Twilight Zone in the Tent

Mike Clelland’s blog, hidden experience, invariably intrigues and mystifies. This story is about extreme fear caused by…well, that’s one of the big unknowns. The story straddles boundaries between light and dark, dreams and wakefulness. Welcome to Mike’s Twilight Zone.

I just returned home after spending two beautiful weeks in the four corners area. A close friend, Natascha, flew in from Germany specifically to explore and camp in the canyons and sandstone of this amazing part of the West.

During our trip we had a collection of curious happenings, and this posting is one of the more dramatic experiences. Natascha is here with me as I write this, and she’s been adding details she remembers as we try and make this written work as accurate as we can.

Late in the afternoon of Thursday May 13th, Natascha and I asked the very nice coffee shop girl in Cortez Colorado if she knew of any spots to camp near town. She said there was open camping on the BLM land outside of the town of Dolores, just a few miles up the road.

We followed her directions and ended up in a secluded area of tall trees a short ways off the forest service road. We found a secluded spot with an old fire ring and some broken beer bottles. Perfect for our one-night camping needs.

We set up our tent and headed back into the town of Dolores and ate pizza at a cute local brewery. Our table was situated right next to the window and it looked out on the very quiet corner of a VERY tiny town.

During dinner, Natascha was quite emotional. As I write this she explained that she was very much in crisis, she was feeling sad and didn’t quite know where these emotions came from.

After pizza we went back to the camp site and climbed in our small tent. It seems like we quickly went to sleep. This is where things get strange.

I was suddenly jolted awake because Natascha had screamed. It was just a short shriek of fear. My instantaneous response was to bolt upright and scream with an intensity that would be hard to describe. I was screaming in fear, sure enough, but it was also a primal outburst of defense.

I’ve slept in the mountains for decades, and I’ve dealt with some scary stuff in the dark. Bears in camp, moose tangled up in my tarp strings, rats crawling across my face – but I have NEVER been frightened in a way that would come close to those moments in that tent.

I switched on my headlamp and held it in my hand. I asked Natascha what happened. I actually had the wherewithal to say, “Tell me the first thing that comes to your mind. Don’t think, just tell me what happened.”

She said almost nothing, simply stating, “I saw a face.”

Natascha later explained that she felt blocked, like it was simply impossible to tell what she had actually seen. She also tried to articulate that she was perhaps still in a lingering realm where time had a different meaning, and I was firmly in our time reality, and it created a sort of disconnect between us.

While in the tent in the moments after our screaming session, I stammered to Natascha, in a voice on the verge of panic: “Look – if we need to – we can just leave – right now – we can leave the tent set up and just drive to town and get a hotel room – we can do that if we need to…”

I was freaked-out, and it came out in my voice. This is something I would never say in any normal circumstance.

She asked me, “Do you believe in evil ghosts?”

I thought carefully and replied, “No.” My response was less out of honesty, and more an attempt to keep the mood from getting any scarier.

At some point I looked at my watch, and it was only 11:40 PM. My reaction was, oh sh*t, it’s so early and now we have to worry about scary stuff for the rest of the night!

I had one arm over Natascha as we lay there. We sat in silence for a short time, we must have spoken a little, but I can’t remember anything of what we said. Perhaps we were both silent. I know my heart was pounding, and my thoughts seemed trapped in a kind of horror.

I lay there thinking, “This is f*cking terrifying. This is insane. How could I EVER camp out here? How could I ask for this kind of f*cking sh*t!” My mind was spiraling out of control.

I ended up chanting a repetitive mantra in my head, “Love and Light, Love and Light, Love and Light…” Over and over and over. This is how Anya Briggs ends her emails, and it might seem corny, but I really MEANT it!

At one point I put my arm back in my own sleeping bag and promptly fell asleep. I have to say it seems weird as I write this that I could slip back into sleep after being SO freaking’ terrified. It seems impossible that we could both simply doze off again.

Later that same night I had a dream. This was a weirdly vivid dream. It took place inside the same tent, no dreamlike distortion, it was very accurate to the interior of the tent. (see the illustration above)

I saw a big round mandala figure up and too my left, situated in a very specific point in the tent. It was a simple circle about the size of a large pizza with a lone dot in it’s center. It looked very much like the blurry cataract image in my right eye, and strangely flat unlike a 3D orb. (more on that below).

Then I was floating up off the floor of the tent. The sensation of slowly up rising felt strangely familiar. I thought to myself, “I need to remember this – I need to remember this – I need to remember this…”

Then the the environment of the tent changed to a backdrop of white light. I thought, “Am I on a table? Am I on a table?” I didn’t understand where I was. It was a mysterious realm with a uniform white glow around me. Was I on my back? Was I upright?

The dream abruptly ended when Natascha spoke up and said, “Mike, you are floating!” I don’t think she actually said this, but I remember it clearly in that dream state. Her words sort of pulled me back down onto the sleeping pad, and the dream ended.

The next morning we immediately began to talk about the events of the night and more details emerged.

