The Grocery Store Encounter

Synchronicities can happen in the most ordinary places – the gym, a yoga class, a gas station, a crawl space, a grocery store. These mundane settings suddenly become infused with a thick, rich magic that reminds us we’re in the flow, in our grooves,and all we have to do is embrace whatever comes our way. The following story is from Carol Bowman, writer and past-life researcher. Her blog has riveting stories about reincarnation that she has come across in her regression practice. Her site is listed under our link for “interesting websites.”

On March 24, Carol was visiting her mother in the Hudson Valley, NY area. Small town. Not much there. She had gone to the grocery store for basics – “real basics, this isn’t a Whole Foods.” While waiting in line, she noticed that the Asian woman behind her had a toddler in her cart, a cute little girl. Carol struck up a conversation by asking the woman how old her daughter was.

Asian woman: “She’ll be two next month. She’s an Aries.”
Carol: “My Aries daughter will be 30 next month. Aries kids are a handful, aren’t they?”
Asian woman, laughing: “That’s for sure. And I’m married to an Aries.”
Carol’s antenna went up. “Me, too!”

So we can imagine these two women in line at this dinky store, suddenly aware of some sort of connection, both of them with Aries daughters, both of them married to Aries men. Carol then asks, “What sign are you?”
Asian woman: “I’m a Libra.”

Now Carol’s antenna twitches furiously. The fact that something really odd and fascinating is happening is right in her face. “Wow, I’m a Libra too. What’s your birth date?”

Asian woman” “October 14.”
At this point, Carol nearly swallows her tongue.”That’s, uh, my birth date, too.”

If this scene was in a movie, there might be weird music – Twilight Zone? X-Files?. But Carol brings out her business card. “I’ll be conducting a past-life workshop here in June. I hope you’ll come.”

The Asian woman takes Carol’s card. “I’ll definitely be there. I’m a Buddhist.”

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2 Responses to The Grocery Store Encounter

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great story, Jim!

  2. JBanholzer says:

    Today’s grocery store encounter story reminds me of an event from a Virginia bowling alley, twenty winters ago. Two of my best friends had birthdays only two days apart. Brooke’s was February 2, 1960 (a Groundhog Day baby) and Dave’s February 4 –the same year. The three of us often shared entertainment together in the form of bowling, Frisbee Golf, pizza, etc. One Sunday, while between frames, the subject of their birthdays came up again, and I noted my paternal grandmother’s birthday was wedged between theirs, exactly fifty years before, at February 3, 1910.

    We thought this was cool and then I asked Brooke at what hospital she was born. She named the place and then with big surprise, Dave said he was also born there. Then I remembered that Brooke had mentioned that her birth had complications. Her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, so she had to stay at the hospital three extra days. Then it dawned on the three of us that my two best friends were together in the same maternity ward!

    After that when we bowled, if Brooke or Dave made a bad shot or gutter ball, and complained, the other would say something like, “Quit your crying! I’ve been tired of hearing you whine, ever since we were boxed next to each other in that maternity ward!”

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