under the interstate on the other side of it, apparently watching us.  We stood outside our trucks for at least fifteen minutes, until the black vehicle eventually turned up the ramp to go south on I-95.

But the black chaser car didn’t get on the interstate highway.  Chris and I could very clearly see the expressway; there was nowhere else the black car could have gone, but it simply vanished.  POOF.  Gone.

What was this about?  Was it some kind of remotely-controlled vehicle, and what was its purpose?  Was there some kind of tracking device on my son’s SUV?  If so, why?

A few days after this harrowing incident, Chris traded his Tahoe for a different truck.  If there was a tracking device on it, someone else will now have the pleasure of attempting to elude the pursuer!

None of us has ever seen that black chaser vehicle again, or anything that resembles it.  But none of us will ever forget it, or understand it.

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23 Responses to The Black Chaser

  1. A New Soul says:

    Ok that story is just creepy. I'm glad I read this in the daytime! Come on Trish/Rob – don't you have any back-pocket happy stories to lighten the mood?

  2. Anonymous says:

    In all truth, I haven't a clue what it was all about, unless it was to inject fear, because basically that's exactly what it did. Had there been some kind of airplane hovering around, we'd have thought the black vehicle was remotely controlled, and perhaps it was, but by whom or by what, I don't suppose we'll ever know. My son is so grounded and so solid, and to see him frightened was the worst part of it. An odd thing is that the vehicle was illegal. It had no markings, as stated, and no tag, and where in heck was the driver? As a matter of fact, where's a cop when we need them! 🙂 I never drive alone now out into the countryside, which is probably ridiculous. But fear is a powerful emotion. We tend to look out of the corner of our eyes when we drive out to the river, but have never seen it again. Sometimes I wonder if it was some kind of hologram, because no matter which way we turned, it was right back behind us, and couldn't conceiveably have seen the turns we made. And how did it vanish instead of getting on the interstate? Nothing about it computes with logic. Very high weirdness stuff, indeed. Marguerite, carry a camera! I wish we'd had one! But then I wonder if it would have even shown up on film? Isn't THAT a frightful thought! If you see it again, even just sitting there, snap some pics, girl!

  3. Intuitive Girl says:

    Wow is all i've got for that one. Very scary.

  4. Marguerite says:

    OMG I have had numerous dreams about a black car chasing me, and I have encountered the same car in the dream, twice in real life! Except in real life, the car wasn't moving, but just sitting there, in very unlikely places. Strange and I'm so glad that they got away!

  5. simple simon says:

    yeah it is true cell phone cameras weren't "quit" so previlant, but excuse anonymous, simple s. has a life of the universe goofing with him and the more he reacts the more they like it,,, thinking entertainment might be one of the few things humans are good for….. had a lot of people (recorded) when some guy was talking numbers and then e-quacke,, but still they tease or should I say now they really like it. To much time not enough associates,,, time for a drink,,,

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's probably just someone at the office with too much time on his/her hands Googling around.

  7. Vicki D. says:

    The FCC? Has that happened before?

  8. Anonymous says:

    In 2005, none of us carried a cell phone with a camera. If we'd had any idea whatsoever that the vehicle would have still been out at the river by our son's truck, believe me, I'd have made sure to take a camera. But no, we have no pics. Just a lot of witnesses, including the group of county workers who also saw the car, so it wasn't an imaginary vision. It was quite real. I do know the difference between reality and illusion, espcially when there are credible and skepical witnesses to an incident. Life has inexplicable events that our lws of physics can't yet categorize, but perhaps someday they will fall into place in this giant puzzle of existence on the third-dimensional planet. Meanwhile, we love and trust.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You can call yourself whatever you want, born sceptic (sic) or Simple Simon. Doesn't matter. Your non-sequitur writing style is a giveaway. That said, you do make a good point about photos.

    Connie, no one thought to snap a cell phone pic of the black car?
    – Rob

  10. born sceptic (s.s.) says:

    Got pictures,,,,, Y-KNOT,,,(when you went back, I'd of shot it up) makes for a good story,,,, I got pic's,,, still they tease,,,, guess I need to improve something,,, but if it's the kind of thing that's always happin to ya's,,, carry photo equip,,,, good story anyway….. guess who Rob

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'll send you an email on that one!

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    the fcc? how were you able to determine that, trish?

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, geeezzzeee – listen, i am sitting here with cold chills all over – literally standing up from my flesh – after reading this post – and then, i see trish's comments after mine about another person – and is that word verification not just SOMEthing!!! reading connie's story was like re-walking my experience with the mib – literally – got the same queasy feeling – the whole thing – connie, i could "feel" that car and your son's fear – geezeeee……freaky is a good word – and more than a little unsettling, this whole thing –

    oh, get this wv = pradi – which, at first glance i saw as "prayed" – one anagram is "rapid"

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We've also had FCC people on our blog. Wonder what that means?

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    and that word verification, gypsy – truly unsettling.

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Okay – that makes 3 people – Vicki, Jenean – and I just got an email from debra that she couldn't get in, either. This is, uh, a bit freaky.

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just like with books, i usually read the comments before i read the post – i know, it doesn't make sense to some, but – anyway, i just wanted to inject here that i wasn't able to get in earlier when i came over – tried several times this morning – so i left to run errands and just now back – reading the comments and thought i would jot this down while i am able to –

    and listen, here's the wv=demenno=demon no? geezzzeeee….

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – ODD!! So far, no trouble with the post on this end!

  19. Vicki D. says:

    This is such a fascinating and strange post.

    After reading it two hours ago I couldn't post here. I kept trying and then I lost the entire page.
    That has never happened before.

    I then had to leave to pick up my daughter and on the way home I was telling her about the story and what happened to me and we both noticed that almost the entire ride back we kept seeing black cars. One after the other, no other colors.

    It gave me a shiver and her too!
    Something is going on.

  20. Anonymous says:

    I didn't know Trish and Rob were going to put our story on the blog, and as I just re-read it exactly as it occurred, I still become transfixed by an enigmatic experience that has no logical, reasonable explanation to my logical, reasonable, mathematically-oriented mind. There were no exaggerations in the telling. If anything, the relating of the story is actually more low-key than was the true experience. There are things….feelings….intuitions…that can't adequately be expressed in words, and this is one of those. I'll never forget it, and have nothing to which it can be compared except my lifetime of encounters with other-dimenional entities, which are different yet very, very similar. Suffice it to say, without an attempt to be melodramatic, we are definitely, absolutely, NOT ALONE, and there are incidents that elude our comprehension.

  21. Nancy says:

    Whoa!! Scary!

  22. Deb Kirkeeide says:

    all I can say is … wow

  23. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Phew, some story.

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