White House denies existence of UFOs

That title is the subject of a story on MSNBC about the White House’s reaction to petitions calling for full disclosure of the government’s connection with UFOs. The video clip is below. But here’s a synchro about it’s arrival in our mailbox.

Monday afternoon we talked with Whitley Streiber about the dead and about aliens and how they might be connected.  Whitley had handled the audio a few days earlier when Marie Jones had interviewed us for Dreamland about our book, Synchronicity and the Other Side. He came on the phone afterwards and invited us to join him in a second interview. We’re not used to getting so much publicity so it was a welcome turn of events.

While our book is about contact with the other side, Whitley wanted to talk about the link between the other side and UFOs and their passengers – the visitors, as Whitley calls them. That’s also the topic of his next book.

We had a good time exploring the connection and noted that traditional ghost hunters don’t like aliens, and UFO enthusiasts tend to shy away from any talk of dead people and unidentified crafts. Near the end of the interview we talked about how the media and mainstream science tend to dismiss the subject of life after death and UFO stories to say nothing of their reaction or non-reaction to the merger of the two topics.

As soon as the interview was over, we checked our e-mail and found this video, sent to us by Nancy Atkinson, about how the White House has officially dismissed UFOs. We were both busy and it took a few hours before it occurred to us that the appearance of the video right after the interview was a synchronicity. Nancy had no idea we were talking to Streiber when she sent it. Well timed and meaningful.


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16 Responses to White House denies existence of UFOs

  1. Darren B says:

    I wrote a comment about Peter Weir’s movie
    “The Last Wave” the other day.
    It was made in 1977,and filmed in Australia starring real life tribal Aboriginals.I saw it as a boy and I’ve only just seen it for the second time in my life a few weeks ago,with some big synchros coming together in my life (which I won’t go into here) after watching it.
    It’s intriguing,as it seems to have an understory about alien abduction and interdimentional worlds.
    These lines from the film suggests this might be the case,

    “As a little boy you told me you were afraid to go to sleep at night,because when you go to sleep people come and steal your body”
    “Did I say what sort of people?”
    “I asked you and you said Taxi Drivers.Taxi Drivers on night-shift stole your body and took you on a long ride to the other world and returned you in the morning.That’s why you wake up feeling tired in the morning,you told me.”

    In fact I get the feeling Peter Weir is trying to tell us something in a subconscious manner,whether he realizes it or not.Look at his movies
    “Picnic at Hanging Rock”,were three school girls and a teacher disappear from the face of the earth,never to be found again.
    “Witness” about government cover ups.
    “The Truman Show”,about a life being manipulated behind the scenes of a TV reality show.
    “Fearless”,were a man’s personality is dramatically changed after surviving a major airline crash.
    So I think his films might be worth another viewing from the UFO angle too.

    Also I met Barry Eaton in August at The Byron Bay Writer’s Festival.
    He has a weekly radio/podcast show where he has conversations with various guests.
    On this one
    that caught my attention he had Valerie Barrow
    Who claims she was given a sacred rock that was in the possession of Aboriginals for thousands of years,and that it was given to them by space traveler’s.Very similar to the “Last Wave” movie,in a way.
    At first I thought she was just another nut/liar,but a few things she said rang true with me,so I decided to buy her two books after listening to the podcast.

    I haven’t read her books yet,though I’m halfway through her first.And while I don’t agree with everything she says,I think there is definitely something going on here worth taking a look at.

  2. Perhaps Mr. Obama is simply doing what he is told to do – if so, who is the power behind the throne?

  3. Nancy says:

    Obama has now opened the door to more off shore drilling in Alaska and the Gulf, denied the possibility of UFO’s, uses NATO to take out leaders of other countries without so much as announcing it to the American people, and is now moving troops into Africa. Who is this guy?

    Off to listen to your interview on Dreamland!

    • R and T says:

      I don’t think the link for the interview is up yet.
      Obama: he’s not the guy I voted for.

      • I actually agreed with Obama’s decision in Libya and Uganda. Its a human rights issue.

        Personally, I think the NSA has damaging info on Obama and that’s why he does the bidding of the corporate / military industrial complex. I don’t believe we ever get a clean and pure politician as president. The corporate power base wants damaging goods in which to destroy a person’s presidency if he does not do their bidding. I think JFK was the last president to go against the wishes of this group.

        • Nancy says:

          Nicholas – I agree with you. Kennedy warned against just what we are now seeing now with a cabal of globalists running the world. And he probably died for it.

        • R and T says:

          The NSA? Why do you think that agency has info on him??

          • The NSA has info on all of us. There is no reason for this organization to exist except to spy on Americans and collect data.

            One of the reasons why I found the Birthers ignorant is because they believed they are so smart that they figured out that Obama has conned us with a fake birth certificate. They don’t seem to realize that anyone running for a major political office, such as Congress, the Senate, the governors, and the presidency, all have files on them. At the presidential level, our national security state knows all the details on each candidate and its possible that they are behind the lead on the Cain sex harassment settlements. Someone wanted to end his charade before the voters have a chance to make him the nominee.

            In Jesse Ventura’s book on conspiracies, he said that he first started becoming suspicious after he won the governorship in 1998. No one expected him to win, so shortly after he won, he was approached by the CIA to be interviewed and he was shocked that this went on in the U.S. I find him credible and it is disturbing. I totally believe it, based on the way politicians behave once they get into office, and also based on body language. Bush might have been an incompetent idiot, but he was doing the bidding of someone high up in the government. You can see from his face that he looked like a tortured / broken man the last two years of his administration. His smirk and jokey frat boy demeanor was gone. I believe that he learned too late that he was deceived into going along with someone else’s agenda and he’d get the blame for it from the public.

      • gypsy says:

        perhaps – just perhaps – another manchurian candidate of sorts –

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