Billboard Man

Over the past year, Adele Aldridge has sent us several interesting synchronicities that we’ve posted. However, one of the best, a very personal tale, that we call Billboard Man, was saved for the book. We’d told Adele that a couple of her stories had made it into the book, but didn’t tell her which ones. So it was interesting what happened the day her copy of the book arrived. We’ll let her tell the story.

A rushed note to tell you that my copy of The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity just landed in my mail box. I will review it on my blog as soon as I get a chance to read it.

Of course I immediately had to skip to the parts where my synchronicity stories are mentioned to see what you used.

So now, in the short while that I have your book in my hands, I have to report another possible synchronicity. The day is cloudy and a bit muggy here, making me sleepy after doing a lot of work. This afternoon, before the book arrived, I was compelled to lay down and fell into a deep sleep. 

Whenever that kind of sleep overtakes me in the daytime, my sleep is deeper than when I sleep at night. I came out of it not knowing where I was for a moment and recalling that I was dreaming about J—–, a man I have not laid eyes on for twenty years. I thought, “Uuuummmm, WHAT?!” I don’t even remember the content, just the presence. A little later I got my mail and your book and read the part about how I spit at the man on the billboard and then met nine years later. Same man from this afternoon’s dream!

So, perhaps this is not a synchronicity but merely my unconscious realizing that your book was in the mail to me and that story might be in it. Still . . . interesting. And weird.

The other thing that struck me in just reading that section about me and Mr. Billboard is that I have a different take on my own synchronicity than you do, in terms of the feelings involved. I don’t know if I should write about that as part of the review or make it a separate discussion. Maybe making it separate would be better because that way I can write about your book twice.

My take on my Billboard man has to do with my experience with dreams. I am reluctant to go into that on my I Ching Meditations blog because dreams are a big subject in themselves, and one of my top interests along with the I Ching and art. 
Well, we think it’s a synchronicity, especially since we never posted that story. We would tell the whole story here–it’s quite startling–but no…we’ll just say you can find this one on pages 35-37 of the book. 😉
Adele tells me that I posted the wrong Winston Man. Here’s the poster of the man who affected her so strongly…and the man she later met…and much more. From our perspective, he looks like a typical polo player and winter resident of our village.

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3 Responses to Billboard Man

  1. Natalie says:

    Oh yes,oh yes. 🙂

  2. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    It's surprising as to what sometimes surfaces in dreams. Interesting story.

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what a fabulous story – love the separation of time in it – and the degree of emotional response regardless – and even more interesting will be to hear adele's take – great story – and everyone is really missing out if you don't grab the book for pages 35-37 on this! 😉

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