Death of the Gulf?

The geyser of oil gushing from 5,000 feet beneath the gulf appears to be getting worse by the day. According to an article in the Times Online UK, there’s far more oil spewing into the gulf than BP has admitted.

Reporter Frank Pope took a sports fishing boat out into the gulf to take a closer look. On board with him was  a marine toxicologist from the Marine Environmental Research Institute, Susan Shaw. They traveled 18 miles out into the gulf, into a restricted zone. Pope says they saw only two cleanup vessels out of the 1,150 that are supposedly on site – one was broken down and the other boat was towing it. Overhead was a dispersant-spraying aircraft. The stink, even 18 miles out, was horrendous.

“Oil has been prevented from reaching the surface by dispersants injected into the flow some 5,000 ft below,” Pope wrote, “but is spreading through the midwater in vast, dilute plumes.”

Pope and Dr. Shaw donned wet suits and snorkels, coated their exposed skin in Vaseline, and slipped into the water. They went down 12 meters – about 36 feet. Among the specks of sludge, Pope wrote, “…are those of a different hue. These are wisps of drifting plankton, the eggs and larvae of fish and the microscopic plants and animals that form the base of almost all marine food webs. Any plankton-eating fish would now have trouble distinguishing food from poison, let alone the larger filter-feeders…  Here, just a few feet beneath the surface, a much bigger disaster is unfolding in slow motion.”

Pope’s companion, Dr. Shaw, summed up this unimaginable catastrophe: “The situation in the water column is horrible all the way down. Combined with the dispersants, the toxic effects of the oil will be far worse for sea life. It’s death in the ocean from the top to the bottom.”

 So far, BP is still in charge of the cleanup. As one commentator said, that’s like putting the murderer in charge of the investigation.
Sadly, all the scientific forecasts and psychic predictions that we’ve heard over the past 25-30 years are coming true. Both natural and man-made disasters  are taking their tolls. Now, if a hurricane sweeps through the Gulf of Mexico, of course the disaster will be compounded. Astonishingly, there was only enough oil in the Gulf for one year of consumption in the U.S., and no guarantee that it would be sold here. Yet, we were willing to take the chance of destroying an ocean.

 There are better and cleaner sources of energy available that need to be developed. The universe is abundant, and off course, so is energy. But we are focused on one particular dwindling resource. It’s mankind’s limited thinking that keeps us addicted to oil as the major energy source and not the lack of possibilities to fuel the world, and do it cleanly…and greenly.

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40 Responses to Death of the Gulf?

  1. Anonymous says:

    I was wondering if porpoises had purpose,,,,, whatda ya tink Raub???? w.v. lessossm

  2. Ray says:

    porpoises do speak to us psychically. At least they listen. I don't know how many times I would go out on deck in the Med and the North Atlantic and just called for them and they came. Once it was a group of more than 100 that I saw in the distance. I started trying to get their attention and several of them came over to check out the ship. I might not have ever had anything to do with them, but I like to think I did.

    I wonder if they didn't just anticipate problems and move to a safer area. This drilling has to stop before they don't have any place to go to escape environmental hazards.


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sigeweald – it sounds as if you've got some of the same symptoms we describe in this post:

  4. sigeweald says:

    Hi Anon – the bunnie issue may be unrelated as I'm well off the coast and have noticed the grey squirrel population is greatly reduced now and I believe it's a cyclical over-population phenom – they grew to such great numbers that food became scarce and perhaps disease also became a factor – at any rate, I wonder if there are any "porpoise whisperers" out there? I've read many apocryphal accounts, besides stories on this site, they are most intelligent and interact with humans as it strikes their fancy – and I tend to believe they can communicate other than vocally, probably psychically – I think they are crying out loud, perhaps a condemnation or a "WHY?" – Why would you do this – how could you do this? I think they should go to the Mexican coast right now or down to the keys. I don't know – anything other that I am most weirded out today and the past day or two – I've had these terrible spells. I am so "scared feeling" tonight even in my own house – something is not right and I can't figure out what it is – I believe their psychic screams are on the network and I just can't get easy. Let's all pray for help – I really don't know what else to do -the suds aren't working.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Sigewald, we live on an island on a beach; the Mainland can only be accessed via three bridges that ere several miles apart. Generally this time of year we see schools of dolphins playing in the bayfront downtown when we cross the bridge, and they are always jumping and splashing just a few yards offshore of the beach, unafraid of swimmers. We've seen NONE this year. Zero. Another extremely disturbing thing, and I phoned the Florida Wildlife Association about this asking "why?", but they don't have an answer to the question: where have all the thousands of marsh bunnies gone? The little brown rabbits have come out at dawn and dusk for the 28 years we've lived here. They populated the dunes, and all along A1A. No sign of them ANYWHERE, in almost two years. Where did these little creatures go?? They have vanished, and no one knows why. There are sea turtles beaching themselves and dying, rather than laying thier eggs as usual in the safety of the dunes, which are protected this time of year. Our animals….where are they? The ocean species, I understand. Much has been happening all over the globe within the deepest seas. But the bunnies? Where have all the animals gone? cJc

