John Dee Memorial Theater of the Mind

What would it be like to take a vacation to visit your dead relatives?

Funny question, right? But that’s what Raymond Moody, author of Life and Life and Reunions and other books, offered when he opened the John Dee Memorial Theater of the Mind, a chamber designed after the ancient Greek’s psychomanteums, where priests organized encounters between the living and the dead.

The chamber features mirrors, similar after an Aztec mirror owned by John Dee. It was said that by gazing into the mirror while in a receptive state of mind, you would have a vision.

In an interview with Sharon Barbell, Moody said, “The big surprise is that the apparitions actually come out of the mirror…the fact that the apparitions talk and you actually hear them is absolutely mind-bending to me.”

He went on to say: “The most important thing that I see going on is people reconciling and healing. The ones that come to my mind are usually the most recent ones. Just a week or two ago, we had a wonderful couple from Texas come here and this woman saw her father who had died and her grandparents. And really felt that a reconciliation occurred, she saw the three of them just come right up to the mirror and there they were in that in between space, the Middle Realm as it were, and communicated with them and got things really reconciled and found out that everything was fine there.”

Here’s another story he tells. “A very wonderful ophthalmologist came and saw his mother, who had been a very influential figure in his life. All of these are very, very significant events in my own life. I just really feel so privileged now to have been with 35 people right after they have seen apparitions of the departed. And actually to be able to talk with them and to participate almost with them. It’s been just really wonderful.

“I strongly recommend this to all therapists who might want to find a new technique to help people with this. This is just really extraordinary, I would say. Far and away the most interesting work I have ever done in my life.”

If you’re interested in stepping into the Theater of the Mind, you can contact Moody here. We’d love to hear someone’s personal experience in the chamber.



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13 Responses to John Dee Memorial Theater of the Mind

  1. gypsy says:

    and of course, this story so reminds me of when i was a child and visited the home of the woman whose image in her death bed was imprinted upon her mirror –

  2. 3322mathaddict says:

    There are so many more medical personnel, including physicians, who DO accept the concepts and experiences related to us by Dr. Moody. Most, however, keep their acceptance quietly among just the close-knit clinical family because they don’t want to be ridiculed. But they witness too much to NOT believe. Dr. Moody’s works are all keepers, to be read from time to time as reminders. Thank you for this post, T & R. Wonderful.

  3. Lauren Raine says:

    I think Dr.Moody has done so much to change the consciousness of our world – “Theatre of the Mind” is extraordinary work, and I would love to see this work expand into academia and psychology.

  4. Darren B says:

    On a side note,I was wondering if you had come across this story;
    “A Russian woman claims to have kept an “alien corpse” in her fridge for two years after retrieving it from the smoking wreckage of a UFO crash site near her home in 2009. ”
    How real it is I don’t know,but it has made it to the national mainstream media in Australia.

  5. Darren B says:

    I’ve read “Reunions” years ago and found it one of the oddest books Moody had written at the time.Not to say that I didn’t like it,but it just seemed to come out of left field as a subject for one of Moody’s books.
    I still have it on my bookshelf, as I’ve always planned to read it again sometime in the future (maybe now is the right time?), it’s one of those books that just feels important when you hold it.
    I noticed he co-authored it with Paul Perry who wrote a few books himself on the afterlife “Closer to the Light” and “Transformed by the Light”.
    Also Connie, the version I have has an Egyptian handheld mirror on the front and back cover.The right-hand side of the mirror is on the front,with the left-hand side extending around to the back and a small picture of the full mirror on the spine in-between the two sides of the larger image.An interesting cover design indeed.
    From what I remember it was an interesting read,but I’ll have to re-read it again as a lot of water has flown under the bridge since then.
    Time to blow the dust off and put it back in the ‘to read’ pile.

  6. 3322mathaddict says:

    I’ve not been in that particular Chamber, but have always been taught by my Spirit Helpers that mirrors are portals, or gateways, to the other realms/dimensions. For this reason, my sanctuary has a huge arched, wall-sized mirror behind the very big cascading stone fountain in the room. There are mirrors throughout the room; one is in a window-sized “alcove” on the interior wall; all my Egyyptian gods and goddesses and Pyramids and other artifacts which fill the space, (it’s completely Egyptian), have eight-sided mirrors behind them and under them on the shelves or tables. My large red “working Pyramid” was created with a mirror for its interior floor. I don’t like to look at myself in a mirror, so the mirrors are placed in such a way that they reflect everything except me unless I’m walking around in there….the huge one has plants all around the fountain that block my image from being reflected when I’m sitting in my chair meditating or simply veging out. The important message in this comment is that the Sanctuary exudes a frequency that anyone and everyone who visits it can FEEL. It is always, always filled with powerful Spirit Presence, and although I cannot see myself reflected in the mirrors, (intentionally), I DO gaze at the mirrors and am able to clearly see the apparitions and appearances of entities in alternate dimensions, including those who are deceased. With my eyes wide open, in full beta consciousness, I can gaze into the big mirror behind the fountain and see and hear these entities, and interact with them. It isn’t my imagination. I KNOW beyond any shadow of a doubt that the mirrors are portals, doors, gateways to the alternate dimensions, and the experiences are not exclusive to me. Others who visit have similar experiences, without my having mentioned them beforehand. It’s simply magical and enchanting and magnificent…not sufficient adjectives to describe the experiences. It causes me to wonder if we humans are merely ‘mirror images’ in the “dreams” of some seeding ancestral civilization, (that isn’t an apt description), and that’s why mirrors are portals for us. We’re just energy beings, wrapped in coats of what we perceive as skin….that isn’t really real. Gosh, does this sound nuts! So difficult to explain. but those who experience it understand. OH! There was a Dome at Flagler Beach near here for many years, and the Dome was a sacred structure used for only spiritual purposes. There was a special “mirror/crystal room” constructed within the Dome, and the experiences in that mirror/crystal room were quite literally out-of-this-world. Unfortunately, the Dome eventually had to close due to lack of funds, but it was really an amazing place and that room….indescribable.

  7. Have read a bit about John Dee but haven’t heard mention of the Aztec mirror before. Mirrors are magical things and I remember reading that Dee tried scrying but wasn’t too successful so arranged for others to do this on his behalf. The chamber you mention sounds an interesting concept, something I guess you would need to experience to appreciate fully.

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