Happy Birthday, Rob!
When I think of you, this photo of a grotto in the Dominican Republic is one of many images that comes to mind. Yes, I know, photographically, it lacks people. But symbolically, the depth of the grotto, that incredible blue-green color of the water, the lushness of the trees that surrounded this place, those tantalizing rope vines hanging over there near the rocks: it literally screams exploration.

And that’s how I think of you.

We had gone to the Dominican Republic because it’s a windsurfer’s paradise, what you and Megan love to do. I’m happy to read and shop and watch you two. This was a day away from windsurfing, when you challenged me to do something I ordinarily wouldn’t do. It’s not, as you know, in my lexicon, my bucket list, to rappel down the face of sheer rock, clinging to a rope, hoping the soles of my shoes don’t suddenly peel away, hoping I don’t swing out so far that when I swing back my head hits the rock.

But always, in 27 years of marriage, you have challenged me to reach for the unknown, to delve into the unexplored, to do what I would not ordinarily do. You’re the explorer and I hang back, balking, thinking, oh my god, you’ve got to be kidding, please be kidding. So thank you for all the explorations and may there be many more mysteries and  many, many more birthdays!

Meditating  on turning 62–young compared to this ceiba tree!

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27 Responses to HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROB!

  1. Jeninacide says:

    Happy Belated Birthday to ROB!!!

  2. Raksha says:

    whipwarrior: Thanks for the link to your Flickr album. I looked at your pictures (which I loved) and posted a comment about them on your blog.

  3. whipwarrior says:

    Raksha: Yes, Jaimee is wonderful. She's my closest and dearest friend, and our friendship was forged on our mutual love of Indiana Jones. We had a wonderful 10-day reunion in February when I went out to California to visit her. Everything was perfect, and we had the absolute time of our lives. If you want to see pictures from our trip, here is the link to my Flickr page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9911326@N07/

  4. Raksha says:

    Rob: From what Trish wrote about you, I can tell there is a lot of Indiana Jones in you, and that's why you write him so well. And I have to tell you: I'm a total sucker for adventurous men and always have been. Unfortunately, I'm such a physical coward myself I doubt that any man could talk me into rappeling down a cliff no matter how much I loved him.

    whipwarrior: It was your post above mine that made me realize the there was a connection between Rob and Indiana Jones. After I read it I clicked on the link to his website, which I hadn't done before. And from there to Amazon.

    I had a look at your blog this morning. Your last post about your soulmate was very moving, and I can relate to it in many ways.

  5. whipwarrior says:

    Raksha, you are in for a treat! NOBODY writes Indy like Rob does! You can literally see and hear Harrison Ford in the characterization. I've read these novels literally hundreds of times over the years, and they are imminently re-readable. Enjoy! 🙂

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Raksha. I used to say that my Indy novels were published in 'secret,' because there was no promotion or publicity – except for The Last Crusade – but in spite of the lack of whoop-la those books have continued to sell over the years both in the U.S. and abroad. For that, I'm grateful.

  7. Raksha says:

    Rob: I just had to comment again to tell you I just now–today!–learned that you are the author of a whole bunch of Indiana Jones books, including the novelization of one of the original movies. I HAD to be the one and only follower of this blog who didn't know that already! I don't even remember how I discovered it, but I think it was simply the first Synchronicity blog I ran across, so I bookmarked it. I just put about about six of your books on my Amazon wishlist, and I'm going to buy at least one of them in the near future.

    Happy birthday again!!!

  8. Marguerite says:

    Seems like you two were made for each other! Lovely photo and post! Happy Birthday, Rob! Cheers!

  9. Natalie says:

    Such a moving post, Trish. It is truly beautiful to see people in love.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY R.M.! I wish you every happiness in the universe for your special day, and always.

    Oh, and that photo is divine.I LOVE it.

  10. Nancy says:

    Great tribute and birthday greetings, Trish, for an obviously very cool guy!

    Happy Birthday, Rob! My book is on it's way from Amazon!

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ray – there are probably grottos like this all over the Caribbean. I took the photo while nervously waiting my turn to rappel down the cliff!

  12. Ray says:

    Happy Birthday Rob.
    Trish a beautiful tribute.

    When I looked at the photo before I read the text I thought the picture looked very much like the pool at the bottom of the waterfall in El Yunque Rain Forest in Puerto Rico. I checked out a few photos online and it doesn't look the same, but I thought it looked like my first impression as I got to the bottom of the trail.


  13. d page says:

    What a wonderful model for the rest us: being married 27 years, and being 62-going-on-35 because of love & yoga!
    Wishing you many happy synchronicities!

  14. Raksha says:

    Happy birthday, Rob! I'm still a newbie around here and have yet to read a book by either you or Trish (I'll let you know when I do), but I have no doubt that her tribute to you is totally deserved and then some. I loved both the words and the pictures. Many happy returns!

  15. Adele Aldridge says:

    Hey Rob! Happy Happy Happy Healthy Birthday wishes to you. I think the synchronicity is that your book was delivered to you ahead of time for your birthday. How kewel is that!



  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thank you all. We've had a great time with this blog, and since we're working on a proposal for a second synchronicity book, we'll keep it going.

  17. whipwarrior says:

    Happy Birthday, Rob: Undisputed master of all non-cinematic Indiana Jones adventures, my favorite author, and writer extraordinaire! You have my best wishes and highest regards as you begin yet another chapter (of MANY) in the adventure-filled life of the MacGregor clan!

    *cue Raiders March theme*

  18. musingegret says:

    All my fellow readers said it best, but I'll chime in too: Happy Natal Day Rob! Lovely homage Trish! Many Happy Returns to you both and thank y'all again for starting this blog. It has afforded so many wonderful reads and nourished us all with many, many provocative ideas.

    wv: dinelet (a small celebratory dinner??) 😉

  19. Vicki D. says:

    Happy Birthday Rob!
    What a lovely statement from Trish, and the picture is so peaceful. I can imagine boy of you enjoying it together.
    Have a wonderful day.

  20. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    A lovely, meaningful post. Happy Birthday, Rob.

  21. DJan says:

    Happy birthday, Rob. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this blog, it's so interesting, with a couple of really fun people!

  22. maggie's garden says:

    This is beautiful…like the two of you!
    Happy Birthday Rob!

  23. Anonymous says:

    I goofed! Forrest said he and Jen-ny went together like "peas and carrots", not like peaches and cream! But the concept is the same! Both combinations are terrific! Happy day! cc

  24. Anonymous says:

    Happy, happy birthday to you, Rob! And what a glorious photo!
    I've had almost 47 years with my husband…many ups and many downs and many ins and outs, but also much joy and laughter along the way. May you and Trish share at least a half-century of more birthdays together! As Gump told Jen-ny, you two go together like peaches and cream, and your creations prove the point. Have a blessed birthday, dear! cc

  25. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    this magnificent homage each to the other leaves me in tears – and speechless – beautiful!!!


  26. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Trish. Couldn't have done it without you! More adventures to come.

    Now we better put up a synchronicity. If there is one related to my b-day, it's got to be the early pub date of the synchro book, and the arrival of our advance copies. A happy surprise.

  27. Dave King says:

    I think that a super picture. OK, people would have given it scale, but might have detracted from it. It stands up very well by itself.

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