  6. Anonymous says:

    Rob, just got in and read your comments about Carey's dream. You know how he is; what he does. I never ignore anything he may experience. Like you, I hope this dream of his about the WORMWOOD was symbolic, referencing the oil rig explosion and the gushing fountains of waters (with oil) in the Gulf, that has already happened, as opposed to something in the future. He tends to be very accurate in his unintentional future views.

  7. d page says:

    Not to mention the meth, porn and allowing the oil companies to write their own reports:

  8. Ray says:

    The news of the spill gets worse every day. New permits have been issued for operations even more dangerous than what caused the current spill. On the news today it has been revealed that the agency responsible for regulating the drilling and repairs are being accused of taking bribes and for looking the other way a former regulator got a job with the offshore oil industry.

  9. sigeweald says:

    I'm glad you think so – I'm afraid it's a primal scream made more horrific by the fact we are helpless to assist them. I will project a message for them to flee the area and maybe they know somehow we do care and agonize over this senseless, irreponsible destruction. The majority of the population have no good idea of just how bad this all is and the ill effects which will linger for generations. I would think we'd be seeing increased UFO or USO activity(unidentified submerged objects) in that area but have not seen any reports of that yet.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    sigeweald – dolphis and whales sending out SOS signals makes perfect sense to me. Now BP is going to cut the live video feed during their next attempt to plug the gusher.

  11. sigeweald says:

    I had very disturbed sleep, my strange little "spells" that are some form of seizure – and deja vu experiences – seeing my self during the day in the dream of the night before makes everything brighten like technicolor and I feel I will fly off the face of the earth – and it's not a good feeling at all, very much a bad thing that leaves me weak, depressed, and out of kilter with the world. But anyway, I'm wondering if the dolphins and whales are sending out an SOS psychically and maybe we're picking up on this? Just a thought. Today has been a very black day and one of those days where anything and everything has been going wrong – I feel very bad and see things only growing worse. All of those who trust the government and believe what they hear on FOX News – just keep on believing – what are a few dead seas around the world? They would blame it on Iran if they only could.

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie, interesting about your son's dream and the falling star, especially in relation to some browsing I've been doing over the past couple of days. I've been Googling sites using the term Pole Shift.

    It seems there are different kinds of pole shifts. One would be the reversing of the polarity of the poles – which has happened millions of years ago. Another would be the actual flipping over of the planet.

    That latter possibility, one scientist wrote, could only happen if Earth was struck by a large meteor – a falling star. Let's hope that's not what the dream was about. That would literally wipe out the human population, or the vast majority. We wouldn't be pumping oil anymore, or driving cars. Gloomy thoughts. – Rob

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    gee, i was out of the loop on things this morning – i love chief seattle's quote and nearly posted it myself last week – anway, i did manage to post a lynne mctaggart quote and a beautiful image which i think applies to this story for us all –

    so check it out if you like – it's wonderful to have a "watering hole" [pun intended] like trish and rob's blog where we can all meet, speak and have a sip of caring – and – fresh thoughts!!!

    ok – here's the wv=rershole = reverse hole [when i see it]

  14. Katrina says:

    Thanks for sharing this Rob and Trish…like the others I am experiencing incredible grief over this tragedy. It is tied in directly with my final project for graduate school, so even if I wanted to turn off the reports, I can't. However, I know I need to understand what is happening because it is so important to our future.
    I'm holding some hope in my heart that we can all heal from this.

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Congratulations, Aleksandar! You'll have to report how it goes!

  16. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    My scientific paper about renewable energy is accepted and I'll be in the ICEST 2010 Conference in Ohrid, Macedonia in June. It's nothing groundbreaking, but the point is that its creation was heavily synchronicity-induced (the post in this blog Ecstatic Postures and my comments there being a part of the chain of events).

  17. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for telling me how to reach Marlene's blog! And the great eternal wisdom of Chief Seattle. Continuing to research "WORMWOOD"…pertinent to my son's dream….I learned there was a 1915 movie whose title was WORMWOOD, and the setting for the movie was…..NEW ORLEANS. Relevant. I also discovered that WORMWORD is a poisonous hallucinogenic substance, keywords "highly toxic". Again, relevant. Unfortunately I feel my child's dream pointed a direct finger at things to come as a result of the Gulf catastrophe.

