Traingular shaped UFO in Delaware

This UFO story occurred to Gypsy’s daughter on April 14, 2010, around 9:30 PM, in Delaware. She didn’t get any photos – she explains why – so we included this video from MSNBC about similar sightings in Ireland.

She was coming home on highway 1 south, leaving Dover and headed south to Milford – it was pouring rain – she was just a bit north of Milford when she noticed several lights in the sky to her right [west]. They were just there – hovering – not moving. She thought it must be a helicopter at first because it was so low and it was hovering without any movement.

Then she saw the body of a triangular shaped dark body from the lights coming out of the bottom of the object. There was one large white light on the front point of the triangular object and one such light near or at each side/end point of the other two angles of the triangle. She watched the object as she drove and it never moved, no sound at all from the craft. She rolled down her windows even and still there was no sound to be heard.

She continued to watch it as she drove on down the highway and just a bit further down was another object exactly like the first one – it, too, was hovering and making no sound whatsoever. During this time, she called me from her cell to tell me what she was seeing. I was  really excited and wanted her to stop and get out and take a picture with her cell phone. But she wouldn’t. She was alone, it was late and dark and she was on a highway that’s never  busy at that time of night. It was also raining. All she wanted to do was go pick up her son and get home.

We have lived here several  years and are very familiar with all the aircraft flying around. There aren’t any commercial  airports in the state and only one or two very small private ones in the whole state. The planes flying in and out of Dover Air Force Base are the C-5 cargo planes. If you’ve ever seen one of those, aside from their unique sound, you will not mistake it for a triangular object with 3 lights hovering over the woods. Dover is the mortuary air base so there is not the kind of traffic in and out like other bases. Very, very rarely is there  ever any other type plane in the air over Delaware. Occasionally, there will be a crop duster in season or a small single engine plane. Once in a while, there’s a medical helicopter, but that’s it. The nearest commercial airports are Philadelphia or Washington DC. In any event, this was nothing my daughter had ever seen before, but she did say that the shape reminded her of the stealth bombers she has seen photos of.

In checking with Dover’s PR department,I was initially told by the female officer who took my call that she had “people to talk to” before she could comment or give any information and wanted to know with whom I was associated – what company. I had begun my conversation by telling her that I am just a private citizen calling to inquire as to whether or not Dover had any information regarding any military aircraft being in that area on the night of April 14. She immediately wanted “contact information” as she would have to “make phone calls.”

When I asked her why her office didn’t already know what was in the air at any given time at a mortuary air base, her feathers ruffled a bit. I told her  it was really a simple question: Did  that base know whether Dover or any other military installation had in the vicinity any aircraft which was dark in color, triangular shaped with 3 white lights, made no noise and which was capable of hovering at low altitudes for long periods of time.

Anyway, when she called back, she said that  yes, Dover did, in fact, have two planes in the air that night – both c-5s, so that must be what was seen. I then asked if the military had recently changed the design of cargo planes so they were now wingless, triangular shaped, made no sound whatsoever and hovered over civilian areas near major highways on rainy nights. You can see where this was all going. So the final word  was that Dover had no information on any military or other plane being in the air over the state of Delaware at that time other than their own C-5s.

The Milford police department had no other reports of sightings nor were they aware of any such aircraft in the area at that time. Now, interestingly, enough I found another sighting of a similarly described ufo made by someone up north of Dover,  about 45 miles away that was seen the previous week on April 7. It was described as a “diamond” shaped object with 4 lights on the bottom, one light at each end, black in color, and moved along with the two young witnesses’ [18 yrs old] vehicle as they travelled a main road. It stopped and moved as they did, then disappeared. Then there’s another report of April 17 made by a man in Frimley, Surrey, UK, who witnessed a triangular shaped object that appeared silver in the sunlight but otherwise black  that was “floating” over this urban area in broad daylight – the witness referred to himself as “well travelled and educated” – see site.
Has anyone else seen a triangular shaped object like what Gypsy describes?

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13 Responses to Traingular shaped UFO in Delaware

  1. Nancy says:

    It sounds like the object my daughter and I witnessed hovering over a carpet store a few years ago. Early in the evening on a rather busy street. We couldn't believe everyone couldn't see it – especially my other daughter who was driving right behind us. She said she didn't see it! By the time I turned around and went back – it was gone.

  2. Natalie says:

    Very weird, but I am very grateful I haven't seen one.

  3. d page says:

    It was a very clear night in the fall.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Debra – was it night or day?

    The problem could be norton. I quit using it after it tried to take over my computer. Now use bit defender, which for $30 a year can be used on up to 3 computers. I love it.

  5. d page says:

    I have seen the triangle craft… very swift and silent.. in 1992 just south of Napa Valley. There was one other witness.

    Something disabled all my fire walls, anti-virus and inner components on my computer on Sunday afternoon. It took 7 hours and many IM's with Norton anti-virus to get it working right. Never found a virus or hijack mal-ware.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – what an odd story about the sidewalk drawing! It would creep me out, too.

    Musing – thanks for the link!

  7. simply says:

    boat load of it this week from hiking Max Actions trail,(lots of big animals) then having Marin county hiking on the front page of the paper that day,, could of been a set up,, to the blown call,, to Charlie W. 6 months away, the Apple founder… I know, yet I have more important things to live up to…

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    trish – i've been having computer issues all day – even when i was on this morning before i went out for several hours – much worse now – you know, more solar storms today so maybe that's part of it?

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We're having internet issues, so it's difficult – impossible – to comment. Am using a niehgbor's computer. More whenever att fixes the problem.

  10. Sansego says:

    I'm not a believer in UFOs, but if I saw one, I'd certainly freak out and not stop. Its interesting to read this post today because yesterday, I was walking over to a friend's house and on the sidewalk, someone had painted a simple drawing of a UFO abducting a human "stick figure". It creeped me out when I saw that. I don't know if someone had painted it on that sidewalk to mark an "event", as it was next to a vacant lot.

  11. musingegret says:

    Check out the June 4 postings at regarding the "Ohio family chases black triangle UFO."

    Wonderful reporting Gypsy! Thank you for all the details—why do bureaucracies have to be so rigid and fear-based?

    Can't we all just share info and 'play nice?'

    wv: coppite (cop to it?)

  12. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    No, have never seen anything myself but have read quite a few reports on similar sightings – with a triangular shape. Interesting!

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    neat video – i hadn't seen it – it will be interesting to see others' comments –

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