
This morning, Monday, Nov. 7, I read another article about Steve Jobs, this one by Tracy Grant of the Washington Post. If you’ve never heard of Jobs, then you’ve probably not been living on this planet during the past month. In the aftermath of his death on Oct. 5, probably more has been written about the Apple Computer founder than any other person alive or dead.

Grant’s article meanders from Jobs as a parent to his hatred of buttons on computers and other gadgets, his poor showing in college to his 15-minute commencement lecture at Stanford University. She even touched on his notable arrogance.

She left out what the mainstream media in general has avoided…the ending, his last words…”Wow…wow…wow,” uttered as he looked past his family that surrounded his bed. Those words were reported, because they were mention by Jobs’ sister Mona in her eulogy. But little of anything was made of his hint of an afterlife, of something astonishing coming his way. It’s worth noting Jobs was an atheist, which makes his utterance more curious and should’ve garnered some interest for a discussion of life after death in the media. In spite of all the words written and spoken about Jobs – his life and death – the talking heads, the columnists, the investigative reporters aren’t exploring the possible meaning of his final words.

The day before Tracy Grant’s article appeared in our local newspaper, I read a related post by our blogging friend Marcus Anthony, Australian futurist and author of the upcoming book, Discover Your Soul Template. As usual, Marcus’ post is detailed and well thought out.

Referring to the silence of the media on Jobs’ point of departure, he writes: “Ironically, that silence spoke of the forbidden country where few in modern mainstream media dare to venture: the spirituality of death. No doubt most of the general public were thinking exactly what I was thinking when I read the words. What is it that Jobs was feeling, perceiving, seeing in those final moments of his earthly existence? Was it something transcendental, spiritual, or dare I say, divine?”

Marcus asks, “How has it come to this point where the spiritual has become so denied, so absolutely taboo, even where it is so blatantly, poignantly present?” He goes on to provide a historical summary of the split between world of spirit and the world of nature – the physical realm – brought on by the Renaissance, influence by the ancient Greeks. As a result, he notes: “…mainstream science and education closed the doors to spiritual experience, and politics and education became bereft of intuitive knowing.”

One reason for that separation is that religion has dumbed down spirituality, and made it so transparently questionable that anyone whose thinking lies outside the dogma of religious belief finds many of the basic teachings to be nonsensical. Of course that view overlooks the fact that without religion there is still spirituality, that our spiritual nature is the core of our existence, even if it’s not recognized as such.

For many of us the unseen world is closely interwoven with the visible world of our everyday reality. For instance, this post came about as a confluence of three related events that came together in a way that can’t be explained by cause and effect and they were meaningful for me. In other words, synchronicity.

First, I read Marcus’s post, then that night as I went to bed, I opened up James Redfield’s new book, The Twelfth Insight, which is all about synchronicity. The three-page passage I read was a reiteration of what Marcus had written about the history of the split between spirit and the material world. Then this morning, when I read the article by Tracy Grant, I was nudged to sit down and write this post.

Of course, not all aspects of the media ignore life after death. A few hours after writing the above paragraphs, Trish and I were interviewed by Whitley Streiber for his subscriber section of  the Unknown Country website about our book, Synchronicity and the Other Side. It was an interesting conversation because Whitley’s next book will be about another ignored topic, the link between UFOs and the dead. Can’t wait for that one.

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16 Responses to Wow…wow…wow

  1. Natalie says:

    I will write a post today about a BIZARRE experience (re :death) I had yesterday at the school Noah will be attending after Christmas. Because of litigation fears, I can not name the school, but suffice to say it is a school filled with religious indoctrination and fear of what happens after we die.

  2. gypsy says:

    thanks so very much for this post as i’d not heard this story at all and find it terribly exciting – the utterance, wow wow wow! – would that we could know what/who provoked such a response!

    and not to be off-subject, but ya’ll have heard the latest governmental response in terms of disclosure about ufo’s/et beings, etc – just yesterday: the gov’t knows of nothing – [paraphrasing but that’s the drift] – see, now, all of us who KNOW better – who have seen – have experienced – should do our own little “occupy” – perhaps call it UFOOL! 😉

  3. whoot says:

    no other word substitues with that,, trying to recall why I know this??