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The quote Marlene is referring to is a good one!
    "What befalls the earth befalls all the sons of the earth.
    This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth.
    All things are connected like the blood that unites us all.
    Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a strand of it.
    Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
    -Chief Seattle (1786-1866)

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie – click on marlene's name.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Marlene, what is the name of your blog, please? Thanks. cJc
    Strange wv: cepied "pieced"?

  21. Marlene says:

    I just posted on my blog a message that I read on another blog…
    we all need to remember this ..Please be sure to stop by and if you want pass it on..

  22. Anonymous says:

    Hey again Guys. I must share this. I am having cold chills from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. My youngest son, who is 39, just phoned me from his work to tell me about a dream he had before awakening this morning. He has never been inside a traditional church in his life so is not familiar with the Bible, and he is extremely grounded and down to earth. (I was raised Baptist so am familiar with things of a biblical nature.) In his dream, he said he was standing in a parking lot that was almost empty, and behind him was a huge lumberyard filled with cut lumber and with uncut trees. He said that the sky overhead was gray-black from some kind of smoke, and that the wood in the lumberyard, and the trees there, were absolutely covered with WORMS, literally crawling everywhere, so that the wood underneath the worms could scarcely be seen. He said he asked a woman beside him, "What is causing this?" and the woman replied, "I told you. I told you it was coming". He woke up. When my son told me this, and the chills began, I remembered that "WORMWOOD" was a word in the Book of Revelation. I looked it up, and here it what is written there:
    "AND THE THIRD ANGEL SOUNDED AND THERE FELL A GREAT STAR FROM HEAVEN, BURNING AS IT FELL UPON THE THIRD PART OF THE RIVERS, AND UPON THE FOUNTAINS OF WATERS; AND THE NAME OF THE STAR IS CALLED WORMWOOD; AND MANY MEN DIED OF THE WATERS,BECAUSE THEY WERE MADE BITTER." This isn't the first time my son has had precognitive dreams, but the relevance here is staggering, considering the Gulf and its opening to the huge rivers above it. I'm simply blown away by this. My son is a very busy family man with two baby boys and he follows the news but can't focus on it due to lack of time, not lack of interest. This dream is incredibly informative. WHEW! cJc

  23. Anonymous says:

    Terri, as a born clairvoyant and an (unwilling) planetary empath, I've been literally ill since the initial explosion, feeling not only the anguish of fellow humans and the agonies of the dying animals (which touches me at my deepest spiritual core), but also experiencing the apparent death throes of our Mother as she moves towards her own re-birth and new Beginnings. Recently I was devastated by the black musings in the dialogues of a different blogger on a different site. Your words here are so uplifting and optimistic and benevolent that they lift me up and set me free of that gloom and quagmire of darkness, and I thank you for that relief. I do agree with Trish. On the Cosmic level of Universal, mass Consciousness, each of us now incarnate has a responsibility to to make every tiny effort, in our tiny corners of the world, to try to restore Health to this lving entity that is our planet. It is our responsibility and our duty to attend to these matters of preserving whatever we can, towards the healing of Earth. Easy? No. Doable? Yes. cjc

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Terri, very well put. Unfortunately, tho, we are all part of the problem – by the nature of who we are and what we do, from those who spill oil into the sea to the rest of us using multiple plastic water bottles daily or other hefty carbon imprints. And we're also potentially part of the solution for a brighter future more in harmony with the Earth, seeing it as a living being and not simply a resource for our products and bottom line.

  25. Costea Andrea Mihai says:

    sad..very sad…

  26. terripatrick says:

    There are seven stages to grief, we are shifting from the shock & denial stage, to the pain & guilt stage, at this travesty of mans horrifying impact on Mother Earth and our ecosystem.

    Those of us more sensitive feel the greatest impact. We need to do our best to move through the stages of grief at our pace and know in our hearts not to carry the guilt. This current devastation is for the blocked and heartless to see what they have wrought.

    In these times, more than ever on this planet, it is important for us to own our truths. The duality of universe can seem brutal but the journey of the soul is eternal and the energy of life is never destroyed.

    My deepest sympathies to all who are deeply affected emotionally and physically with close contact to this horror in the gulf. I also wake with a sensation of sludge in my chest, and have strained muscles as I try to cough clear.

    My intent is to use my sorrow to strengthen my will for the means to clean and prevent the sludge of greed and desire for power. I will hold my intent for peace and beauty.

    Horrors and sorrows will continue on planet earth for some time. But I do not have to own this lesson, it is not mine. There are billions of souls on this planet and a whole ecosystem of universal design for our journey. I honor life, I act responsibly to Mother Earth and empathize with the trials of others.

    All life on this planet is fragile and transitory. We are all accountable for the greater whole but at times like these we need to focus more on the greater good than wallow in sorrow over the action of others. This is the hardest task, the greatest challenge.