I asked Natascha what she saw that made her scream, and she explained that she saw a face within a circle. I pressed her for more details and she said, “I can’t say, but the only thing that seems to match is that drawing you did, of the face in the circle from your blog.” [ link ]

This was very curious, she didn’t know about my dream yet, and she described something very similar to the round mandala I saw. The way it looked to me was like the image I see in my right eye.

I asked where the face was positioned, at the time I assumed it was directly over her, centered above her face. She instead pointed up and off to her left, at an area in the wall of the tent – exactly where I saw the glowing circle in my dream. Again, I hadn’t shared the events of my dream yet.

What actually might have happened is very difficult to say. I cannot dismiss the irrational fear that overcame both of us. This feeling of terror was entirely different than any emotion I have ever experienced, amplified in a way that seems extraordinary. I must have sensed something beyond a jolt of surprise when Natascha woke me with a short scream.

What is even more bizarre was the extremely vivid nature of my dream, along with the matching details to whatever Natascha witnessed. This is also extremely curious.

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13 Responses to Twilight Zone in the Tent

  1. Mike Clelland! says:

    From my end, it did NOT feel like ET contact.

    It felt decidedly weirder, like contact with an emorphic presence that was peering in from beyond some inter-dimensional curtain (hows that for vague).

    Natascha is following this up with another story just a few days later.I managed to sleep thru this one – but it seems I spoke (and quoted myself the next morning)

    Peace to all
    Mike C!

  2. Nancy says:

    Hmm, my last comment did not appear. I'll see if this one does.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm with the others – ET contact.
    Vicki D – where've you been? All okay in your world? Glad you're back!

  4. Vicki D. says:

    The first thing I thought ,and felt,was that this was an alien contact especially because you both fell asleep so quickly and you seemed disoriented.
    Your drawing of that face seemed very alien.
    Very interesting story.

  5. Natalie says:

    My first reaction was E.T contact. The other thing that sticks with me, is the fact that Natascha felt unusually emotional before you went to bed. I am wondering if the energy was already hanging around Natascha in some capacity at the pizza place?
    Wow, what a terrifying experience.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Mike, ditto to your comments. In our upstairs bed in the middle of the night, something woke me…I thought it was the vertical blinds moving and rattling tho there was no fan or wind. Then I sat bolt upright screaming….my scream was blood-curdling, woke my husband. We both saw an entity standing by our sliding glass door that goes to the deck off the bedroom. Entity was tall; silvery; had some kind of weapon-looking thing pointed at us. Looked like one of those big round thingies that swat teams use. When we both came up screaming and caught the good look at it, it vanished. Next night, I woke up with a bloodcurdling scream again, terror was indefinable, husband woke up. This time the entity, (same one?), was standing over by the interior door to the hall. Inhuman fear for my husband and me. Just before it "evaporated", for lack of a better description, it somehow gave me a mental message "this is a scanner, not a weapon". Looked like a weapon to my husband and me!! Must say here that for many years my husband was king of the sceptics, but after years of my and one of our sons'"encounters", during a few of which husband has actually seen them himself, he now knows "they" exist and are real. And they can scare us beyond any capability of describing! I've learned that in my encounters and my sons, we are generally left with only partial memories. Regarding your experience while camping….I won't even drive by myself down a side road after dark; that's how paranoid I've become. If a street or road isn't well-traveled or doesn't have lots of lights or houses/stores, I'll drive ten miles out of the way before driving it alone. Wuss? You bet!!

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I loved this story when I read it on Mike's blog and love it now.
    – Trish

  8. Mike Clelland! says:

    Relply to anonymous:

    Both Natascha and I have a lot of experiences in our lives that certainly "point" to some sort of ET contact. (as does Lucretia-Heart in her comments after the fact) We can't dismiss that.

    This felt so intensely WEIRD. Something beyond any kind of "normal" fear.

    No good answer, it simply felt paranormal. THat said, it is weird that I repeatedly asked myself: "Am I on a table?"

    word varificatin = gulbil
    (like gulabile?)

  9. Anonymous says:

    Could have been an ET contact experience, with the entities leaving "screen memories" or "blocking", but not completely, because she awakened and screamed. Maybe, maybe not. But is is VERY familiar! cjc

  10. Mike Clelland! says:

    Lucretia-Heart left a comment on my blog concerning the story above. We’ve only spoken once, and it was over a year ago.

    Her excellent site:

    She wrote:

    "THAT'S the night I totally felt, out of the blue, like I needed to talk to you … It's not like me, and yet I couldn't stop thinking you and I needed to be talking that night. It would have been midnight? One am? for you I think … My bizarre need to contact you that particular night is an odd synchronicity for sure. I am not prone to up and calling people late at night … Yet I felt compelled. Huh..!"

  11. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Wow, so much going on in this story. So many possible interpretations. Very interesting!

  12. Cole says:

    Great story! Makes me rethink the idea of camping out in Bryce Canyon in a few weeks. We will see, spur of the moment camping trip brought up. Maybe I will opt for the hotel option. I tend to believe if it felt really, really, real, (gulp), maybe it was.
    Thanks for bringing it to us MacGregors.

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what a story! fantastic in its detail – especially intriguing with both them having experienced it – curious about the location aspect and possible connection to the experience – great multi-layered story!

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