The Couch Synchronicity

In 2005, five years after we moved into our current home, our next door neighbors decided to take advantage of the boom in the housing market. They sold their home and moved to North Carolina. Before they moved out, we bought three pieces of furniture from them – a coffee table, a love seat and and the large couch featured in this photo. It was a good deal for us and saved them money in shipping costs.

A couple of weeks after they left, the new neighbors moved in – Annette and Kevin, a young couple with two small kids. During their first Christmas on our street, they invited us over for drinks. When we walked into their house, we were shocked to see this couch:

Same couch, but with the designs reversed–the animals on the couch instead of the cushions. Take a close look and you see the same animals: Giraffes, lions, elephants.

The couch was placed in the same spot where our couch had been located. It was as if the couch and its message had returned, slightly altered, after we had bought it.

What are the odds? Over the years, I have wondered about this strange little couch synchronicity. When Annette and Kevin first moved in, they didn’t have any pets. Now they have a dog and two cats. Recently, Annette’s sister’s family moved in with them until they find a home in the area. They brought two cats and two dogs with them. So there’s a regular kennel in their home now! We have a dog and three cats. The synchronicity now seems obvious. We pet sit for each other.
– Trish

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10 Responses to The Couch Synchronicity

  1. Nancy says:

    They look exactly like the pillows I had made for a couch a few years ago. Is the background black?

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, i said i was confused – just didn't realize how much! [embarrassed sigh!]

    thanks for clarifying!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – this one was on our website for the book, under synchro of the week. And the cassadaga hotel pic – same one from a post last year.

    Jedi – not all synchros are huge paradigm busters. Some like this one, like your dishes, are just curious and hold hints of some underlying order.

  4. JediTheOne says:

    There are no coincidences and it doesn't necessarily mean much either but definitly weird.

    Something like that happen with me where I live now in RI. I moved in to this duplex 5 years ago and my next door neigbour, had the same set of dishing, same colour and Lighthouse Pattern. As well as the friggen green checkered pattern table cloth. A little freaky but no big deal. 🙂


  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    love this couch/critter story – and what could be more fitting for you two than one involving animals? 🙂

    but tell me, i'm confused – has this story been posted previously? i've seen the sofas and the story here, right? but then, i also know that i've seen the specific b/w image you posted the other day at cassadaga hotel – so, i really don't know?

    and very interesting the thing of the books for aleksandar –

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It would be interesting to see how things would be different if more people acknowledged synchros. That's a pretty amazing set of synchros, Aleksandar, involving those two books.

    Even this simple synchro with couches took awhile to figure out. Certain other things had to happened first (like a the pets entering the picture). & you're right, Mike, it's a sort of jigsaw puzzle.

  7. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    I just can't stop thinking what would happen if more people accepted synchronicity as something that really exists. Would synchronicities multiply (especially in this interconnected world) and make our decision making much better aligned with the rest of community? It seems the fact that one believes in synchronicity (even the fact that one will believe – time seems irrelevant here) makes this phenomenon much more frequent and intense (e.g. Jung's and Hesse's books bought by other people (Jung's by my father (they were cheap) and Hesse's by the former owners of my house I've never seen) waiting to be read by me).

  8. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    That's a strange one, it all fits together like a completed jigsaw.

  9. Natalie says:

    What are the chances?
    Like attracts like, is my guess. 🙂

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