    We are worthy of this task.

    Mother Earth has survived greater challenges than this, yet she's also provided a place for us to live and learn as humans in a world of wonder and beauty. She will survive because she's a tough old broad. She also like us humans, even if she wants to smack us upside the head.

    We have a few stages of grief to endure with this oil mess in the gulf but it's not our personal lesson – those of us who follow this blog. We are not the bullies, thieves and rapists. That makes it more important for us to hold others accountable, and trust! The greater story will have a happy ending even if we won't see it until a future lifetime.

    WV: restr (REST!)

  27. Marlene says:

    I actually think I am going thru some sort of depression over this really has put a cloud of dread over me lately I can not shake..

  28. DJan says:

    I too have so much trouble following this story because it just keeps getting more horrible by the day. It will affect us all, every day from now on. I also have a sick feeling that this is somehow the beginning of something I wish I didn't have to experience… but I thank God for the friends who gather here at your blog who let me know I am not crazy.

  29. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I hesitated asking, but since I did, well, I think I'm going to get into bed and pull the covers over my head. From day one on this geyser, I had a really sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Feel better – please!
    – Trish

  30. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The oil and gas will probably continue leaking for two to three more months until they've completed drilling at a second site that will relieve the pressure and allow the capping of the leak. Very sad situation. The environmental crime of all time – manslaughter of the ocean for greed. Will any stand trial?

  31. d page says:

    If I could stop crying…
    I haven't been able to see beyond to the end. The consequences are so VAST. We are at the beginning. This is like the first thread of a fabric that has begun to unravel. There is going to be a hole in the web of life, the ecological balance is beyond our repair. The level of grief that the "collective soul", "world soul" has felt is the deepest grief I have ever witnessed in any of my visions.(This includes the past and the future.) I have not "seen" (second sight or otherwise) that there is a solution to this disaster. Humanity, and all of nature, may have to endure centuries of consequences from this.
    Your own work on synchronicity shows as all that we are all connected to each other, the Earth, the stars… Everything we do affects every other thing in some way.

    Eventually, there will be a time on Earth were the roads will not have cars, and nature will begin breaking down the concrete. The face of our Earth will have changed drastically. I haven't seen anything that hasn't already been said…
    Once I move beyond the grief, perhaps I will be able to be more

  32. d page says:

    This is such a horrific nightmare. I can't think about it without crying, but I can't ignore it. I already know how this will play out… and it effects my already sick body to witness this display without any means to help.

  33. Jeninacide says:

    This upsets me more than I can possibly say. I feel it on an almost VIBRATIONAL level and even just turning my attention to it for a moment makes me physically ill.

    I don't understand what is taking so long to bring action. BP needs to be held accountable- unfortunately I do not think there is any possible way to make up for this one. It's irreversible at this point.

  34. Marguerite says:

    I'm usually a hopeless optimist, but this is so horrible! Time is running out to fix it and I think that it will effect our planet, in more ways than we can imagine. So unreal!

  35. Anonymous says:

    Tears came when I first saw, in the news article on the internet this morning, the photo of the dying bird with it's beautiful head tucked under its wing. Later in the day, I read on several sites that explosives are being set off very deep in the gulf in an effort to disperse the oil, but the explosions are too deep to be detetcted by anyone except the experts. Undersea explosions, man-made. What is next? I think the planet is weeping. So inexpressibly sad. cJc

  36. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's like smearing toxic vaseline over the top of a volcano. What an ironic word verification, Jeff!

  37. Jeff D'Antonio says:

    All over the news I keep hearing them talk about how these dispersants are keeping the oil from reaching the surface, as if that's going to somehow save the day. Just because we don't see the creatures that live 5,000 feet below the surface, doesn't mean they aren't there, and doesn't mean they aren't just as important to the ecosystem.

    This is a horrible disaster, and we will live with the effects of it for generations. Maybe longer. So very very sad.

    Heh – just noticed my word verification is "lotsoil"

  38. Nancy says:

    This is just horrible. I can't even contemplate what this is going to mean.

  39. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    the totality of this saddens me more than i can even say – my heart weeps – just so very sad – i turn on the media coverage only occasionally – it is too overwhelming – and the thought of it spreading now – not to mention hurricane season – and you are right about the scientific forecasts and psychic predictions coming to pass – i think of where we were even when i was a child and the rate of destruction in that period of time – unbelievable! –

    and the article you mention, mind-boggling! timely, thought-provoking post, macgregors!

  40. Marlene says:

    My heart breaks for the horrible
    death and distruction we have caused our earth.All due to greed , irresponsiblity and politics, no respect..for the earth and our resources..if we do not change our mindset.I really think .it will be the result of the end of the earth as we know it..I live on the coast..and I look out every morning at the ocean and my heart just breaks…

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