Ask and it Shall be Given

This one comes from Judy Hertling of British Colombia. As you read it, it seems like a rather mundane story of using higher or expanded awareness to attract what one is looking for. However, it takes an interesting twist when Judy opens the tape cassette box and finds a note inside. That’s synchronicity!

The words – Ask, and It is Given – took on a whole new synchronistic meaning for me a couple of years ago.

For weeks I had been searching for additional teaching and empowerment tools to help a woman with whom I had been working. Whatever I had looked at previously I sensed, not been right for this particular individual, and I was running out of inspiration Nothing so far had worked.

“Why don’t you ask the Universe for what you need?” a friend suggested had seriously. She had just finished the book The Secret.

“Like ordering from Costco.” I laughed. “Dear Universe, I’d like you to send me the perfect tool for helping someone design a life filled with passion and purpose.”

Two weeks later I read of the annual used book sale in support of the SPCA. It is one of the major book events on Vancouver Island with thousands of books for sale over a two day period so I thought I’d check it out. After three hours of looking through hundreds of books I gave up and decided to end my search and head on home. I was tired and frustrated, but something at the back of my mind kept nagging me to go back, and re-check a table that held self-help and metaphysical books. A table I had already checked three or four times.

This time, I found exactly what I was looking for. However, it wasn’t until I got home and really looked at my purchase, that I realized the true synchronicity behind what I had bought.

A set of 6 cassette tapes titled, Passion, Power and Purpose, sealed and taped closed in a white cassette binder. Nothing unusual until I cut off the tape and opened it.

Inside, staring up at me from atop the cassettes and the workbook was a large purple sticky note, on which was written in beautiful handwriting. “Judith, Thank you for your order. Feel free to order from us again.”

The Universe had indeed provided exactly what I had asked for. Just as if I had ordered it myself.

Great story. And we all can order again, as the note says.

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One Response to Ask and it Shall be Given

  1. terripatrick says:

    Wow. That’s really direct contact!

    Judy’s intent for this gift was to help others, which is a wonderful layer to this story.

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