  4. I suppose the truth is that very few on Earth know the real truth as to what happens beyond death. There are numerous theories and ideas – we all have our own version – but we don’t know for definite, though many will claim they do. I’m sure we are eternal but, there again …

    You write religion has dumbed down spirituality, how true that is. Brimstone and fire has been fed to the masses for too long so no wonder many now rebel against spiritual teachings and life after death. You only have to put a comment on a forum about such subjects to see the bile that comes in response.

    The Druids believe in multiple worlds and that these interpenetrate each other so, as Math suggests, UFOs and the such could well be waiting for us when we ‘move on’.

    We have to keep our minds open, the answers are out there somewhere.

  5. Darren B says:

    Wow,wow,wow…where do I begin here.
    When I met Marcus for the first (and only) time in person it was just after spotting him in the audience of of one of the last talks I attended at the Byron Bay Writer’s Festival called “The Final Journey,and the World Beyond” and one of the speakers was a lady by the name of Zenith Virago.
    I had never heard of her before this talk.Zenith was talking about a Day of the Dead Ceremony she was organizing in November and I thought it would be great to attend.
    I was only just thinking the other day about this and wondered how it went,because I assumed it would be around November 1st.
    Into my inbox this morning popped this article “Have the time of your life”
    about Zenith and the Day of the Dead Ceremony,which will be held this weekend…bummer…I have to work this weekend…barring a lotto win.
    And you mention Redfield’s book “The Twelfth Insight”.
    That book was directly responsible for me attending the BBWF,because Redfield was suppose to be the star attraction and I was going to see him and get my copy of the book,which I had already read,signed by him
    (I didn’t think much of the story,by the way…but I like James’s take on synchronicity).
    But as everything miraculously fell into place for me to attend the festival and meet him in person,he got bitten by a spider in the States,a few days before and couldn’t fly,so canceled.But I had paid for everything and couldn’t pull out…which was the best thing that could have happened,because I never would have made the trip otherwise,and would have missed one of the best weekends of my life.
    So,even though I didn’t like his book that much,it played a very important role in my life synchronisticly.And I would not have met Marcus,either,if it wasn’t for Redfield’s book.

    • R and T says:

      Darren, I agree about the Redfield book. You can’t read it like a novel, only a parable, a framework for relating his philosophy. Unfortunately, many people will think the synchronicity is an excuse for all the implausible events that occur in the book.

      • I met James Redfield in March of this year. I thanked him for being instrumental in inspiring me to return to a spiritual worldview and saving me from the scientific materialist worldview. His writing style, unfortunately, is awful awful awful. He should have had someone who is a better writer go through and edit his book, keeping the ideas in place but making the sentences stronger.

  6. 3322mathaddict says:

    Do you recall my email to you last week about what may happen to humans who have experienced UFO and ET encounters, when we die and when we are in the AfterLife? Now I can hardly wait for Streiber’s new book! And your interview with him today, as well. Re the encounters and experiencers, this has been one of my most elusive but profound questions for so many years, and I was just meditating on that very topic yesterday: what happens to us when we transition? Are ETs or EDs involved in that process? Do we go to a different dimension, or different dimensions, than those who haven’t had the encounters if we’ve had a lifetime of them? Endless questions. And how can we know the answers before we leave? Remember when I said to you in that email that I wonder if the Light and tunnel are “beams” taking us into a craft? Yep, I know. I know. That makes me sound crazy as a loon. Be that as it may, I wonder…………………

    • R and T says:

      Connie, Whitley perceives the Visitors as inter-dimensional beings who don’t experience a veil between life and the after-life. He said he would hold our subscriber interview for a few weeks so it’s aired about the time his book comes out. The Dreamland interview should be up fairly soon. We’ll mention it when we find out.

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