From blog to book to you

Our advanced copies of 7 Secrets arrived yesterday and today we found out that Amazon is releasing the book May 17. Barnes and Noble says it comes out August 18, and the publisher said it’s June 1. Take your pick!
Rob & Trish

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30 Responses to From blog to book to you

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Butternut! Your Nepal story made the final cut. We appreciate your wonderful contributions!

  2. Butternut Squash says:

    Here it is! Yeah.

    I know where to buy copies for my friends. Fantastic. It has been a joy watching this in process. Thank you so much for sharing the journey.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    She'll especially love it because you're in it!

  4. d page says:

    I've ordered one for my daughter's 25th birthday, too. It'll be extra special for her. She loves synchronicity stories!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    >>see you at the store.

    Simon, Sure, but don't talk so much when you bag my groceries. Last time you squashed the bread, when you put the milk on top of it. That was the day you were trying to tell me that seeing the same people shopping over and over again was somehow a synchronicity.
    It's not!

    People have to eat, so they come back. It's pure cause and effect. Hungry…time to go buy some food.

  6. 1 Moe says:

    next w.v. "reporki"

  7. simple simon says:

    aw Rob ya left up the comment that has me sounding like such a superficial jerkkkk,,, well that might be half write,,, so since I saw it was your birthday recently,,, happy B.D. many synchros (who coined it that way) with my and mine (heck my high school girl and porker I spend 3 years grappling with had the same one 12/31),,, but to explain would only have me sounding like a self centered jerk and I rather just stay simple…. w.v. dialia,,,,see ya at the store.

  8. teapotshappen says:

    Can't wait to read it!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Terri, thanks, it's actually quite different from the draft you read all those months ago. Much improved.

  10. terripatrick says:

    AWESOME! The energy behind the book didn't want to wait another 2+ months but to get to readers – NOW!

    Love that thought! Wee Hee!

  11. simple s. says:

    simple simon wants to have a contest,, all entries would entries would put up 7$ (he'd use the winning to get some dental work done) all entries will write up their synchros stroies on the number 7, me I have about 5 on them,,, these stroies most before "VERIFIABLE",,,, actually I have about 7 stories,,, the last being back when brother turned 50 I bought a lotto ticket,, 2 or 3 sets of numbers,, me and brothers street address growing up and the amount won on the day of his 50th????? never did cash it in…. w.v. "grood" not sure if in topic or not

  12. Vicki D. says:

    Congratulations you two! How exciting.

    Can't wait to get it and promote it for you!

    I will make sure to put it out on the bookshelves when I visit my favorite bookstore.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, all, for the kind comments!

  14. Adele Aldridge says:

    Wowie! Zowie! CONGRATULATIONS!

  15. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    … and UK readers can pre-order your book at Amazon UK.

  16. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Congrats – great news. Hope everyone will now go out and promote it!

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ooops – meant to comment on the image here, too – looked at it enlarged several times – love it!!! oh, and the macgregor snuff box – can't even go there!!! neat image, you two!!!

  18. Hilary says:

    Congratulations! How does it feel having the Real Book in your hands? Must be wonderful 🙂

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We had some fun playing around with photos!

  20. Nancy says:

    Yay! I'm ordering mine right now along with Nancy Pickard's.


  21. Nancy P says:

    Yay! It looks great, Trish 'n' Rob!

  22. Deb Kirkeeide says:

    Awesome and exciting! Congratulations!

  23. Natalie says:

    Congratulations! It will be Amazon for me. 🙂

  24. Jeninacide says:

    Ooooh Congrats! I like the picture of it with the same image in the background! Neato!

  25. d page says:


  26. maggie's garden says:

    Awesome…I can't wait to read it. And amazon is usually where I get my books…so that makes it easy. In fact I think I already have it on a preorder. On my way to check…thanks.

  27. Claire Beynon says:

    Congratulations – what a collaboration!

  28. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    OH, HOW FABULOUS!!! so excited for you two!! [and may 17 is the birthday of my daughter cindy] –


  29. musingegret says:

    Yippee! Hooray! Hubba-Hubba! Congratulations….I'm going to Amazon now.

    wv: heaheast

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